
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Friday Sillies: What news is making the headlines?

I shared last week some crazy headlines that a friend sent us in an email. Here are a few more…

Looks like the editor didn’t know how to spell this state with the time-old trick of … M.I. Crooked letter, Crooked letter. I. Crooked letter, Crooked letter. I. Humpback, Humpback. I.

Also, study finds… Spelling is an obstacle!


Dah…what were you expecting to find?


Yeah, but sometimes homicide victims will talk to a medium.


What about his head? You know that’s gotta hurt!



Who would have thought?

That’s your birds and the bees lesson for today… too much sex may make it easier to get pregnant. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

You have to wonder about the editors who come up with these headlines. Don’t they EVER read what’s going to press?

Rounding things up for the weekend with Hilary now in… Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun!

  1. I would like to have a lovely dinner out,  but not while it’s winter, as I can’t get dressed up the way I want or else I will freeze to death!
  2. Photography is my favorite hobby of choice and I love sharing my views through the lens with you.  Don’t forget to take a peek at this week’s photos ops with Skywatch Friday & Wordless Wednesday, if you get a chance.
  3. When it comes to stupidity,  I have little tolerance for it! (It’s quite obvious with the above headlines there was a lot of stupidity going on, so in this case I got a good laugh over this kind of stupidity. )
  4. Once upon a time my little children played quietly & peacefully (for the most part)with my 4-walls, but now they are grown, living on their own, with the world as their playground.

For more laughs visit, Louis la Vache!

Keep smiling and a have laughtastic weekend!



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7 thoughts on “Friday Sillies: What news is making the headlines?

  1. Even I know that little rhyme!
    Going out on a date definitely calls for more casual attire during out winter months too. Sometimes I just say what the heck and wear whatever I want — and then ask to be seated by the fireplace. ha

  2. Hi Cathy
    Phew I feel quite exhausted I’ve had a morning of giggles – these are great! I’m glad I don’t have to learn to spell Mississippi (Now if that is wrong blame my spell checker!!!!
    Wren x

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