Well, we’re past the half-way mark for the month. The weekend is here once again. I’m very happy because this is DH’s off Friday. We don’t have anything exciting planned, other than we are still trying to get some organizing done with the new and old cars. The forecast looks good and it’s going to be the last day for awhile, so we need to seize the opportunity. Anywho, why not try on some laughs with these Friday Sillies!

That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor for Shadow Song Titles on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!
, Cathy

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Oh, Cathy, I am sorry to hear about your fall. You poor thing, you seem to be having a streak of bad luck. Sending prayers and hugs. I fell a few years ago and landed on my left hand. I used an actipatch loop to get rid the bruising and help the pain, which worked extremely well. I never went to a doctor since I was able to move it. However, it looked out of whack and would get achy.
Well, after several years, I decided to go back to getting my nails done and they massage your hands and arms as part of their service. This did wonders for my hand and it’s as good as new.
The pregnancy Q&A is hilarious.
Sending more prayers and hugs.
I trip over my toes all the time. I usually am able to catch myself but this time I had my hands in my jacket pocket and I couldn’t react fast enough. I will change out my chin bandage this evening. I got a small superficial cut that doesn’t need stitches. I just bleed a lot no matter the severity of it. I’m not sure what an actipatch loop is but I will Google this product. Sometimes self-help methods work fine and it’s not necessary to see a doctor. I prefer to do what I can for myself when I feel it’s nothing worrisome. I’m glad you enjoyed the sillies. Thanks for the hugs and prayers, my friend!
This is a promising device. If my chronic neck pain becomes too much of an issue down the road then I may consider trying this to see if it works. Thanks for sharing the link!
cathy – just read about your fall! hope nothing is broken and you feel better real quick.
I don’t think anything is broken. It was a bit scary last night, though. Overall I’m very stiff on my left side of my body, my chin is very sensitive, and my left jaw doesn’t feel quite normal near my ear. I’m hoping that will improve before I call my doctor Monday morning. Thanks for your concerns. I know God was with me when I took the tumble and kept my injuries down to a minimal.
haha love that song!! and then I have to check out the videos in the comments. That cat drawing is so cute! have a great weekend.
Those are all great funnies, but the pregnancy Q&A made me laugh loudest!
ROTFLMAO re the “Sounds of Starbucks”!
And here it thought it was the cat walking on the keyboard that hit the delete button.
Sounds of Starbucks, that is clever!
It probably is the cat, too.
Great funnies! And I agree about the phone slamming!!!
It’s nice to have a day where NOTHING is planned! Enjoy!
On DH’s off Fridays we like going to the mountains but with everything on our plates that need finishing up then we can’t get away. I wish we had today, though. I had another mishap with a mighty fall and my chin hitting the concrete steps going up to our porch. I had my hands in my jacket pockets and I couldn’t them out in time to break the fall, so it was full force. If I hadn’t shifted my head up and back then I would’ve hit the edge of the step across my forehead or the eyes/nose area. That would’ve most certainly sent me to the hospital immediately. I’m a bit worried that I might have a dislocated jaw but I think I can hold off until Monday to see my doctor borrowing no complications between now and then. Going to the ER is too much trouble when you’re not about to die, you know? Maybe, I’ll regret this decision tomorrow morning but we’ll wait to see how it goes.
I hope your weekend is going better than mine so far.
Oh my gosh Cathy…how awful! I cringed at the thought of your chin hitting the ground…but I very much can relate to not wanting to go to the ER. Last week I had something in my eye that was so painful, but I wasn’t on death’s door…so I waited. Luckily though, it was a pet hair that I was able to flush out with water after trying for two days. Going to the ER means waiting up to 24 hours to see a doctor who may not even be able to help. I hope you’ll be okay. I think if you dislocated your jaw, you’d know it right? Best to be safer than sorrier though. xxx
The reason for my concern is my teeth don’t seem to meet on the right side toward my ear and there’s some pain and stiffness. I’m heading to bed, maybe things will be better in the morning. xx
Oh dear…that sounds like something that would bother me. I hope you’re better!
My teeth seem to line a bit better than I first thought but I still notice a slight misalignment and pain in or near the jaw joint near my ear. I’m glad it’s not horribly painful all the time which it certainly could’ve been considering how hard I hit the concrete but as I said, God kept the fall from being worse.
Someone needs to write an app to simulate the sound of someone violently hanging up…
That’s a good idea. You’re a programmer, right? Maybe, you need to it! I often thought about taking an online app developing courses Apple offers but haven’t done it yet.
Those were good, thanks for the giggles today!
Hi, Cathy!
I thought you were going to leave us Sillyless this Friday!
I checked back here all morning long and found no Sillies post. I checked again at noon and finally found it, even though it is still not in my reader. Maybe it has been “Friday loading” all this time. 
I enjoyed the two-part cartoon with the old school dog who ate homework and the modern dog who simply presses the “delete” button. How true it is that you can’t hang up on someone with as much emphasis as you could using the old dial phones. The Pregnancy Q&A was hilarious and again, so very true.
You know you’re getting old when song parodies are based on a recent cover instead of the original you knew so well from your teenage years. Simon & Garfunkel released “The Sound of Silence” in the mid 60s, but Tim Hawkins’ “The Sounds Of Starbucks” parody makes reference to the 2015 song and video by the heavy metal band Disturbed. The lyrics are clever and the video well done. I’m surprised Weird Al Yankovic hasn’t recorded a parody of the song. I went searching and found several other parody covers of that iconic Disturbed mewsic video including this one:
… and a song called “Hello Coffee My Old Friend”:
… and another called “The Sound Of Violence Batman Parody”:
Thank you very much for the Friday giggles, dear friend Cathy. I’m glad I didn’t miss them. Have a great weekend!
I goofed by using the wrong date. I’m glad I noticed it didn’t publish. I haven’t listened to your parodies yet but I will. I had another mishap early this evening and I’m not feeling my best. Long story short I fell hard hitting my chin on some steps outside. I probably will see my doctor on Monday because I’m concerned that dislocated my jaw. I can’t believe the streak of bad luck I’m having! Say a prayer that my injury isn’t as bad as I think. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll see improvement and can make a better assessment of my condition. Have a good weekend!
That Sounds of Starbucks–made my day.
Cathy, I am very sad to learn that you fell and injured your chin on concrete. How horrible! You really are having a bad luck streak lately. I hope you were able to sleep, and I hope you can get it checked out and find that it isn’t as serious as you thought. I will be praying for your complete recovery, dear friend. Bless your heart!
Bwahahahahaha on that video. I’d not heard that one before.
Love the Pregnancy Q&A.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Love you. ♥
Sandee, A FB friend shared the pregnancy Q&A and when I saw it cracked me up royally. I knew I had to share it. I’m glad you enjoyed my sillies. Have a good weekend!