
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Friday giggles: Peeping Toms ~ Taking aim ~ Mother thinking ~ Haircut needed and more Friday fun!

Another week is coming to an end. It’s once again time for your weekly dose of Friday Sillies. Over weeks and months I’ve collected a random stash of funnies. I can’t tell you where I picked them up, some might have come from you and others while doing Google search. Where ever I found my snicker treasures I’m passin’ them on to you armed to turn your frown upside down or break your face with an ear to ear grin or better still a deep belly laugh that makes you hurt in a good way.

Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements for us to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Rounding things out this is how I filled in the blanks.


1. I wish I could tell me teenage self you’re ten times smarter than you think, you’re beautiful (slight exaggeration but I feel beautiful), and you possess talents waiting to be nurtured. Don’t hold back, embrace life, and run with it because you’re a winner. I could go with what I’d tell my teen self but that might be too much for a kid to understand. I wonder if I’d even listen to myself?

2. I think the most romantic movie is …there really are too many to name. Some of the most romantic films I’ve seen are those that take place during the Christmas season but for Valentine’s Day.  A few modern day productions include “Kate & Leppold”, “You’ve Got Mail”, “Sleepless in Seattle”, and  ‘Groundhog Day’. Yeah, you don’t think of that one as being’ ‘romantic’ but it is, in its hilarious way. The story of a guy being stuck in the same day trying to get it right with the woman he thought wasn’t his type, who was actually the girl of his dreams. How much mushier can you get than that? Of course, ‘Titanic” is a good one and then there’s the old classics like ‘Casablanca’ with Boggie and Bergman’s magic on the screen that’ss  a total winner!

3. September 2018 was the last time I was at my late in-laws home gathering up some of our things in storage and DH getting the things his parents left in the will. I doubt we’ll ever go back now the home belongs to someone outside the family. How sad!  After the heartaches we’ve dealt with, I hope we can spare our children and their children any of these burdens.  You think  your children are one way, even your children regard themselves and their siblings a certain way but when that bubble breaks! That’s when you come face to face with the other side of a person’s personality that you never expected or even dared believe possible. I constantly remind myself and DH that God will work things out. Maybe,we’ll never see it but He will deal with those who weren’t good to us.
4. Usually, our winter’s have this weird weather pattern of off and on wet, spring-like temperatures that happens too often. We never know if it’s going to winter or spring but one thing for sure is when spring does get here I betcha Old Man Winter will make one last grand play. He always does!

Click HERE to join the Friendly Fill-ins party!


Normally I have more time on this Friday to visit in Blogosphere because DH works but today, we have to take our car to get the repairs estimate from the accident in late November when a tractor trailer hit us. That’s all for now. Don’t forget to join me tomorrow to learn how your favorite artist in my last showdown in Ace of Heart 3rd round BoTB results. Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends! X💋X💋, Cathy


X💋X💋, Cathy

More Friday linky parties…

Disclaimer:  Comics used in herein unless otherwise noted, do not belong to me but are borrowed resources from the world wide web with the expressed purpose to make others smile or giggle and if both happen great.

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13 thoughts on “Friday giggles: Peeping Toms ~ Taking aim ~ Mother thinking ~ Haircut needed and more Friday fun!

  1. Your funnies always make me smile and laugh. I appreciate that so much. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! You are so, so right with #1. We never give ourselves enough credit when we’re young. And our weather sounds a lot alike. We’re actually expecting something like half a foot of snow today, but for the past week it’s just been rain and mud and puddles everywhere. I hope your week is going wonderfully!

  2. All the funnies made me laugh, and thank you for that. The peeping toms is my fave.

  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sorry about whatever happened with your in-laws. It is sad that so many families break apart once the folks are gone. All great movie choices. And I love those peeping Toms- I would invite them right in 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  4. Love all the funnies and especially those peeping toms. That was most adorable.

    Love your fill-ins and yes God does take care of those that were not kind to us. Just be kind and I know you’ll do that.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

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