Hello, Kittens and Dawgs! It’s unofficially summer which means I’m throwing caution to the wind and blogging as the mood strikes. During my period of absence so far I’ve worked like a little maniac to fix broken links within and other buggy things about post content which brings me to why I decided to share today.
It realized going through my post archives I failed to share a very pretty skyview while in Naples, Florida March 2013 and I wanted to corrected that now.
Sitting on the beach with good friends basking in the sun’s warmth, listening to the lulling sounds of the ocean, and squalks of seagull as the glow in the sky got richer in color as it sunk across the horizon was an utterly amazing experience. I consider it one of my highlights from our awesome trip. It would be incredible to do this again! I’m definitely sharing this photo memory with fellow photo enthusiasts linking with Skywatch Friday!
Not being the kind of gal who does things half-way, I’m bringing to you my typical Friday Fun Stuff. Starting with Celebrate The Small Things!

Today, I’m celebrating finally getting the broken links repaired or removed. I’m celebrating good friends such as you. It’s you who makes blogging fun giving me the driving force to keep at it but sometimes keeping at it for long stretches means hiatus is needed. I’m celebrating the longer days. I love the happiness of lots of sunshine, not necessarily the heat it brings but the cheer! Now, I’m off to visit Lexa and others to see what they’re celebrating.
What are you celebrating?
Next I’m sharing my fill-ins to Annie an Ellen statements. You’re welcome to play along in comments if you don’t want to share in your own post.
- A law I would like to see passed is to bump the age of drinking and voting to 25. Why 25? The part of the brain that controls judgement isn’t developed until one’s mid-20s. I never understood why the law says it’s okay to vote at 18 and enlist in the Armed Services, but one has to wait until age 21 to drink alcohol; both need good decision-making skills which often times you’re not going to find an 18 or 21 year old pocesses.
- My favorite card game is Spider Solitaire, which I’m hooked on thanks to my FIL who taught me how to play.
- With Summer unofficially here, I’m ready to kickback and unwind; keeping blogging low-key doing things in an easy-going, no-rush mode.
- A favourite Summer memory is spending time with my uncle and aunt at their home in Panther Creek, WV. This was like a vacation for me.
And finally…some giggles! You didn’t think I’d forget your weekly dose of laughs, did you?
What’s got you giggling today? Are you slacking off now that it’s unofficially summer?
Have a funtastic, laugh-out-loud weekend and don’t forget to hit the dance floor with tunes to honor your brothers and sisters on Monday Mewsic Moves Me!
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Ahhh yes, how we used to look at the world….at a globe, look outside, in a book….how retro:) it’s funny about the dog connecting with a cat:) It’s so true when the hydro goes out…we are crippled at work! Nothing is working, not even the phones. I love spider solitaire
The phones don’t work when the power goes off? That’s interesting. I remember when we had a landline that we could communicate with the outside world. Now our home phone uses VOiP and when the power goes, so does it. Thankfully, we have our cell phones.
I loved those cartoons. Even if old, they are still so funny. And, being in my 60’s, I well remember the “original” Facebook, Instagram, and more. Thank you for brightening my Sunday.
Most of my viewers, including myself remember how socializing used to be done.
What a glorious picture! You have every right to be very proud of it. Thanks so much for posting for CTST! More sunlight gives a lift to the spirits and you need it with your head in the computer fixing broken links all the time! I agree with you about that law. Teens can be so irresponsible and a car can be as dangerous as a gun. The farmer’s head is in the Dell! HAHA! (Instead of writing, I play too much Spider Solitaire, too. Don’t tell anyone…)
The “Farmer in the Dell” is a cute cartoon. You’re right, a car can be just as dangerous as a gun when good judgment is ignored. Unfortunately, most gun related deaths are caused by evil people who’s intent is to do harm. They are more dangerous than the gun because of what’s in their hearts. These people will always find away to hurt others. That’s truly sad, too.
Your secret is safe with me. We may need to form the A.S.S. (Addicted to Spider Solitaire) club.
I giggled at the first funny. Glad to hear that you’re enjoying the longer days. The extra light does brighten the mood. What a pretty sunset too!
It’s amazing how the sunlight enhances one’s mood. I love these long days!
Thanks for the smile – and for the lovely sky shot.
I’m delighted to make you smile!
That is a beautiful sky view from Naples, Cathy. I’ve only ever been there due to a family tragedy. I went with my daddy, so along with the bad memories, are also good memories of taking such a long trip, just me and him going down there. We had a couple of his grand-kids with us coming back. Its the only time I ever went on a trip alone with my daddy. There were some very funny moments on that trip.
I tend to agree with your answer to #1. It never made sense to me that folks could join the military at age 18, but couldn’t have a gun or drink until they were 21. I don’t think they need to be drinking anyway, and I think the military has their own laws about that. But some age-related laws are just messed up.
I hope that you have a nice, relaxed summer and get to go to some pretty fun places.
I especially love your Vintage Social Media image and I learned something new. I have never head of Imgur.
Have a blessed weekend!
We plan to enjoy things close to home while DH’s eye continues to mend. I’m sure about the time things are settling from his first surgery the next round of procedures will follow. That’s just the way things go it seems. Oh well…the good thing is we live in the area and we’ll have plenty of chances to enjoy everything around us when life slows down a bit and DH is able to enjoy it more. I hope you and David have a nice summer, too. BTW, any news on your cataract surgery?
Hi, Cathy, I hope that your DH continues to have a healthy recovery and that his eyes are perfectly healed.
Even if you can’t go anywhere that would seem special, there are lots of treasures in our own yards and close to home. We just have to look for them. That’s what I’m doing, trying to bloom where I’m planted and discovering the treasures in this yard.
No surgery yet. When I went to see the doctor, he said the cataracts are not “ripe” yet and that it would potentially do more harm than good to operate before they are ripe. So, I go back in October to see how they are progressing (or not progressing, whichever is the case). He won’t know until that visit if they are the fast kind or the slow kind. I’m hoping for the slow kind. Who knows, maybe I’ll croak before they ripen and can avoid the surgery all together.
Have a blessed day, my friend.
I’m looking for opportunities to photograph. Over the past two weekends, we explored a bit and I snapped a few photos. Nothing earth shattering but it was fun anyhow. I need to sort through the few I captured to see if any are worthy of sharing.
Your yard is brimming with wildlife and interesting photo ops.
Cathy, cool! I look forward to seeing whatever you share.
I’ve spent so much time photographing the birds and squirrels that I’ve kind of neglected the bugs and lizards out there. I haven’t been blessed to see a snake yet this season, but I’m on the lookout for one. I just hope when I do, it doesn’t see me.
I don’t know if I have mentioned it already, but I found out something way cool a week or so ago. Our entire town is a bird sanctuary.
Have a blessed night!
I think there should be a federal law making the minimum age to purchase or possess tobacco 25. A scannable ID would be required to purchase and if you are caught with a tobacco product and no ID, you go to jail. The same for alcohol. And buying these for someone underage would result in mandatory jail time.
The military, on the other hand, is the only way some kids grow up.
Yes, I forgot about tobacco purchase. That definitely needs to be 25. I do believe there needs to be punishment but jail time might not fit the crime. Perhaps, putting these offenders in orange jumpsuits with a sign that reads, “I WAS CAUGHT WITH CAUGHT WITH A CIGARETTE” and made to pick up trash along the highway or other some other highly public community service is a better sentence for these types of offenders. I think it shouldn’t be for one day, either. Maybe, a month of Saturdays for the first timers and if it’s a repeater then more time is given.
The military is the only way some kids grow up. They definitely need that tough, strict discipline to reshape their lives but I wonder how those who are really troubled face real life or people in general once they leave the service. Do you know?
Thank you, Cathy. You know how to have fun! It is like a mini-trip! I agree with you. 25 is really the age of beginning to understand how the world works. 18 is just too young to get it. Spider anything sounds creepy! HUGS!
The sad things is all 25 years olds and younger can’t see this truth. I know I didn’t. Yeah, I remember thinking the same thing about spider anything being creepy but I don’t think that so much about the card game anymore.
Hello, I love watching the sunset over the water. Lovely capture. I enjoyed the funnies! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!
Eileen, I’m delighted you stopped by for a peek at the sunset over the Gulf and for a few giggles. Have a good weekend!
Spider solitaire makes me crazy. I prefer, in no special order: Batsford, Canfield, Klondike, and Yukon.
John, Spider Solitaire makes me crazy, too. I just keep at it. Sometimes I win but most of the time I don’t.
I’m not familiar with the card games you mentioned and unless there’s someone to show me how to play then I’ll probably never learn.
Klondike is the one most people call Solitaire: Seven rows on the foundation, build cards down in alternating colors, build up from aces to kings. The others are variations on the theme. I got a book years ago called “33 Ways To Play Solitaire,” back in the days when I played with actual cards, and taught myself different ways to play. I had too much time by myself in hotel rooms…
Thanks for explaining. I used to play Klondike but didn’t know what it was called. lol I taught myself how to play. I remember as a kid I’d see my best friend’s mother playing it all the time and I was mesmerized by the game. I didn’t know how it worked but for some reason, it intrigued me. It wasn’t until after I was an adult that I learned and this was in the days before the internet. lol
It’s a reasonably easy game to pick up on your own, and if you have a book of solitaire games, you’d be amazed at how many you can teach yourself. Of course, I play on computer now, but in the pre-computer days I would carry a deck of cards with me.
Love the sunset! Very funny Vintage Social Networking! Have a great weekend.
Social networking has really changed alot, hasn’t it? lol
I am celebrating the fact that I visit Israel from 5-15 June! (My blog is ergo on a hiatus during that time.)
I love the “Computers are down so we have to (play solitaire) manually” comic!
Enjoy your trip to Israel! Sounds exciting!!
Beautiful sky photo! I enjoyed reading your fill – in answers (I’ll be doing mine later). Those funnies did make me smile.
Happy Friday!
I’m glad you enjoyed the beautiful Naples sunset. We have some pretty one in setting over the mountains in Tennessee and western North Carolina where I often take my local sunset shots but occasionally I’ll snap some over area lakes which are equally nice. Thanks for stopping in for look and visit. Have a good weekend!
I’ll bet it is just beautiful where you are. I’ve always wanted to see NC and TN. I know there’s lots of trees! We here in west TX don’t have that many. It’s flat, dry, and dusty most of the time. Thanks for sharing your lovely sunset!
I love those funnies- especially the before the internet one
Thanks for joining in the fill-ins, great answers. I think your law is a good idea, I also always wondered how one could die for their country at 18 and not get to drink. 25 is a good age choice, I know you can’t rent a car until you are 25. Have a nice weekend!
Thanks, Ellen! Yeah, someone told me that you can’t rent a car years ago. I didn’t know the reason until today. Apparently, insurance companies know this little thing about the judgment not being fully developed before the mid-20s and so that’s why you can’t rent a car. Although it’s not really practical, it makes you wonder why we allow teenagers to drive 3000+ pounds of metal down the highway. I don’t know how God keeps everyone safe from countless idiots on the road let along the under judgment development crowd. It’s a good thing He’s the all knowing and all seeing and multi-tasking is easy peasy for Him. Thanks for visiting today!
A delightful post to start the weekend and summer too. Thanks for sharing!
Blogoratti, Thank you for visiting like always and have a blessed weekend!