
19-03-2025 Vol 19

Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun

Let’s show some love this morning by tweeting the news (#F5-bloghop) about this fun Friday blog hop found at Feeling Beachie.
Here are today’s fill-ins:

  1. When I young, I couldn’t wait until I was older and now that I am, I wish I were young again. I’ve come full circle.
  2. It is pretty funny that I didn’t make better use of my youthful days doing the things a kid should do, which has led me to constantly remind my own kids as they were growing up to make the most of the nonsense days they have doing whatever they want because all too soon they will wish for those days again and will not ever be able to get them back.
  3. 3. It may be strange but I find a certain peace about my play time (blogging) and it gives me that little extra something to help each day run a little smoother in spite of how it consumes too much of my time.
  4. 4. How God made me is a bit of a mystery because there is no other person like me, but then again you can say the same thing about yourself. We are all unique creations of the Master.

It’s Friday and Fridays mean fun, right? If you are ready for a dose of laughter, then visit my newest edition of Friday Sillies.


Would you be interested in participating in a birthday spotlight on my blog? If so, please leave your birthday (month, day,  & year or what you’re most comfortable doing) and your home page URL in my comments.  This is in the idea-making stage with plans to run birthday announcements either on your birthday, or weekly, or monthly. I have yet to determine the frequency. I hope you’ll decide to join the fun!

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