
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Five Question Friday & More Blog Hops

The weekend is here at last! I’m conflicted how to feel about this, though. Yeah, normally I’d be jumping up and down for joy. Who wouldn’t?  However, this weekend my husband stands a chance to work (hot project).

I don’t mind, really I don’t, but he’s my best bud and I LOVE spending time with him! Of course, if you’ve followed me for sometime then that comes as no shock, right?  Oh well…at least he’s working just across town unlike two hours away, which he did for a decade (despite the distance THAT job was a real God send & blessing) so I’m not complaining.  We are so thankful he has a nice place to work with a good boss and co-workers. What more can you ask from a job?

I’m joining in on a new blog hop brought to you via My Little Life and if you want more Friday meme fun, then click on my Blog Hop tab at the top.

1. Vow renewal ceremonies-yay or nay?  I use to romanticized about doing this, but now I think about it one way or the other.  We have a solid, happy marriage so to renewal our vows I feel like it’s not necessary.  I would see the importance of doing this, though, if a marriage is rocky as a way to signify a new commitment in a low-key informal ceremony.

  1. What sound/s annoy you the most? Just about any high pitch shrill sound i.e. chalk or fingernails across a blackboard or metal chair legs being pulled across a hard floor.
  2. If you had to pick, would you have only all boys or only all girls for kids? I wouldn’t want to pick.  In fact, I always wanted both sexes and thankfully blessed with two daughters and one son.  Both have their difficulties in dealing with, yet it’s rewarding to have girls and a boy. 
  3. Do you believe in alternative medicine? I would have to question alternative on a case per case basis, but alternative as in self-help, preventable medicine than yeah I’m totally for this and of course, if I were terminally ill with no hope of conventional medicine be successful then I’d consider giving anything a try.
  4. Would you take a family member’s children and raise them if they needed it? This is a tricky question, I’m not sure I can answer this one and I hope I’m never put in this situation.  I would suppose it would largely hinge on the circumstances surrounding becoming a legal parent or guardian for another child.
with Janet!
  1. Summer is the time to relax and enjoy the long days.

2. God is unchanged yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God changes not!

  1. Aargh! I can’t seem to get woken up this morning even after two cups of coffee.

4. I always look forward to having my coffee in the morning.

  1. Seven: Wonders of the World – Stonehenge, Colosseum of Rome, the Great Pyramid of Giza, Taj Mahl, Grand Canyon, Golden Gate Bridge, Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)_.
  • Bill Cosby is one of the best comedians of all times, don’t you think?
  • And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to seeing my husband has to work this weekend, tomorrow my plans include the things I don’t get accomplished today or it could revolve complete around a fun outing, if my husband doesn’t have to work and Sunday, I want to have some down time, doing whatever we want as family!

  • Have a Fabulous Friday!



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    2 thoughts on “Five Question Friday & More Blog Hops

    1. I too am happy to have both boys and girls and won’t pick one gender over the other. Visiting from 5QF

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