A break in the weather has arrived. There is no sign of that white fluff falling from the sky which as been with us for the last two weeks. Thankfully, the sun is showing its beautiful shining face today. I guess the angels must have spilled a ton of pain. The saturated blue sky is gorgeous, like in this photo somewhere over Nevada I borrowed from the net. Now if only the warmth would return. The forecast is calling for a slight change in temperatures for the better over the next few days, but we’re not out of the winter woods yet. For now, I’m going to soak in the beauty of the day.
Let’s stop for a moment if you care and to play Five Question Friday! An easy, peasy way to start off your weekend…and a fun way to get to know random facts about your fellow bloggers!
Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky to appear Friday morning! Oh, and HAVE FUN!!
Questions for Friday, January 14th: (Special thanks to Sharaya, Kate, Deanna, @trooppetrie, @ChelsVandy for their question suggestions! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? Bring your awesome question suggestions to the community or shout ’em out to @5crookedhalos!

2. What’s your biggest pet peeve right now? At the moment my biggest pet peeve is the weather. I’m so tired of the cold and snow. I want spring to be here already. I hate wishing my days away because of the elements.

4. If you did not have to worry about money or go to school what would you do for a living? I don’t believe I’d change a thing. I’d still be a SAHM who morphed into a children’s author.

5. What is your one “splurge” item, that you will always buy, no matter the cost? A splurge item? Hmm, I do like to splurge, but only on good bargains. If I find a Cherished Teddy I like on sale, then I’d be quick to snatch it up.
I’m new to the 5QF, but I hope to play in this meme on the Fridays I find time to work into my schedule. If you’re interested in getting in on the fun, then please click on the link at the top of my post. Have a terrific Friday!
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Hi Cathy…I became a follower today. I shall return to keep up on things and to see how your book is doing, and read what’s going on with the Kennedys. (:>).
My middle daughter has lost three children and she wrote a book called
“In Faithfulness He Afflicted Me” it was published by Tate Publishing in Oklahoma. You can read about it on her blog. Dancing Barefoot on weathered ground. lynettekraft@blogspot.com
She has written another book called “He Heard Hannah” which goes hand in hand with her first book and tells the story of the 911 operator who took the call the morning her 6 yr. old daughter Anna died.
His life was changed forever because of their story. This second book is finished but not published yet. She is hoping to find a publisher and publicist to promote both books.
She would love to write children’s books, as she has a love for them and is always looking for good ones to read to her smaller children. She has boys would they enjoy your story of the two girls adventures? It sounds really good.
Glad to have found your blog today from Five Question Friday.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
@Pam…thanks for visiting my blog today. Come again!
@Linda…many thanks for joining my following. I visited your blog, too, and am your newest follower. Thanks for telling me about your daughter. I did visit her blog and looked at her book on Amazon. Her story is so touching. Although, I’ve never been in a situation like hers, I am so moved from what I read that I want to read the who story. My brother (40) died in 2006. That was horrible for my parents. We all grieved. But as a parent to lose small ones that somehow seems more of a crushing ordeal. We always do not understand God’s purpose for our lives. It takes a real leap of faith to trust that He knows what He’s doing in our lives sometimes. Thanks for sharing this with me. BTW, thank you for buying a copy of my book! God bless!
following from the hop.
following from the hop.
@Pam…thanks for visiting my blog today. Come again!
@Linda…many thanks for joining my following. I visited your blog, too, and am your newest follower. Thanks for telling me about your daughter. I did visit her blog and looked at her book on Amazon. Her story is so touching. Although, I’ve never been in a situation like hers, I am so moved from what I read that I want to read the who story. My brother (40) died in 2006. That was horrible for my parents. We all grieved. But as a parent to lose small ones that somehow seems more of a crushing ordeal. We always do not understand God’s purpose for our lives. It takes a real leap of faith to trust that He knows what He’s doing in our lives sometimes. Thanks for sharing this with me. BTW, thank you for buying a copy of my book! God bless!
Hi Cathy…I became a follower today. I shall return to keep up on things and to see how your book is doing, and read what’s going on with the Kennedys. (:>).
My middle daughter has lost three children and she wrote a book called
“In Faithfulness He Afflicted Me” it was published by Tate Publishing in Oklahoma. You can read about it on her blog. Dancing Barefoot on weathered ground. lynettekraft@blogspot.com
She has written another book called “He Heard Hannah” which goes hand in hand with her first book and tells the story of the 911 operator who took the call the morning her 6 yr. old daughter Anna died.
His life was changed forever because of their story. This second book is finished but not published yet. She is hoping to find a publisher and publicist to promote both books.
She would love to write children’s books, as she has a love for them and is always looking for good ones to read to her smaller children. She has boys would they enjoy your story of the two girls adventures? It sounds really good.
Glad to have found your blog today from Five Question Friday.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
great answers I enjoyed the husband one and so agree on the weather!!! I did my first five question Friday today come check it out if you have the time Have a great weekend!!!