
19-03-2025 Vol 19

First Things First Family Prize Pack giveaway!

First Things First (FTF) is an award winning not-for-profit organization dedicated to strengthening families in Chattanooga, Tennessee. FTF is a resource that collaborates with and is supported by a broad cross-section of community organizations, groups and individuals. FTF accomplishes it mission through meaningful media messaging and skill building classes.

For years, I wondered what life would be like for us, as a couple, once the children left the house. Now that we are empty-nesters, I found I had nothing to worry about. The bonds that tie my husband and I together are more than our children. We feel like we’re dating each other all over again, except without the good-nights at the door.

Couples who manage to devote time specifically to one another at least once a week are markedly more likely to enjoy high-quality relationships and lower divorce rates, compared to couples who do not devote as much couple time to one another?


How important is it to you to have a date night? What suggestions can you give to husbands & wives to help them begin dating one another all over again?

Did you know….

•    24 million children are growing up in homes without their biological fathers. (watch: Dad’s Way)

•    Only 30% of divorces are due to infidelity, addiction or abuse, 70% of divorces are due to couples feeling disconnected. (watch these videos on marriage: Save Your Marriage & Lost in Translation)

•    Fathers provide unique benefits to their daughters through their active and positive presence from the time of birth all the way through adulthood. (watch: Daddy/Daughter Relationships)

These statistics are interesting and alarming. Do you know anyone who can benefit from these resources? Show some love by sharing this info with others regardless, if you are in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area or not. The web brings everything to the comfort of each family’s home.

To raise awareness of who FTF is and what they do, they asked that I host a fun family giveaway prize pack that includes:


and I would like to invite you to enter below…
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: In compliance to FTC guidelines this is a PartnersHub sponsored post. The author of this blog, Curious as a Cathy, has no personal affiliation with FTF and cannot validate the benefits of the services or resources FTF provides. In exchange for FTF spot on Curious as a Cathy, the author will receive a $10 Amazon GC.


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21 thoughts on “First Things First Family Prize Pack giveaway!

  1. we have tried to make a regular date night but unfortunately have not found a reliable sitter.

  2. could you please provide the link to follow FirstThingsFirst on Twitter. It is not in the entry form and I could not find it doing a search on Twitter. There are other names that have FirstThingsFirst but they are definitely not family oriented. thanks

  3. Don’t have a date night because I don’t have a husband, all my extra time is spent with my my children.

    1. For years we did not have a “date night”, either. Now that the kids are out of the house, we feel like every night is “date night?

  4. Our date nights fluctuated a bit with the birth of our second girl. We still make time at least a couple night a month. We’re so lucky to live near extended family. They’re always willing to help:)

    1. When our kids were small, we never had a “date night”. We use to make time for each other after the rug-rats were in bed, too. But, after they got older the grandparents liked keeping them for a week twice a year and this gave us a wonderful opportunity to enjoy together time. 🙂

  5. I grew up without a dad.. and I know how much it has impacted my life and self esteem. I try to spend quality time with my fiance if we can get someone to watch the kids as much as possible. But even if not.. we snuggle up and watch a movie or have a late meal together after the kids go to bed.


    1. WOW, that must have been hard to not a dad in your life! Society down plays the importance of dads role in the family, but in truth a dad is very much needed. That’s wonderful you & your fiance are making together time. Just keep it up!

  6. We have date nights, but not on any set schedule. We usually need to make arrangements to have someone watch the kids.

  7. The statistics are sad, but not surprising. It is great that FTF is bringing awareness and promoting the family unit.

  8. We do not have a set night but we usually do spend most of the weekend together. thanks

    1. P.S. Bill is gone weeks at a time, so we take advantage of any time we get together. We are in almost constant contact by phone, text, and even email.

  9. The hubby and I hardly ever get alobe time. Most date nights are family outings. We get out at least 2 times a month.

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