Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!
Hockey smoke, it’s July! I hope y’all had a wonderful Independence Day weekend. Ours was spent at home as usual just chillaxing and enjoying some good food. Nothing wrong with celebrating like that now, I tell you! It’s party time, so let’s get this show on the road.
I snagged my post title from a list of football slogans. I don’t which team uses it but I liked it. This probably tips you off to what the first theme for this brand new month is songs played at sporting events. I do not attend sporting events. The closest I come to sports is watching professional football with DH after seeing something on the net I decided to look for touchdown songs and found this list to pull together a playlist.

NFL Touchdown Songs playlist:
- THIS IS HOW WE ROLL ~Florida Georgia Line ft. Luke Bryan
- COWBOYS & CUT CIGARS ~The Burning of Rome
- SHOUT ~The Isley Brothers
I found another good source for songs played at sporting events in this article so I’m gonna share with you another playlist.

Sporting Events’ Songs playlist
- PUMP UP THE JAM ~Technotronic
- THE HOUSE IS ROCKIN’ ~Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble
- CRAZY TRAIN ~Ozzy Osbourne
This month’s honorary co-hostess is our very own, Alana from Ramblin’ with AM
DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians. Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.Have a boogietastic week! XX
, Cathy
, Cathy

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Oh my gosh, such great tunes my friend and I cannot apologize more for being so late. It’s a long story & I don’t want to bore you, but I’m here praise Jesus! What an absolutely marvelous post, great tunes… and you got a hop, skip & a jump with your boogie as always! Love you girlfriend…. HUGS & SMOOCHES!
Great selection of great sports song, including several I wouldn’t have thought of myself (I do say so myself) like When the Saints Go Marching In. You really Pumped Up the Jam with your playlists!
I’m happy I did alright with the theme. It was a challenging one to not go where I thought others might go with this.
Good music
Great mewsic, Cathy! We’d rather watch sports on TV or at our favorite pub. Seems the spirit of the game is lost to politics – too bad! Have a great week ahead,
Yep, sports like everything else has fallen to the hounds of h-e-double toothpicks! What a shame, we can’t enjoy any form of entertainment without someone pushing their agenda on ya. Thanks for boogieing with me, darlin’!
Love the drawings! We were once football fans and now we aren’t interested in their politics. But I still love watching the youngster play and high school too. Once sports go PC we go away. Great playlists, I always love music best. HUGS across the miles.
I hear you on the PC issue. Professional football as well as many other sports are screwing things up by interjecting politics into the mix. Can’t they just leave well enough alone so folks can enjoy the entertainment? We do take note, DH more than me, who’s doing what and we’ll root for the team that has few offenses. I have no desire to buy NFL apparel or go to any of the games, not that we can afford tickets but if we could then it wouldn’t be at the top of my list to do. These dunderheads don’t get it or maybe they just don’t care, people aren’t going to the games to support their teams, the owners, or the players political viewers. They are there for the game. It’s as simple as that. The foundation our country was built on is being chipped away. If those bent on destroying our culture and way of life continue then we won’t be living in America anymore other than in name only and those who look to her as their salvation won’t have a haven any longer. This is so sad. Thanks for boogieing with me, dearie!
Fun Aww and Spark, and how i do love listening to Louis Armstrong.
Louis Armstrong had such an unique voice. It’s hard to believe someone told him that he’d never make it as a singer. lol
I like the drawing. Great music choices too. XO
Thanks, Ellen!
Great songs. Enjoyed them all. Thanks for sharing.
I’m happy you joined me, my friend. Have a good week!
Great songs. I don’t care much about football but it will be fun to see some real time baseball again, even though it is a short season.
Sporting events aren’t what they used to be with all the PC junk being forced on the viewers. How I pray for our country to get back to where she once was more God centered. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, my dear.;)
A couple of really good lists here! Ozzy Osbourne’s “Crazy Train” was Chipper Jones’s “walk up” song (played when the hitter is walking up to hit).
These were new songs for me and what I find surprising is I like some of Ozzy’s stuff. I would’ve never thought that I would.
We liked those playlists even though we no longer watch any football here.
I’m not sure what we’ll do when football starts up again. Things have gotten worse. I know it won’t be nearly as enjoyable and it’s not going to take much to push us right over the edge.
Football isn’t my thing, but the songs you picked….yeah.
I understand football isn’t for everyone, just like baseball, right? lol
Love the pinup and all the music. You know how to do this right.
I’m glad you had a great weekend too. Nothing like enjoying the weekend with the one(s) you love.
Love the ‘before the internet’ graphic. Spot on.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I’m glad you enjoyed the artwork, quotes, and mewsic. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, my dear.
We were obviously thinking along the same lines this week but you were much more in tune with the theme. Nicely done. Have a blessed week.
No worries about being in step with the theme. I’m more interested in the mewsic. The theme is more or less a suggestion. It helps get the brain clicking which I very much need.
Thanks for joining me, my friend!
Glad you had a relaxed weekend and good food, Ck
We had a very cold weekend and it still is furreezing…well…it feels like. We’ll go swimming not now, that’s for sure, but I’m in for a little football with the marmot
Love how you did that drawing! And we loved your mewsic too. ACDC is fabulous! Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead and now let’s Rock..WooHoo…

Yeah, I read on your blog yesterday that it was really cold. What I can’t recall is where you live, can you refresh my memory? While I’ve heard the word marmot I wasn’t sure what kind of critter that was until now, they are basically large ground squirrels. They look more what I call a ground hog. Now I need to see if they are the same animal or just closely related. Thanks for dropping by to dance with me, little furriend!
CK, we’re from the Netherlands
Oh, well, that’s a very diffenent kind of animal. We don’t have those large ground squirrels around here, so we’re happy with the little marmots…MOL..Extra Pawkiss

Thanks for the clarity on your location. I don’t know why I though y’all lived in the UK but that’s close enough…well, not really, but I knew you were across the pond…somewhere. lol I’m still trying to wrap my brain around your recent cold snap. That’s very bizarre! I wonder if the Sahara Dust hanging in our atmosphere played into the weird temperature dip? I looked up marmots and Wiki says Alaska has them but I don’t if any of the lower 48 states have them. I suspect not.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Awww-some 4M Monday, dear friend! I’m happy to learn that you and DH had a safe and restful holiday. I’ll bet you made him some yummy meals over the weekend.
Thanks for bringing your A to Z “No Swimming” pinup sketch back In Living Color. The sign says “No Swimming” but it doesn’t say anything about stripping, Therefore I have no plans to call the cops on her.
It’s nice to see that she’s a redhead. I tend to favor redheads… along with blondes and brunettes.
I love the pretty greens of the grass and trees and the blues of the sky and flowers that brought your drawing to life.
That’s quite a mix of NFL touchdown tunes. I was familiar with the songs by AC/DC, The isleys and “Satchmo” but the first two are new to me. It makes sense that “Saints Go Marching In” would be played whenever the New Orleans team scores a touchdown. The generic Sporting Events play list is also a diverse mix. I well remember “Pump Up The Jam,” the James Brown number and the songs by Kiss, Steam and Ozzy. “Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye” is typically played at a stadium to taunt the visiting team when the home team takes a commanding lead in the game, and the home crowd typically sings along.
In a career training course and again later in motivational seminar workshops I studied the principles of self-help author Napoleon Hill. I appreciate you posting one of his quotes this morning.
Thank you for the mewsic, smiles and inspiration, dear friend Cathy, and have a safe and happy week!
You’re so versed in your mewsic and quotes. I rarely can slip anything new in on you, my friend.
Thanks for the sweet comments on my artwork. I tend to favor redheads, too. Perhaps that’s the wishful Irish in me. It’s funny, my uncle has red hair which passed down to his son and he had a red haired little boy and I believe his youngest daughter inherited red hair (more auburn than bright red), too. But, his two oldest daughters are brunettes. It’s interesting how DNA switches get flipped in each offspring. Thanks for hitting the dance floor with me this week, my friend. Have a rockin’ good day!