
17-03-2025 Vol 19

First Date – G2KM Day 7

First dates, eh?  I don’t know if you can technically call it that, but in my mind it was.  It was February 1975, I was at the tender age of 13 and in the 7th grade.  Gosh, was I ever young!  Valentine’s Day was approaching. My friend, M, told me that her older brother, T, wanted to take me to a church Valentine’s Day party.  T was four years older than me and a junior in high school.  I ecstatic to say the least.  What girl wouldn’t be?  Looking back on the whole thing, I do this a lot lately, I see this wasn’t such a good idea. But, try telling that to a know-it-all teenager.  That would be like words falling on deaf ears.

Surprisingly, my parents agreed to the date.  What’s the big deal with going to a church shindig?  It would be closely supervised and no worries with anything destructive to soil our young minds, right?  LOL  As you can imagine, the party consisted of innocent entertainment – dance music and a few games.  Simple and cute,  huh?  It was a fun night for me.

T and I eventually went steady.  We were a couple for over a year before he broke my heart.  We parted company, never to look back.  Okay…perhaps I looked back.  I was hopelessly, naïve and didn’t see the big picture called ‘life’.  God had other plans.  It allowed me to be free to see the man God wanted for me to share my life with, my darling husband of 31 years.  I think I owe T, a big thank-you, don’t you agree?





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6 thoughts on “First Date – G2KM Day 7

  1. I think those young boys had real nerves to break our hearts. LOL. It is fun to look back and recall our feelings at the time too, the young vulnerable hearts…

  2. I think those young boys had real nerves to break our hearts. LOL. It is fun to look back and recall our feelings at the time too, the young vulnerable hearts…

  3. @Donnie…having our hearts walked on a bit does prepare us somewhat, but more importantly it allows us to move forward hopefully to the right person for our lives.

    @Saimi…glad you were able to visit. I’m glad you liked this piece on getting to know me.

    @Tawna6988…welcome! I certainly will check out your links. Thanks for hopping over.

  4. That was such a sweet walk down Memory Lane. My mom said broken hearts were good because it prepared us to find the best qualities in the man we married. That wasn’t what I thought at the time.

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