
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Every Day, I Count My Blessings God Gave Me You in my Life and I Could Not Ask For More because I’ve Got Plenty To Be Thankful For

Hop over to see Sandee for more Awww Mondays fun-spiration!

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! It’s fabulous to see you!  I’m keeping things low-key today as I prepare for Thanksgiving this week and I say y’all are, too.  Stacy gave us an excellent theme choice this week, “songs of thanksgiving or thankfulness” and that’s precisely what my playlist represents thanksgiving and gratitude. Hit play to enjoy!

My song choices are a mix of old and new discoveries. You’ll find these tracks below on my YT playlist and this list serves to remind me of what I used in case one of the videos get pulled.  That always drives me nuts! 

This month, our very own Stacy served as honorary co-hostess and did a furtastic job on picking themes and today we’re boogieing to Songs about thankfulness or Thanksgiving. You’re invited to join my fellow co-hosts: XmasDolly(4M Brain Child), Stacy,  Alana, &  Colette on the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts) below.

[tweetthis]I am boogieing to “songs of thanksgiving or thankfulness” with the #MondaysMusicMovesMe gang. Come hit the dance floor! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

I’m taking the rest of the week off but I’ll boogie by your place soon.  Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll see you soon. Have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday, my lovelies! 

X💋X💋, Cathy

McGuffy’s Reader is the brain-child behind “SPARKS” inspiration. Have a sparkletastic day! 😉

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33 thoughts on “Every Day, I Count My Blessings God Gave Me You in my Life and I Could Not Ask For More because I’ve Got Plenty To Be Thankful For

  1. I had a couple of phone calls and several texts today that made me realize (once again) how much I have to be thankful for. The Rascal Flatts song was new to me; the Bing Crosby song, especially, expresses thankfulness so well. I hope that you, despite what is happening in your family now, have a good Thanksgiving.

    1. Alana,

      I feel exactly the way you do, all it takes is a few reminders to know how blessed I truly am. There are many others in far worse shape than me and that’s when I’m humbled. Have a blessed day, dear friend!

    1. Patrick,

      Thanks for warm wishes for a good time with my family on Thanksgiving. I’m really looking forward to spending it with my kids. 🙂 I hope you have an equally enjoyable time with yours, my friend. God bless and thanks for boogieing with the 4M gang!

    1. Mewsic and kitties are a great combination, don’t you think? 😉 You might not know this but your Gravatar profile does not link back to your blog and for those who might not know how you came to visit me might not find their way back to you. I’m assuming you’re visiting from ‘Aww Mondays’ but luckily your sign-in email address tells me where I might find you. 😉 Thanks for visiting.

    1. Carol,

      The Thanksgiving kitty is purrfect for this week’s Awww Monday and the holiday at hand. I’m with you, I’m thankful every day, too. >^.^<

    1. Mike,

      I met to come back by but got busy in the kitchen pulling some last dishes together. I have one more thing to do before Thanksgiving (make a home-made stack cake) and I’m going to tackle that today. Thanks for sharing the direct link to your 4M post, my friend. I’m heading over to boogie with you! 😉

  2. Awww, I love that kitty and I love all your thankful tunes. Awesome.

    Being thankful is a very good thing.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and Thanksgiving, Cathy. Love you. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I am definitely thankful for everything in my life, the good, the bad, and the in-between because it’s from these experiences my gratitude is shaped. Have a blessed week, my friend!

    1. John,

      I think this song is a purrfect fit for Thanksgiving. The first time I heard it was in the holiday classic ‘White Christmas’ and the words touched me deeply. Thanks for dancing by place, my friend!

        1. Well, one of his sons wrote a book that made him out to be somewhat of an ogre, at least to the casual observer (it was written during the time Christina Crawford wrote her expose of her mother, so I think it was just the style of the day), but he seemed to be a good person.

  3. I am thankful not only for your awesome playlist, but thankful for you and our friendship, Cathy! 🙂 Have a wonderful Thanksgiving – hopefully you’ll be surrounded by your awesome family! 🙂

    1. Stacy,

      You’re such a peach! Thanks for making the time to boogie with me. I know you’re like many women across America busy with Thanksgiving meal planning and cooking. It’s mewvolous counting you as a dear friend. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, my lovely!

  4. So, I’m up late because I can’t sleep. Bummer! I had the shot, but unfortunately it really hasn’t worked much, but I’ll give it more time. Guess I’m awake because I slept half the day away! Silly me! So love you’re first tune Every Day w. Rascal Flatts & love the video. Then you have some favs of mine & now I need to watch White Christmas. My son & I are going to start watching all my Christmas movies so we can get in the mood for decorating. I’ll take pics & show you when we’re done. Blake Shelton I’m really gettin’ to know cuz of the Voice, which I love & of course who doesn’t love the Beatles, but I must say I haven’t heard this one in like forever! Thanks! Don’t think I ever heard the Sara Evans tune. Pretty & last, but not least another White Christmas tune… love your pickins’ my friend and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Big ol’ HUGS!!!

    1. Marie,

      I’m sorry you haven’t gotten the relief you need for the pain but maybe it’ll just take more time. Do you go back for a follow-up from the injection? If things aren’t improving like you want after a few days I’d call the doctor to let him know what’s going on. At least you’re not wasting your waking hours putting them to good use to boogie a little. Maybe, it tired you out and can finally get sleepy. lol

      I can’t believe the holiday season is here! Things are hectic. We bought a refrigerator two weeks ago and yesterday we had to buy a washer. It’s coming on Black Friday. We’re going to have a busy Black Friday at home. lol At least we won’t have to worry about the crazies in stores. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by to boogie with me, girl!

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