
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Europe Mewsic Shakin’ the Dance Floor

Thank you for including me in your Monday, kittens & dawgs! Our big giveaway is still underway. Have you entered yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Do it now!

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On Friday, I got the memo on this week’s theme. Some how I had it wrong. Go figure, right? Anywho, I had THIS post already done and being a bit in a frenzy to honor our Spotlight Dancer’s (@AlexJCavanaugh) mewsic request – European Favorites is the reason for my late show to the party. Before I jump into my theme song selections I want to send out warm congrats to Roger Federer for his 8th Wimbledon Victory.

If this tennis thing doesn’t work out too well for you, Roger, then I believe you and your buds Grigor Dimitrov and Tommy Haas have a fabulous second career to fall on as the Backhand Boys.  You might even want to include Novak Djokovic (fellow tennis chum and videobomber) just so he won’t pop in unexpectedly. 😉

It’s time to rock the house. A lot of the mewsic we love originates across the pond. For years I didn’t realize that some of my favorite oldies came from Europe and even today I’m surprised by my discoveries.  I turned to Google for help looking specifically for #1 hit songs to match our theme. My source for today’s mewsic comes from Wikipedia and I’m sharing four classics from the 60s and 70s in today’s Europe Mewsic Shakin’ the Dance Floor!

The first Frenchman to top the US Billboard Hot 100 conducted and recorded this easy-listening version that stayed on the charts for five weeks in February through March 1968.  I remember very well this haunting song. Flash back with me to the mewsic of Paul Mauriat with Love is Blue!

French singer/actress, Claudine Longet recorded the lyrical version of “Love is Blue” the same year earning a spot on the Billboard Pop Albums chart in the US at 29.

My next song selection I thought the Beatles did it but it turns out that an Irish singer/songwriter recorded it, landing at #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in July 1972 where it stayed six weeks. Casey Kasem’s American Top 40s of the 70s, ranked it fifth most popular song of the decade. Here is Gilbert O’Sullivan singing, Alone Again Naturally.

I totally forgot about my next song choice. This disco band became the first from Germany to top the US Billboard Hot 100 in November 1975 with their hit song on top for three weeks. Hopefully the sexy, negligée like costumes won’t be too distracting for you to boogie down to Fly, Robin, Fly by Silver Convention!

I’m going to wind up things a Europop group that hit the scenes their US Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit song in April 1977 where they only resided for only a week. What’s up with that? I thought surely if any European band could rock the US charts it would be Abba with Dancing Queen!

Don’t forget to boogie with our very own dancing queen,  XmasDolly, and the rest of the 4M gang – Stacy, Colette , and ME. You’re invited to join the dance party!

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For the rest of the summer until after Labor Day, I am only doing this post. Have a songtastic day and I’ll see ya next time on for “your choice” mewsic with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!

































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31 thoughts on “Europe Mewsic Shakin’ the Dance Floor

    1. Thanks, Barbara for sharing my fun creation with this vintage pin up girl! I really enjoy these old images and how girls didn’t mind being girls. Sadly, things are different today. Girls try to mass their feminity and push the limits to test just how much like a guy they can be to be acceptable by many social groups. That’s not equality in my opinion. That’s undermining and tearing down women. There’s no equality in that! Oops, I didn’t mean to rant! *blush* But…that’s kind of a sore spot for me. 🙂 Have a good week, my friend and I’ll see you soon! 😉

  1. Silver Convention – the bringing back of memories. I hadn’t listened to that song in years. I so loved “Love is Blue” – I came so close to putting it on my blog post, along with something from ABBA. I’m glad you did! Enjoyable mewsic!

    1. Alana,

      So glad you enjoyed my oldies. It’s always fun to listen to retro tunes and to relive past sentiments accompanying them. Have a good day and thanks for dropping by! 😉

  2. I used to watch tennis but haven’t in a long time. Federer must definitely be on a high.

    Thanks for the music selection Cathy. I always enjoy Abba and then I can’t turn it off 🙂

    Happy Wednesday!

  3. My plans for the fourth, hang out at the pool with my family and friends. Enjoy a few adult beverages and see the local fireworks display. Sad to say it all went too fast.

    1. Ellen,

      Yep, I agree. I’ve always liked both songs, too. New artists can learn so much from these generations that cranked out some awesome mewsic!

  4. Some new selections to me, as they aren’t my usual genres. But I am familiar with Abba of course. My wife loves them. And even though I don’t, I could still recite they lyrics by heart. That says something about a band, doesn’t it?

    1. Alex, what’s this, you don’t like ABBA? Are you an alien or human? lol Speaking of aliens and strange things, I finished watching “The Void” yesterday. It was too gruesome to suit my taste and the ending was weird. While the author wanted to leave things to the imagination or a possibility of writing a sequel, I didn’t care too much how it wrapped up. I gave the flick a chance, though. I just thought it was neat that you featured it after just starting it. 🙂 Thanks for rockin’ the house down with me, my friend. I loved your mewsic theme!

  5. Claudine Longet was married to Andy Williams at one time. She was in the movie “The Party” with Peter Sellers, which is one of the funniest movies I’ve seen.

    Somehow, I missed Paul Mauriat. “L’Amour Est Bleu” was very popular in the Sixties, but I must have a mental block about it.

    Great list, Cathy!

    1. John,

      I think I remember that Claudine and Andy were married. Well, I recall reading it somewhere. You know, I don’t think I’ve seen “The Party” but I love Peter Sellers! “Love is Blue” was popular in the 60s. When I was little, I knew it was a love song but the haunting quality of the instrumental arrangement felt a bit spooky to me for some reason and yet I still loved it. I was a strange kid! 🙂

      1. You might remember that Claudine Longet was either married to or dating a ski instructor who was murdered and she was accused of it. Andy Williams was very supportive, and that’s when I learned they had been married. No idea what happened after that; must check with The Blogger’s Best Friend on that.

        The basic premise of The Party is that an actor who screws up a movie so badly he gets fired gets invited accidentally to a party at the producer’s home. As they say, hilarity ensues. Last time I saw it was on TCM… It was one of the movies Turner obtained when he bought MGM…

        Ever heard the lyrics to “Love Is Blue”? Very sad…

        1. John,

          Now that you mentioned it, I think I do recall somethng about Longet being entangled up in that mess. It would be interesting to know what happened with all of that, huh?

        2. The Blogger’s Best Friend tells me she was ultimately convicted of negligent homicide and paid a fine and spent 30 days in jail, and that she settled with his family after that. She’s been pretty well out of the spotlight since then. Sad… a beautiful woman with a magnificent voice.

        3. John,

          Thanks for sharing your research. I checked Wikipedia after reading your comment. I can’t imagine the nightmare Claudine went through and I would think this still haunts her today. After my brother died from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gun shot, it left a lot of unanswered questions like could he or did someone do it? I’m now at peace. I think it was an accident due to him taking too much pain meds for chronic pain in his neck which the doctors said would eventually kill him. One day, I’ll see him again in heaven. I know he’s now free of that horrible pain he suffered with for years.

  6. NIce selection of songs this week, Cathy! I don’t think anyone intends to be mean in their comments about the last minute theme change, I simply think they are frustrated about the lack of notice. I mean, you may have received an email about the change, but the rest of us didn’t. It’s my opinion (and only an opinion) that when changes like this take place, we should have a weeks notice so that we can ALL be on the same page. I can’t speak for the others, but I do spend time on the themes – trying my best to post something that fits the category but does not overlap others, as well as doing my own graphics for my post, and of course scheduling social media for post promotion. I like to put some thought into each of the posts. I feel bad that Marie is taking this so hard, but I’m sure Alex would not have minded having to wait one week so that we could give his theme the proper amount of attention it deserves. (okay rant over) Enjoy your time off, my friend! See you next week!

    1. Mary,

      I know theme changes are frustrating and everyone wants to participate in the theme. I do understand. These sorts of things happen. Hopefully, hiccups like this won’t be a problem in the future but if it occurs again then anyone who misses the theme can either do like I’ve always done in these cases. I either stay on course with what I have because it’s all about the fun and mewsic or add at least one song to match the theme to show I tried. 🙂 It’s wonderful how much pride you take place in each post and it definitely shows and it’s great that you prompt this meme heavily. Marie wanted to bring back the “Spotlight Dancer” feature and wanted to work it in quickly. You’ve given us something to think about with your suggestion on new themes offered up by the featured blogger, though. I will mention it to Marie if she doesn’t see your comment. Have a good day and let’s have some fun! 😉

  7. Wow, great songs. I almost picked the last two but at the last moment didn’t. I love the Roger Federer song. That is so cool. Thanks for the dance.

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Is this your 7 year blog anniversary? If so, congratulations on the accomplishment. You consistently post material that interests me and to which I can relate, and therefore I hope to see Curious As A Cathy running for many years to come! By the way, I always appreciate the vintage pin-ups you post. They bring to mind our ongoing discussion of femininity and “vive la différence” (long live the difference between the sexes).

    I am still working on developing a single talent – learning how to wave bye-bye. Meanwhile, I just learned from your post that tennis champ Roger Federer is also a dang good singer. He and his harmonious trio do a great job of covering that Chicago song.

    The evocative instrumental by Paul Mauriat takes me back to those kinder, gentler years. Do you remember The Dells’ single released the following year – a vocal version of “Love Is Blue” that was part of a medley with “I Can Sing a Rainbow”? The Dells’ record made a run at the top 20 on the pop chart and went top 5 on the R&B survey.

    Gilbert O’Sullivan was surely under the influence of Paul McCartney and his band when he recorded “Alone Again Naturally,” one of the most Beatlesque recordings ever made. It was great to hear it again this morning.

    Those hits by Silver Convention and ABBA are excellent choices and I will be showcasing both acts and both songs in future episodes of my series Bandstands In Foreign Lands.

    Thank you very much for the mewsical entertainment, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Tom,

      Yes, last month was my 7th year blogiversary and I have participated in XmasDolly’s 4M meme nearly the whole time but not as a co-host. I orginally came on as part-time assistant about a year after I’d been blogging and then I took a hiatus about the time DH got laid off and then came back on board a few months ago. In my opinion this is the best dance party in Blogosphere. We had a larger crowd in those early years and we’re trying to get participation up but it’s slow going. Xmasdolly usually likes doing a giveaway each year. This is a good way to show all of our regulars how much we appreciate them joining us week after week.

      You and I are like minded when it comes to vintage pin-ups and what the represent. I hope gals of all ages and walks embrace their womanhood like these vintage beauties did! And, cheers to “long live the difference between the sexes”! 🙂

      I do not remember The Dells’ version of Love is Blue but I did check it out on YouTube. I’ll be sure to include it for others to discover/re-discover. Oh that’s cool to hear that you’ll be featuring two of my European Favorites groups in the upcoming posts on SDMM. I’ll be looking forward to those editions! Thanks for stopping by this morning and have songtastic day!

      1. Very nice, Cathy! You picked a video that has HQ sound of the Dells singing their vocal version of “Love Is Blue,” a record that was another major memory maker during my teenage youth.

        1. Tom,

          Whenever I pick a video I always try to look for a HQ one if I can. It doesn’t always work out that I get what I want but this time I did. 🙂

  9. Hey Girl,
    GREAT post! I love all these songs and I definitely remember each one of them. The first one, Love is Blue — WOW! That is a lovely song. And Fly Robin Fly: Haven’t heard that in ages!!!
    Same with Alone Again Naturally. Have always been an Abba fan.

    Well, you’ll see with my post today that I was totally taken aback at 2am this morning when I went to post it and discovered that the theme had changed. I spent several hours over several days putting my post together and finally finished it at 2:00. But I needed to get up at 6:00 (which I actually didn’t get to sleep until 4:30. Ugh~) and just couldn’t deal with putting a whole new one together. I feel bad but geez, I just didn’t have time. I’ll have to apologize to Alex especially since it’s his theme but hopefully he’ll understand. At least a few of my songs are from European artists… 🙂

    Did you do a Battle on the 15th? I didn’t find it if you did…

    Have a good week my friend…

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele,

      I’m delighted you enjoyed my song picks for this week’s theme. You did a great job on your mewsic choices. Don’t worry about not having the theme. In the past, I’ve accidentally gotten the themes out of a whack or just went with my choice despite the suggestion because I already had my post done. At times like that, I explain to the Spotlight Dancer why my post doesn’t reflect the theme and then whenever we have “freebie” week then I run THAT theme song. In the end, it’s all about the mewsic and a whole lot of fun. No one should feel bad! You asked about BoTB, no I don’t have one for this month. I’m taking a break from everything other than 4M until after Labor Day. I just need a little down time. Have a good week and thanks for stopping by to dance!

  10. Love you pic for our GiveAway… totally awesome & so perfect!!! I haven’t heard some of these tunes in like forever. Fly Robin Fly was an old tune I always heard on my night out with the girls as I’m walkin’ in the tune & you knew it was party night! Woo Woo!!! Federer Backhand Boys Take On Chicago totally cute video… loved that one for sure. I like to watch people having a great time. Speaking of which doesn’t sound like anyone had a good time this week. Man, talk about coming down on me heavy & I don’t think Alex will be back. It wasn’t his fault. I changed it, but I didn’t think it would such a big deal. I didn’t think of it until now I should’ve just said to add one European song. It was my fault they shouldn’t have made him feel bad. I feel AWFUL!!! 🙁 People could’ve just added a European song they could’ve thought of that too or just send me an email like you did. That was the appropriate thing to do!! ~sniff-sniff~ Very depressed. This me-me means a lot to me & I dunno something like this happening just depresses me.

    1. Hey Marie,

      I’m sure the comments aren’t meant to be negative but for many, including myself when things get changed then it’s like a curve ball throwing me for a loop. I came really close to running with what I had and adding to one “European Favorites” but then I wanted to give Alex special attention since he’s the Spotlight Dancer. These sorts of things happen but don’t sweat it. I’m sure Alex understands as does everyone that this kind of thing happens from time to time. I’m trying to watch your line up on your site but I some how missed seeing the change, so I blame myself for not catching it sooner. Don’t take what people say personally. Everyone feels nothing but love for ya, girlfriend and you’re doing a heck of job running this meme!

  11. I never watch tennis except I found out Venus lost and I am happy about that…sorry:) I am an ABBA freak so I would add Fernando, S.O.S, Take A Chance On Me, Waterloo:) I would add The Third Man Theme and Lily Marlene. I know the German gals from Shady’s blog and they seem to love wearing neglige’s…ok that spelling is wrong but I’m too lazy to look it up. Oh anything from Edith Piaf would also work here. Some German groups were big in the 80’s. The song going throu my head right now is Dah, Dah, Dah.

    1. Birgit,

      I’m not a huge Venus Williams (or her sister) fan, either. I actually dislike watching females play sports because they act like guys and you know how I feel abou that. ARGH! ABBA was fantastic back in the day, weren’t they? They had soem fabulous hits and it was sad when the band broke up. 🙁 Has the SDMM shared Silver Convention before? I know he’s had the dance troupe, Legs & Company featured on his site which I enjoy seeing. I love all things feminine and sexy! 😉

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