
17-03-2025 Vol 19

“Eternal Flame” Sing-off! #BoTB

Hello Kittens & Dawgs!  The Bangles “Eternal Flame” came across the radio the other day. I love this song! It reminded me of my  February 15, 2016, battle showdown and I thought it would be fun use this song again.  This time I’m using three new-to-me and different bands who I wouldn’t listen to normally and probably would turn my ear from their cover song versions but its their uniqueness that sucked me making me decide to put them on center stage in the “Eternal Flame” Sing-off!

Contender #1 Oratory
Contender #2 Embrace
Contender #3 Monarchy

Ok, here’s the drill. Voting is open to everyone visiting Now – 12PM EST. February 21st. There is NO wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote. You can start by telling me in comments which artist you like best and why (optional).

Who gets your vote, ORATORY, EMBRACE, OR MONARCH?

You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below (not everyone is doing the bi-monthly showdowns now) and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.

Angels Bark (Michele),  Cherdo on the Flipside, Book Lover (Donna)The Doglady’s Den (Debbie)Your Daily Dose (Robin) Jingle Jangle Jungle (Mary), Mike’s RamblingsRighting & Editing (Janie)STMcC Presents BoTB (Stephen, BoTB Manager),   The Sound of One Hand Typing (John), &  Tossing It Out (Lee).

Do you have a favorite Eternal Flame cover, excluding the above mentioned?

Next Thursday, I’ll announce the winner in this battle showdown along with who got my vote. Mark your calendar for March 1st for my next BOTB showdown but you’re invited to join me tomororrow for a whole lot of Friday Fun Stuff – giggles, fill-ins, and more! X💋X💋, Cathy


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24 thoughts on ““Eternal Flame” Sing-off! #BoTB

    1. Mike,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the different versions. I thought it would be interesting to do go the opposite direction with this cover than I did the first time. Thanks for stopping by to vote!

      Oratory -2
      The Embrace – 2
      Monarchy – 7

  1. I’m a huge fan of the Bangles version so this is one of those songs where I couldn’t imagine anyone else singing it. Of the three that you chose I have to pick Monarchy as the other two are just too busy, loud, and fast for me.
    Great song choice Cathy.

    1. Pamela,

      The original is the best. I don’t know if you checked out the first time I used this song in BoTB but I like Candice Accola’s (she played Caroline on The Vampire Diaries) cover. She has a soft breathy quality I like. Anywho, your ears are matching the majority. I certainly appreciate you chiming in and voting this round! 😉

      Oratory -2
      The Embrace – 2
      Monarchy – 6

  2. None compare to the original, but if I have to pick one, I will go with Monarchy. I thought Oratory’s voice was nice, but the band wasn’t anything I like. And The Embrace singer’s voice just didn’t work with this song.

  3. HiYa, CATHY!

    I wasn’t familiar with this song, but I had pretty much stopped listening to contemporary Pop / Rock music by 1986.

    Hands down, my vote goes to the last recording by MONARCHY. It was pleasant with a nice piano sound, and it didn’t hurt my tender 58-year-old ears. (Well, to be honest and precise, it’s my left ear that’s 58 years old. The right ear is only 26. …It’s a long story.)

    Anyway, what I wrote at Lee’s BOTB contest about his first contender (AfroJack, or something like that) can also pretty well apply to the first contender here, Oratory. If one got points for un-originality, they’d be winning the gold medal in this competition.

    The second version was… there. I heard it, it was definitely there.

    But the third cover sounded like music to my ears… BOTH of my ears, the old-timer and the young whippersnapper.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents ‘Battle Of The Bands’

    1. Stephen,

      Well…I’m surprised how this showdown is going down. I’m sorry one ear is older than the other but I certainly can relate, except both of mine are older than I am. My doctor tells me my hearing is that of an 80-year-old. I had terrible ear infections as a child which caused scarring. I don’t use hearing aids but I’m sure before I reach 80 I’ll have to have them and this is something I do not want. Perhaps a medical breakthrough can repair the damage and no hearing aid needed by that time. Thanks for voting, my friend!

      Oratory -2
      The Embrace – 2
      Monarchy – 4

  4. I believe I am in the minority but I like Monarchy. It isn’t as loud as the other 2 and I felt that they did an interesting take on this song so they get my vote

    1. Sandee,

      Good analysis but did you mean to include ‘The Embrace’ where you typed The Bangles? Thanks for voting. Another one for Monarchy!!

      Oratory -2
      The Embrace – 2
      Monarchy – 2

  5. I’m with Eugenia. The Bangles win hands-down for me.

    Seriously… Of the three versions here, The Embrace did the one I disliked the least, so they get my vote. The third was too slow and the first too Goth.

    1. John,

      There’s no question about it The Bangles does it best but mixing things up makes things interessting. I’m glad you found one you could throw you vote on. lol Now all three are in the game!

      Oratory -2
      The Embrace – 1
      Monarchy – 1

  6. Well, my vote goes to The Bangles, because, I like their sound. Their version, released in 1989, peaked at number 1 in nine countries.

    1. Eugenia,

      Are you being a rebel? Maybe I didn’t make it clear, if so I’m sorry. The Bangles aren’t considered in the match up and thus gets tossed out automatically. 🙁 If you want, you can still vote for one of the three contenders! 🙂

        1. Eugenia,

          No worries. I can see how confusing that is, especially if you’re not used to BoTB. I thank you for taking time to vote on one of the other bands, though. Gotchda down for The Embrace!

          Oratory -2
          The Embrace – 2
          Monarchy – 1

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    I’m back! After taking a month off to move I am now ready to return to blogging. The move went well and I got some much needed rest afterward. It’s great to see you, dear friend!

    It was relatively easy for me to pick a favorite version of “Eternal Flame” in your BOTB. Although I enjoyed all three, my ears were most attracted to act #1 – Oratory – the female-fronted neo-classic symphonic melodic power metal band from Portugal. I like how lead singer Ana Lara’s vocals are cloaked in dense layers of sound. Oratory’s version of “Eternal Flame” is found on the band’s 2005 EP Interludium. I vote for Oratory!

    Tomorrow morning I will be publishing my first new post in a month. As promised I will bring you GREAT NEWS. I hope to see you then, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m glad things went well with your move and that you took some down time to rejuvenate. I will look forward to tomorrow’s post. Of course, I may not get a chance to visit on Friday but I will before the weekend is over, I hope. *cross fingers* Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping in to weigh in this round of BOTB.

      Oratory -2
      The Embrace – 0
      Monarchy – 1

  8. Wow! I had to double check to see if I was really on your page. And then I double checked to see if I didn’t have any other videos running in the background! That was completely unexpected. I’ve been in love with the Bangles’ Eternal Flame since the beginning of time, and I am TORN as to which one of these to give my vote for. I almost gave my vote to Monarchy, but their version was too slow (as opposed to the others who were too fast!) After some deliberation, I am going to give my vote (begrudgingly) to Oratory.

    Stop by and have a drink on me!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

    1. Mary,

      I knew some of y’all would do a double take to make sure you were on the right blog. lol Just when you think you know this gal, she does something out of the ordinary to make you question me. *sneaky smile* I have your vote logged for Oratory!

      Oratory -1
      The Embrace – 0
      Monarchy – 1

  9. You and I have similar Battles this time around other than my 2 songs to your 3 and my song being in Spanish.

    I don’t remember this song. You picked some versions that have interesting contrast.

    I connect better tonight to the version by Monarchy so give my vote to them.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Hmm, now I’m intrigued to hop over to check out your battle. Thanks for kicking off the vote with the Monarchy!

      Oratory -0
      The Embrace – 0
      Monarchy – 1

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