
24-03-2025 Vol 19

Easters long ago AprilA2Z music

I interrupt the regular program post to bring you this special announcement. All routine posts for this month are preempted so I might join the largest Blogosphere party ever. Don’t worry, normal posting will resume next month like clockwork (I hope). Meanwhile, I invite you to stick around to enjoy the #AprilA2Z fun!

A tradition we observed for years was to attend the Sunrise service on Easter morning while visiting DH’s parents at our church home in southern WV. Cat Stevens’ inspiring song sorta fits the mood of those early morning sunrises spent Easters’ long ago.


I remember Easter 1995, our little boy wasn’t too happy because mommy got him up too early to attend the sunrise service at our old church back home. He was in desperate need of a nap and something to eat, too. Big sisters tried to console him, but he wasn’t having any of it.

As if transformed, the world became a happier place a few hours later. After his little tummy was filled and to find a treat waiting for him on the doorstep where Mr. E Bunny left he and his sister baskets full of goodies! The Peeps was his favorite. 🙂

Life wouldn’t be complete without these magical memories. The holidays bring to mind nostalgia moments. Here’s one such throwback memory.

Easter 1971 JC, Daddy, Pamela, & me

Tell us about one of your favorite childhood Easter traditions. Did you carry any of your family’s Easter traditions forward with yours?

Join me by visiting other participators in the greatest and biggest blog event ever at Blogging from A to Z!



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10 thoughts on “Easters long ago AprilA2Z music

  1. Easter always meant a new dress growing up!! And since my mom was a single mom, that was pretty much the only new clothing I would get aside from back to school and maybe some at Christmas. But the difference was: this got to be extravagant!! bows and frills and polka dots and maybe even a matching hat!!! It was always a special time doing the shopping, and then actually NOT eating chocolate before church so I would not get my dress dirty.

    1. Times were tough when I lived at home, but my parents did what they could. They made sure we had a little something on Easter and Mom got me a new Easter dress most years, too.

  2. I would take photo anyway with crying child 🙂 Still a memory capture.
    Such lovely photos Cathy.
    Glad you enjoyed the family.

    What a beautiful song. I Remember it a different way!
    Hope your week is going great!

  3. Easter’s never been a big holiday for me. And it kind of got tainted by the evil retail job I had in my 20s (only a couple holidays survived intact for me).

  4. Oh yes – big tradition! We have to decorate the small tree at the corner of the house in plastic eggs and pastel ribbons. One year I thought to make it the family Christmas card because everyone was there. Hard to get the whole troop together any more.

    Hope you had a lovely holiday this year. Thank you for your heartfelt wishes! (smile).

  5. What a lovely post Cathy, I liked the cute photos & the memory one, I always enjoyed looking through my parents old photos 🙂

    I have always thought Morning Has Broken is a beautiful song 🙂

    Hope you had an eggtastic Easter 🙂

  6. There’s nothing cuter than kids on Christmas and Easter. I have such fond memories – most about chocolate and peeps, though. lol!

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