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16-03-2025 Vol 19

East Tennessee sunrise


Hello, Kittens & Dawgs! Our temperatures have felt every bit like winter unlike the unseasonably warm weather we had the privilege of enjoying as we did when I snapped the above photo mid-December at the Apple Barn and Cider Mill with rich blue skies overhead and the sun smiling down. A fleece jacket is all I needed for comfort. You can visit that SWF post, here, if you missed it. I think we set some records. In fact, Christmas weekend I wore shorts around the house. Yes, shorts!

It’s hard to believe the weekend is here; it seems one day blurs into another unnoticed. My normal routine is off kilter, since DH’s lay-off. One thing I miss is the early morning sunrises, like this…

Two years ago this month, I shot a gorgeous morning sky standing in our driveway. Originally shared, here.  I remember the brisk temperatures against my skin. It was sort of energizing.

I’m not complaining. I love this time I have with DH and I know it’s only a matter of time before our schedules fall back into the usual “9 to 5” status, so… for now I’ll just sleep a little longer in the morning with DH by my side. I know more beautiful sunrises will greet me in the future.

~All images captured with a Nikon D7000 & Nikkor 18-105mm zoom lens, unless otherwise noted.~

I’m linking up with the SWF team and invite you to join other photo enthusiasts across the net. Next up, I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate the small things.

I celebrate…

  • a new year for new beginnings! I wonder where this year will lead me? What sorts of changes are on the horizon? Will we move from East Tennessee or just across town? There are so questions with no answers yet. Stick around with me to see how life develops for us!
  • knowing ahead of time what theme I will use for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge! This is gives me an edge on planning each letter of the alphabet and creating posts in advance. I have a feeling I’m gonna need this even more so this year than with past challenges.
  • finally getting a chance to watch some awaited new flicks ~ Terminator Genisys – Alan Taylor, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation – Christopher McQuarrie, & The Man from U.N.C.L.E. – Guy Ritchie. All three movies I highly recommend,  if you haven’t seen them yet, then you may want to add them to your iTunes movie library.

Life should be celebrated, even when it seems like you have no reason to celebrate. Just look around, I bet you’ll see something good! What are you celebrating?

One way to celebrate is with  Friendship Friday and Friday Features Linky Party, where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration to boot!

That’s a wrap for now, but if you like to dance then I invite you to hop over for Monday’s Music Moves Me. Thanks for visiting. Until we meet on the other side of the lens, have a fototastic day!


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16 thoughts on “East Tennessee sunrise

  1. What pretty pictures! Where we usually have nice temps and not too cold during Christmas, we got the cold weather. Here’s wishing God’s blessing upon you and your DH for a good year.

  2. Lovely pictures. I slept through the sunrises during the last weeks but am catching up again. You really are on the ball planning for A-Z already! I’m impressed.

    1. Tonja, I figured, if I’m going to participate in the A to Z challenge then I’d better start now or else I’d be pushed against a wall to get things done. Have a good week!

  3. Lovely photos, Cathy. The sunrise is truly spectacular! Being a night person, I don’t see too many of those. 🙂 We had a mild spell over Christmas as well, but not warm enough for shorts. Nice! To bad it didn’t last, yes? Have a good weekend.

    1. Debbie, I definitely wanted the mild temps to hang around. It’s currently in the low 50s with gray skies. Yesterday was Warner. Tomorrow it’ll be a different story as well in the coming new week. Old Man winter is expected to freeze our socks off. There’s no precipitation in the forecast, so that’s a blessing. Oh well, it won’t be long before spring is here again with the way the days melt away. I reckon I’ll stay indoors a lot. ?

    1. Liz, our winter pales in comparison to my northern neighbors, but it’s been darn cold here this week. I tease with DH every few days that it’s time to move to Florida. Of course, then I’d complain about the summers if we lived there. I guess I can’t be satisfied, huh? Lol

  4. I love the gazebos at the barn/mill. Both your pics are just beautiful! This year has been odd weather-wise. It’s been a mild winter here (not shorts wearing mild, but still pleasant), but some night are really cold! I’m looking forward to hearing about all that life brings you in 2016! 🙂

    1. Lexa, this week has not been short wearing weather. It’s bundle-me-up ware! Lol I hate cold temps! I love the gazebos, too! If I had a big piece of property I would like a gazebo or a a gazebo that’s built into the wrap around porch on my dream home. Have you seen a porch like that? It’s really nice. Thanks for stopping by.?

  5. Hi, Cathy. Your photos are beautiful. I had the air conditioning on during the Christmas holidays. It’s cooler now, but not cold at all. You have Guy Ritchie next to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.? Did he direct it? I usually like his movies.


    1. Janie, yes Guy Ritchie directed the movie. It was a fabulously fun movie! I enjoyed everything about the film and I hope to see a sequel in the future. Hint-Hint! Are you reading this Mr. Ritchie? Pleeeease, make another A Man from UNCLE movie!

  6. I generally do sleep through sunrises — but mostly because we just don’t get a good view of the sky from where our house is located. I’d have to drive to a better viewing place. But the sunsets – that we got!! Either way, it’s gorgeous and the best way to start, or end, the day.
    I saw Mission Impossible — the stunts are amazing and Tom actually did them!! He’s crazy. LOL but it sure looks good on film. I want too see Man from Uncle – maybe tonight!

    1. Les, the front of our house faces south. I can see the beautiful sunrise & sunset from the living room window fine, but I have to outside to snap a good picture. On really clear mornings I can see the Smoky’s. DH told me crazy man Tom did the airplane stunt, especially the part where’s he jumps on the wing & holding on for dear life. I don’t know about the rest of that scene. You can tell by looking at his eyes you’re not dealing with a normal person, so I’m not at all surprised that he’s such as risk taker. You will like The Man from UNCLE. It’s a playful flick! Well written and the main stars, other than Hugh Grant, are little known (to me) actors who are perfect in their roles!

  7. I kind of enjoyed sleeping through sunrises during my vacation, but now it’s back to up before dawn to see my wife off. That’s okay too. I’d usually get up early anyway.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, with DH out of work we normally sleep in unless we planned a day trip. He doesn’t sleep well most nights, so it’s really essential that he try to compensate by sleeping in when he can & I won’t get up because I’m afraid of disturbing him. Of course I enjoy the extra snuggle time.

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