
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Early Evening Moon Over the Blue Ridge Parkway

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs!  From the same trip photo shoot I’ve shared pictures from all month, I snapped the gorgeous light on the mountains as the sun began its descent with a near full moon over head.  It was breezy standing at the Graybeard overlook. It reminded me of any time we stood in the same place with far less favorable conditions. Look at the first picture, here, to see what I’m talking about. 😉

I’m joining the  Wednesday Hodgepodge community this morning to answer the following six questions posed by our host, Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play along.

  1. Security or freedom? Can you have both? Explain.  I think you can have both.  You need the freedom to have security and you must have security to have freedom.  I see these two American strong holds as essentials to our way of life.  We shouldn’t give up either.
  2. If you could visit any historical American site what would it be? Why? That’s really difficult to narrow to a single site with such our nation’s rich heritage spread across our country’s original thirteen colonies but if I had to pick one I would love to visit our nation’s capital.  We have not been to Washington, DC and we’d love to see the many of the famous landmarks.
  3. Free as a bird, free reign, be free of, free enterprise, free trip, walk away scot free, free for all…which ‘free’ phrase can best be applied to your life in recent days or weeks? Explain.  I think the term best describes the way I’m feeling lately is ‘be free of’ constant _____!  I didn’t want to really spell it out but I’m more than aggravated about some circumstances at the moment and I hope it’s resolved before I pull all of my hair out!
  4. Something in your frig that’s red? Something in your house that’s white? Something in your view that’s blue? Something in my refrigerator that’s red….fresh strawberries and tomatoes, barbecue sauce, and raspberry preserves.  Something that’s white in my house…all of my appliances. Something that’s blue in my sight…sticky notepad and a blue latex glove.
  5. July 27th is National New Jersey Day. Have you ever visited The Garden State? If so where did you go? Are there diners where you live? Have you tried Taylor Pork Roll? Do you like to play Monopoly? Salt water taffy-yay or nay? How do you feel about shopping at the mall? Springsteen, Sinatra, or Bon Jovi-you have to pick one.  We have passed through New Jersey traveling to Maine a few times.  Nope, haven’t had Taylor Pork Rolls.  I used to like playing Monopoly but haven’t played in years.  I love salt water taffy! I don’t like shopping period but on occasion, I like to casually browse the mall shops.  Yikes, I have to pick only one mewsician.  Hmmm, I guess I’d go with Sinatra.  Raise your hand if you know why these add-on questions are appropriate on National NJ Day.   I’m sorry, I don’t have a clue. 
  6. Insert your own random thought here.  Nothing comes to mind, so I’ll just share this song I stumbled upon by a newly introduced Australian indie-rock band, The Paper Kites. I hope you enjoy! 😉



I’m going to take Wednesdays off next month in Blogosphere.  I mentioned at the end of May I planned to scale back. I kept nearly true to my normal blogging routine this month with the exception of few to no Tuesday and Friday posts.  My July schedule includes nothing but mewsic with my mid-month BoTB and Monday’s co-host spot.  Thanks for stopping by and have a good day. Come hit the dance floor with me on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!




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28 thoughts on “Early Evening Moon Over the Blue Ridge Parkway

  1. Aww Cathy, such a beautiful shot – calming and serene. I lived in Marlton, New Jersey for two years. Marlton is close to Cherry Hill, and close to Philadelphia. New Jersey is a beautiful state, especially Cape May.

    If you get the chance, it is worth touring Washington D.C. – there is so much American history there.

    Hey, it’s getting close to the Weekend!!!

    1. Eugenia,

      It was such a beautiful day when I shot this photograph. I definitely will tour Washington if given the chance. It seems like everyone but me has visited our nation’s capital. Yes, hooray the weekend is just about upon us!

  2. I did the Hodgepodge today, too. I actually recognized enough of the NJ items in number 5 to guess that they must all be related to the state.
    I think if I still lived State-side, I’d have to say I’d go to any historical site I came across. I’ve actually seen many of the popular ones people named. So much history happened in small events in hidden locations that I think there are historical gems all over. You just have to look!

    1. Red,

      Excellent, I’ll stop by to read your Hodgepodge responses in a few. You’re right, there are plenty of historical gems surrounding us. We’re always on the lookout for markers. Thanks for visiting. I’ll see you soon!

  3. I love sunrise pictures and sunsets. Funny we just took one tonight too because of the gorgeous Full Moon… oh Cathy it was gorgeous! We just got back from my granddaughter’s baseball game. It’s a rarity that they play out here by me, so we just had to go. Toting my bug spray & cold water & camera! It was a great game & a tie score, but then promptly at ten o’clock the park lights when out! BUMMER! To be continued…. I’m told, but in Geneva on Friday night. So I’ll let you know who won. Woo Hoo…………… By the way, I think all my answers would be the same as yours… down to the red, the white and the BLUE… hehehehe put them all together and it’s the same … OUR GRAND OL’ FLAG! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      I love taking sky view shots! I never tire of seeing the moon in the early evening or morning or night sky. It’s always beautiful! I’m glad you had a good time at your granddaughter’s baseball game and hope her team wins. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I’m heading over to see you next!

  4. Beautiful skies, and i agree we need enough security from danger to feel free, and enough freedom to feel secure doing what we want within legal limits. It’s a tough line to draw sometimes.

  5. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful photo for this Wordless Wednesday. When you look at it. It has such a peaceful feeling to it. Hope the trip was great. Have a great day.

  6. I love your picture with the distant moon. We do need freedom so we can respect our security and if we respect our security, we value freedom all the more. I would like to go back to D.C. to the Smithsonian. I would like to see Hollywood, of course, and William Randolph Hurst’s castle. I think i would like to see Springsteen. You have a great time off from blogging as much as you do. have a beautiful week:)

    1. Birgit,

      The Smithsonian would be awesome to visit. There’s just so much to do in D.C. I’d say you can’t get it all done in a mere two weeks. I’m sure my time away from Blogosphere will be busy but I won’t be long gone with my mewsic interests.

  7. Unusual collection of questions–which I like. DC–great place to travel. I’ll be there next month. I finally snagged a White House tour!

    1. Jacqui,

      Oh, snap a White House tour! That would be so awesome to do. If you see the Prez and his beautiful wife, tell them hello for me. 😉

  8. That’s one beautiful shot. God’s country right there.

    I want freedom and security. A agree with your assessment.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hugs, my friend. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I always say the mountains, especially the Smoky’s is God’s country. 🙂 I would love to have a home in the mountains but that means you have to be away from many of the conveniences that we enjoy. We grew up in the mountains and that’s where DH’s parents lived till they died. It was a struggle for them to get to the store and to doctor appointments. They usually timed these errands together going as infrequently as possible. It’s really hard and the older you get the harder it becomes.

  9. That picture is absolutely beautiful! Nature at its finest!!! Thanks for posting! Happy Wednesday!

  10. I have family in New Jersey, and spent a lot of time in Bergen County (which is right over the George Washington Bridge from New York City) for work (our office was in Paramus, and then moved to East Hanover). All the streets in Monopoly are streets in Atlantic City. If I remember correctly, the game was created during the Depression by a man whose family was disappointed because they weren’t going there on vacation.

    Nice picture, by the way!

    1. John,

      It would be so cool to visit Atlantic City. I would especially love to walk the famous boardwalk. We started the series Boardwalk Empire that’s set in Atlantic City which is really good if you like gangster style productions. We played Monopoly a lot when I was a kid so that was a fun bit of trivia on the game. I knew it has been around for a long time. I’m glad you like my photograph of the early evening moon. Have a good day!

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    When I didn’t see a post from you at 5 this morning, I thought you were skipping this Wednesday, too. 🙂 That view from Graybeard overlook is breathtaking. You mentioned it was breezy when you took the picture. I get a sense it was rather chilly, too. Am I correct? At least it looks like it was chilly. When I was young my family often vacationed at seashore towns along the New Jersey coast. I loved to stroll the boardwalks at Ocean City and Wildwood and find the shop that served Taylor Pork Roll. It is tangy and delicious. I also loved to stand in the window of the Salt Water Taffy shop and watch workers make huge batches of the stretchy candy. We never went home without a box or two of taffy. I enjoyed the soft, ear pleasing mewsic and the video made by the Aussie indie-rock band The Paper Kites.

    Thank you very much for the sounds and smiles this morning, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I had a bit of refining to do to my post since I got late start answering the questions the day before and wasn’t able to finish up before bedtime. In the recent photo with the early rising moon, it was breezy but not chilly. However, if you looked at the one I referenced then it was not only windy but cold. I think it was in the 20s. The wind chill made it nearly unbearable to stand outside while we snapped a few pictures but it’s always fun. Salt water taffy is one of my favorite treats. The Smoky mountains candy shops make salt water taffy and it’s good but it might not be as good as what we got in southern Maine on our last trip (2004). I’m trying to think of the name of the place but it slips my mind. It’s well known for its saltwater taffy, too. I checked my notes, we got it from The Goldenrod Restaurant and Candy Shop in York. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed The Paper Kites. I love sharing new mewsic discoveries with other like souls! Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

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