This has been a short, rushed week. When DH is off on Mondays the week seems this way but when he has Fridays off it doesn’t. Why is that I wonder? Earlier this week, I shared some giggles in Tickle Me Tuesdays and you’re welcome to check it out that edition if you missed out but if not, here’s your second dose of giggles this week!

I’ve learned over the years the best way to keep myself on track is not completely deny my sweet tooth. That is when binge eating can happen and well…that’s not good if you’re trying to restrict your calories. Everything in moderation is a good practice.

Yep, that’s me! I’m slow at times to pick up on the punch line and other times I’m way ahead of the flock rolling on the floor.
Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements for us to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Rounding things out this is how I filled in the blanks.
2. I always get really excited when it snows! I love to see the white fluffy swirling and twirling falling gracefully to the ground. I even love seeing every tiny limb an bush covered in white but I’m equally happy when it goes because if it’s cold enough to snow then the temperature is too cold for me. I’ll take mild sunny winter weather over cold, snowy days anytime.
Click HERE to join the Friendly Fill-ins party!
That’s it for now. I don’t do weekends but you’ll find a scheduled post announcing my last BoTB results, so if you’re interested to see if your favorite artists won then check back tomorrow. Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends! XX
, Cathy
, Cathy

More Friday linky parties…
- Celebrate the Small Things Lexa Cain self-titled blog
- Feline Friday Sandee @Comedy Plus
- Friendship Friday Ramona @Create with Joy
- Skywatch Friday Alan @Yogi’s Den
Disclaimer: Comics used in herein unless otherwise noted, do not belong to me but are borrowed resources from the world wide web with the expressed purpose to make others smile or giggle and if both happen great.
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Your funnies are always spot-on. Thank you for sharing them with us! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I’m with you on the daily doodles. I love drawing. I have been thinking about my A to Z challenge doodles, and I really want to get a head start on them. I hope your week is going wonderfully!
I’m happy that the funnies made you smile.
I’m working feverishly to get my sketches done but they are taking longer than expected, mainly because I’m trying to not stress myself but to go with the flow do a little here and there until I feel good enough about my illustration to present it. I know my work isn’t perfect. I struggle with getting proportions right or features accurately but I’m having fun with it and at this point that’s all that matters. I’m graciously accepting where I am with my skill set and know with more time I’ll get better. I think after April I will focus my drawing attention to sketching nothing but the human form to get proportions figured out better, then after I’m feeling good about that part move onto feature details – hands, feet, and face. I don’t think I’ll ever be a portrait artist but it’s fun to challenge myself. Thanks for the return visit, my dear.
O, the temptations of diet. Yes, you have to allow yourself a cookie or some flavored yogurt or something with sugar every once in a while! I had never seen this particular Weird Al video and it was really cool (especially the last 15 seconds or so). But I came here also for Skywatch, and that was a very nice capture.
So much fun here, especially with Weird Al!
I got the giggles while reading your post! Thanks for the fun, Cathy.
So much fun to visit your blog
Hilarious from A to Z…MOL…Thanks for the laugh
Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend

Pretty sky:)
I like the cat that mist
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. That sounds like a good ice cream, I will have to try it. I am glad you are doing the A-Z, I don’t think I am unless I get inspired with a theme. Have a nice weekend. XO
Haha! I can relate to the diet temptations.
You’re right, complete deprivation usually leads to failure. Thanks for the laughs today. Loved the cat pun!
Definitely better to be safe than sorry and not try stupid things. Some people just can’t help themselves, it seems. Weird Al is such fun! It was because of him I started writing song parodies. He has a much better imagination, though! Stunning sky photo!
Have a good weekend.
An absolutely gorgeous sky! Thanks for the Friday laughs, and have a great weekend!
Hello Girlfriend, Guess what I joined today…. FELINE & FURRY FRIDAY! WOO HOO! Well, I won’t be there every Friday, but for the most part I probably will. I found a new lawyer that wants to take my case for my leg. So we’ll see how that goes. I HATE DOCTORS (well some of them)!!! We celebrated and went out to Pepe’s with my coupon for one free dinner. WOOHOO! Anyway, we bumped into some old friends while we were there and I believe Dave is going to get his old band back together. WOO HOO! I’ll keep ya posted on that! Luv ya! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND LUVY!!!
Thanks for the giggles. They did just that, made me giggle!
Love the warning label. haha to the rest
Bad pun alert. Hiss. But I do love the warning label.
Great photos- love the bird who missed the punchline!
Nice photo. like how the rays come from behind the clouds
Fingers of God….YES!
I just visited your King Solomon post, Cathy.
Love all the funnies. Thanks for the chuckles.
I’ll enjoy your AtoZ this year as I did last year. I love your sketches.
Love the fill-ins and especially #4. I’m with you on not being a dare devil. I know a couple and they amaze me.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥
Omg I love weird al.
Hello Cathy! How are you today? That warning label gave me a giggle. I love Weird Al, don’t know where he gets all of his ideas. Diets are always hard. It seems like everyone else is eating unhealthy. I once tried starting a low carb diet around Halloween. I was so ashamed to find myself jealous of the trick-or-treaters
.Have a great weekend!
Dieting is hard and you have to be in the right mind set to undertake any kind of food changes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we didn’t have to worry about those unwanted calories and eat whatever we wanted without recourse but unfortunately our human bodies aren’t equipped to handle the overload without the weight gain risk. When our youngest daughter was little her metabolism was ramped high. She could barely gain weight. I’ll give you an idea how small she was, at the age of 14 she weighed only 85 pounds. By the time she hit her 20s, it got a little easier for her to pick up weight. Some people seem to handle those high calorie foods better than others. I know I did when I was little but by the time I hit my late teens and became less active during my college years it was harder to keep off. Once I got out of school I was able to focus on diet and activity to keep myself within my desired target weight. It’s a constant battle to do what’s right to ensure a long, healthy life. Naturally, none of us can keep the ugly C-word from striking but we can do other things that’s good for us and maybe by doing keep prevent the C-word triggering. I believe some are more susceptible to certain diseases and there are triggers. Thanks for dropping by. I’m sorry for rambling on!
Hi, Cathy!
I am here to savor some Sillies, dear friend, my second dose of giggles this week! In comedy movies and TV sketches, a milky “spit take” is one of my favorite sight gags. I’m sure we could find a compilation reel on YouTube. I agree with your wisdom about sensible eating. The cycle of deprivation followed by binging packs on pounds and prevents us from making progress toward our dieting goals. That dog looks like a zombie as he craves the goodies on the table before him. That’s an udderly awesome twist to the lyrics of the Beatles hit “Something.” I read your Friday Friendly Fill-ins with great interest. It’s good to know you are humming along producing sketches for the fast approaching A to Z Challenge and upcoming Art Date features. I always appreciate your artwork. Like you, I get excited about a good snowfall – always did. I miss the phenomenon of snow all these decades living in Florida. I appreciate the words you’d prefer to see on your tombstone. I’m the same kind of person. I don’t take unnecessary risks simply to appear more macho. If friends pressure us to do what we know is wrong or dangerous, maybe we need to trade them in for a different group of friends. When watching a Weird Al song parody, it helps to know the original. I didn’t, but still got a kick out of Al’s goofy word play and visuals. Next I reported to Y/T and watched the official music video for “Royals,” a chart-topping international hit single by Lorde, an exciting young singer and songwriter from New Zealand, real name (wait for it) Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor. “Lorde” rolls off the tongue more easily.
She has the kind of smoth, soft, yet powerful voice we both like. I appreciated your inspiring picture showing the “Fingers of God” high above the Appalachians.
Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!
I’m happy you got a chance to enjoy giggles twice this week with me. We got a bit of snow yesterday. It came down heavy at times coating everything it touches, except the road, but by the time DH got home yesterday the temperature was around 35º and much of the fluff melted. I guess we got around 1 to 2 inches. We’re under another cold snap through the weekend but thankfully it’s sunny today, so that’ll feel really nice coming through the windows. Stay warm and have a good weekend. Thanks for stopping in this morning, my friend!