It is day 4 of the A to Z Challenge. Today’s inspired pencil sketch was originally used for the letter C in 2017 but since I used another it was easy fix as baby chicks are referred as diddies. Did you ever call them this? When I was little that’s the only term I knew them by for many years. One long ago memory I have is in the spring how a family friend’s grandkid close to my age, my little brother, and I would chase the diddies in our grandparents’ yard. Once we sprinted toward them, they would go into a zillion different directions and could change the way they were headed fast as the wind. We tried super hard to catch one but never, ever did. In the end, it just left us totally exhausted and empty handed.

At this point, I try to find music that works with my art theme. The only ‘diddies’ that yielded an artist hit was P. Diddy. I’m not a rap fan so I decided to use a song instead, “Doo Wah Diddy” by Manfred Mann.
Every time I hear this song, I’m always reminded the scene from the 80s TV show, “Moonlighting” where David Addison (Bruce Willis) sings the chorus to Matey Haze (Cybil Shepard). I’m heading over to the A2Z headquarters to leave my calling card and maybe I’ll take notice to see who else came to the party. Thanks for being visiting. This is CAAC signing off, I’ll be back tomorrow with the next letter in the alphabet!

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Love the sketch and I remember this fun song well.
I love the coloration of the chicken picture. And terrific song of course.
Awww, I was pretty intrigued by the word “diddies” I’m going to sleep tonight dreaming with my great grandmother chicken coop.
Hi Cathy, So here I lay in bed and finally home. Ahhhhhh As soon as I get a bit stronger and able to sit at my desk I will write you a longer letter and let you know what’s been happening. I was in the hospital but I’m home now once they ruled out Covid. Woo hoo! Yeah me. I so happy to be home. I slept until almost noon today I must have needed. Anyway more tomorrow. HUGS, MARIE. Please tell Sandi thanks for the beautiful card and I miss her too!
Love the sketch and the tune too of course!
My mother loved this song. I remember it well.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
No, I never have heard of them called diddies before today. Cute little fellas. I used to work in a farm store, and the chicks (diddies) were so cute! I remember how much they loved dried mealworms, even at a few days old. And, boy, are they loud little things!
One of the first vinyls Granny got from her Grandpaw, when she was only about 6 or 7 years old. We still love it
as well as your diddies…I just call them chicks..MOL…Granny had three diddies, two of them died within a week, but one survived and turned into a…er…daddo
Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead

Diddies is a fun word for them. What i’ve heard is “biddies” for the mama hens but diddies is a new term for me.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy “D” Day, dear friend!
Awww… I just wanna smooch those little chicks… but they’d probably peck me bloody. No, in my neck of the woods I never heard them referred to as “diddies.” I learned something today. Chasing those diddies in your grandmother’s yard until exhaustion was good exercise for you and the other kids. Your scene is colorful and nicely sketched, a pleasure to see brought back today In Living Color. I hope my buddy Foghorn Leghorn doesn’t sneak up behind mama hen and bean her with his ACME mallet! Yessum, I remember your 6-sentence short story “I’m Not Chicken” which you posted five years ago. It was fun to read it again this morning. I see that I gave the story a very favorable review back then and it made me chuckle again today as I pictured the little girl turning red and marching back toward the coop to prove she isn’t chicken. May I assume the story is autobiographical?
I love how you tied in your diddies to the song “Do Wah Diddy Diddy” by Manfred Mann. Did you know that it is actually a cover of the song “Do-Wah-Diddy” which was originally recorded in the U.S. by the Brenda Reid-led mixed gender R&B vocal group The Exciters? In early 1964, their single reached #78 on both the pop and the R&B chart:
Yessum, I remember David crooning “Do Wah Diddy Diddy” to Maddie on Moonlighting, a TV series I watched regularly.
I thoroughly enjoyed your “D” offering, dear friend Cathy. Have a super day and I’ll see you tamale!