
15-01-2025 Vol 19

Detox Your Body Naturally

Why is it necessary to detox?

This becomes a must, if you indulge in naughty habits, such as cigarettes, junk food (I’m so guilty of this one), and alcohol. We know these things are bad for us. It’s a no-brainer these culprits will make our body sluggish and difficult for our own natural mechanism to cut poisons accumulated over time.

In addition to our naughty habits, many of the foods we eat are highly acidic. This causes a negative effect on our bodies and it becomes necessary for the alkaline PH balance to be restored. Without this, then our body cannot properly renew and repair cells.

By purifying your body of toxins, this may reduce your chances of colon disorders. It’s also good for maintaining a healthy heart and bloodstream. Furthermore, detoxifying will boost your levels of energy and vitality and if done regularly will give you a more youthful appearance of your skin. Did that get your attention – more energy, younger appearance? It got mine! Where do I sign up?

About now, you’re saying I’m a known offender of bad habits, a poor diet, or both. We can all relate to this either a little or a lot. Some common signs I’ve noticed of toxins gone wild in my system are:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Frequent headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Bloating or gassy sensation
  • Skin rash
  • Low sex drive

Perhaps, you can identify with me on these complaints. There are more toxin related symptoms at Signs to Detox (broken link removed) I recommend you take a look at it. It’ll surprise you to learn how serious this can be, and maybe bring new insight to some of your issues.

My quick fix has been to use Dolcax. After all, this does get rid of waste that’s causing my symptoms. The big problem is, the relief is short lived. I find myself using this product routinely every two to three days despite the warnings to not exceed a week. Change is needed!

What do I do next? I do what God intend me to do in the first start. To have a better balanced diet of the right things He created to aid in my over-all health and wellness. Let’s look at what foods are good for ridding toxins from our system.

Here is a list of 8 sources:

  1. Fruits are easy to digest and full of good stuff like important vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. Because of the high liquid contents found in fruit, your body can more easily wash out the toxins. Ranking on the leader board with the most beneficial and powerful effects are citrus fruits, especially lemons, grapefruits, and oranges. Jump start your day by drinking a warm glass of lemon water.
  2. Foods rich in chlorophyll that helps the body to rid itself of environmental toxins, such as kale, spinach, alfalfa, and other leafy greens will boost the digestive tract aiding the liver in the detoxification progress.So, think green, right?
  3. *Garlic is one of the best natural detox foods . It stimulates the liver into producing essential enzymes to filter out toxins in the digestive system. Consider adding sliced or cooked garlic to your favorite dishes!
  4.  East broccoli sprouts not the whole vegetable. The sprouts are especially effective for stimulating the detox enzymes in your digestive tract.
  5. More green thinking…drink green teas! These teas have a type of antioxidant called catechins, which is known to increase liver function.
  6. Mother knew best about eating your veggies. Most vegetables have natural occurring sulfur and glutathione,which are excellent elements in assisting the liver’s elimination process. Onions, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts are only a few to consider.
  7. Add easy to digest seeds and nuts to your diet. I would not have guessed this, but flax seed, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds are the more common ones I found to think about incorporating into my diet. However, avoid nut butters while detoxifying your system. This I’m unclear about, but a warning was given so I best listen, huh?
  8. Omega-3 Oils helps to lubricate the intestinal wall and causes the toxins to be absorbed by the oil, then flushed out the body. One way I get mine is through daily supplements of flax seed oil, but there are recommendations on the web that avocado, hemp, or olive oils.

For years, I’ve been taking supplements geared for combatting my chronic digestive disorder.  I believe in addition to my supplements, I need to go a further step.  After several days with this painful skin rash on most of my body along with the other symptoms I listed above, then I’m more than willing to get started cleansing my body using nature’s choices. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain!.

*An interesting article to read if this is something new for you to consider is Garlic Overview.



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