
28-03-2025 Vol 19

De-stressing, Autumn Laughs, #SWF, & Fill-Ins

Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs!  This week I struggled to get back into the A game of life after the previous weekend’s wild, wild ride going back to southern WV to collect some of our personal things along with the items left to DH in his parents’ will.  Today, I want to de-stress and have fun, so join me for some giggles with these Friday Sillies!

Will you please pick up all your clothes?!
If you liked this, then check out more cute and corny jokes here!

For all, you photo enthusiasts and Skywatch Friday fans here is this week’s contribution of a gorgeous late autumn on the outskirts of Knoxville in the community of Farragut, Tennessee.

Last fall, after we got our iPhone 8s I snapped this beautiful autumn show of color.  I remember feeling a bit somber because DD#2 and her hubby had just moved to Maine.  It was definitely missing my baby girl moment. I still experience moods like this and I guess no matter how much time passes I will continue to miss her. 😢 I can’t wait until I see her again!





Today, I Celebrate The Small Things like… 

  • I’m celebrating that we finally got a chance to gather our personal belongings and items willed to DH from his boyhood home. This task weighed overly on us for months.
  • I’m celebrating sorta some good mews from Wednesday regarding someone dear. I can’t really say because it’s not my mews to tell.
  • I’m celebrating that DH does not have to see his eye surgeon again for 6-8 months and that his eye continues to look good.
  • I’m celebrating the return of autumn!
  • I’m celebrating the prospect of weekend outings to the mountains to capture the fall foliage splendor.

What are you celebrating?

I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by the lovely, Ellen and Lorraine is filling is for Annie while on blogging hiatus.

  1. The last time I had smores fixed over an open fire was when both of DH’s parents were still living sometime prior to 2014.  It’s interesting how you miss these simple pleasures after they are gone or at least gone temporarily.  Hopefully, we can do this someday again.
  2. Getting DH’s new glasses isn’t happening anytime soon.  We nearly had them yesterday when we realized that we gave the wrong script to the optical center. *smack forehead*
  3. Although this is a weird thing to say having an inner ear infection that led to me my ENT is a blessing in disguise. Why? If it weren’t for this then I wouldn’t know that I needed to have tubes to deflect more serious problems in the future. 
  4. My favorite word is pAwesome. Well…it’s one of my favorite words.  🙂


To wrap things up, I’m leaving you with these autumn parody videos. I hope to see you on the dance floor with song picks about things you like about fall on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!





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32 thoughts on “De-stressing, Autumn Laughs, #SWF, & Fill-Ins

  1. Hi Cathy! Thanks for the visit. It will be nice to see you at the Scribble Picnic. There’s always room for more. I’ve enjoyed looking around your blog and definitely will be back. See you soon!

  2. Cathy, I am glad that your husband’s eye is doing better. That is wonderful!

    You are so blessed to live in such a beautiful area. Miracles do happen. I’ve recently found colorful leaves in our backyard! YAYAY! That is a beautiful colorful tree photo.

    Gotta love that Maxine. She’s great. 🙂

    I hope all goes well with getting the ear tubes. An ear infection is what led us to learning about Laynie’s heart defects when she was 10 years old.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Hope to see you at Scribble Picnic Oct 3 Cathy thanks for dropping by my blog today. The next theme is ‘Chicken’ And happy Fall!

  4. Oh, that autumnal shot you took last year is just stunning. I can’t wait for the leaves to change color here. Autumn is my favorite season. And thank you for joining on the Friendly Fill-Fill! I bet you have fond memories from when you made s’mores over an open fire with family. My family and I do that a couple times a year, and it’s always a wonderful time. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    1. Lorraine,

      Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed last year’s fall show of color. For us, it came later than usual. It was a pleasant surprise because we were certain we weren’t going to see such a show and while it wasn’t widespread, it was nice. I’m hoping for a better display this year.

  5. I loved those parodies!
    My #fallsongs would all be about rain. Living in a monsoon climate, the rainy season is just beginning. The skies are gorgeously blue until it starts to rain late in the day, or heavy and grey until after the rain when the clouds clear and it’s gorgeous. So far, not too bad!

    1. Red,

      Rain is an important element in the change of seasons. The warm days and cool nights also ensure those eye-popping colors in the mountains wardrobe. I’m eager to see rich blue October skies and the fall foliage decked to the nines. Now, that’ll make for some nice photos!

  6. Handling stress like a cat is wonderful advice. Love it!! Oh, and I’m a big fan of all the old Kinks songs. What a great band they were!

    1. Mimi,

      You and me both! I’m VERY happy with DH’s eye recovery progress. It’s going to be so wonderful to get this all behind us. Maybe, we can then enjoy life a bit more easier. 🙂

  7. I am surprised your trees are much further along than ours in Massachusetts. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you get to make smores again in the near future. I am glad you have a lot to be thankful for and that DH won’t need to see the eye Dr. again for quite a while. I am sure that was an emotional trip last weekend, but how nice to have some family heirlooms. Have a nice weekend or should I saw pawesome 🙂 XO

    1. Ellen,

      This photograph IS from last fall. 🙂 It will be sometime before we see those kinds of colors in the lower elevations. However, I am beginning to see a little change. It seems more progressive than normal this time of year than usual, too. I’d imagine y’alls colors are looking lovely.

      I am glad DH won’t need to see his eye surgeon for some time now and we can’t wait to get his new glasses for so many reasons.

      Yes, it’s nice that we have some of the family heirlooms. I wish we could’ve gotten a few more things but time was short and we don’t have a lot of room in this little place.

  8. Great Post. I visited your blog via Skywatch Friday. It’s always fun to follow the photo path and check out what people all over the world are doing and offering on their blogs

  9. I don’t see much autumn change where I am. I’m sure there is some, but it’s not very noticeable like the turning of the trees in the east.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      It would be difficult to live in a climate where seasonal change is very little to none. I know when it gets too cool again I will find a reason to complain about that but thankfully I don’t have to be outdoors too much when it’s cold. I’m looking forward to the fall colors to return. That’s always such a beautiful sight! Maybe the weather and nature will work together to put on a great show for us this year! 🙂

  10. Ahhh to be a cat and nap..and nap…and nap. Thankfully, nothing does fall off:) I love your Autumn leaves pic which is so inviting. Having crazy weather today..yesterday it was 21C but today, 30C! plus humidity. It is windy and we are to have a major thunderstorm so, by tomorrow, we will have a high of 18C. I actually saw it sunny but it was raining with a rainbow to boot! I am glad you got all your hubby’s boyhood stuff. It can be daunting but this is a big celebration. I am glad your friend has good news. May you have a beautiful weekend

    1. Birgit,

      I think our temperatures will decrease a bit by Monday and I’m looking forward that a lot. The humidity is awful lately. Oh well…change is coming whether we like or not! Going back home to collect DH’s things was really hard, not just getting the items but the whole ordeal of it. I wish we had a place for everything that we took back there but we don’t so I had to quickly sort through baby clothing, toys, picking out a handful of things. I wanted to bring back the girls’ dollhouse but I couldn’t find it in the mess of stuff that the new owners piled up in the small basement garage. My late MIL had things always in an orderly fashion so I just don’t know how items got relocated or misplaced but apparently in the transfer of ownership that’s what happened. It certainly made me think about how I want to do things for later in life. I hope we devise a better system to making sure our possessions are given to the people that we want to have them and if we should ever be blessed with enough storage like my in-laws to store things for our kids then make sure everyone knows where everything is for its rightful return to the proper person someday. Does that make sense? You’re very right it was a daunting job and even though we left a lot behind, I think we’re glad to have this chapter closed. I just try to not think on the fact we’ll never get to go back home again. DH’s boyhood home felt like my childhood home, too.

    1. Jacqui,

      I was ready for Friday until I found DH has to work tomorrow. Bummer, right? Oh, well…not to complain because he has a job and we know how easy those can come & go. We’ve been on the wrong side of that coin all too often in our 39 years of marriage and it’s never fun, never! Have a funtastic weekend, dearie!

  11. I love your kitty and saying and I linked this post to Feline Friday.

    I love your celebrations too. I’m celebrating that we are going to our boat today and spend a quiet weekend together. Reading and doing whatever we want.

    Love your Friendly Fill-ins. Especially about your blessing.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Sweetie. Big hug. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I need to add Feline Friday to my Daily Hop Page. Yikes, I thought I had it there but I do not. So sorry ’bout that, my friend. Anyhow, thanks for linking me.

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Purrs and hisses to you, dear friend! 🙂 I am here to enjoy your Friday Sillies as I sip my Dunkin Donuts brand coffee.

    I very much appreciate you posting that picture of the striking orange autumn leaves. I read that you are celebrating the return of autumn and look forward to weekend outings in the mountains. I hope you will continue to show us more of the fall leaves you come across in your region because we don’t see much seasonal change down here in Florida, certainly no sights that beautiful. I am sure your daughter in Maine is surrounded by eye-popping scenery by now. I can understand how much you miss her. By the way, Mrs. Shady and I finally finished Haven after all this time! We were a little disappointed with the two-episode series finale and felt it could have been handled better. What did you think of it?

    I am celebrating the end of the long, hot Florida summer and looking forward to our first legitimate cool snap which might be several weeks away. The end of September also means that the peak of the hurricane season is now behind us for another year and the tropics will be hopefully be settling down in the weeks ahead.

    It’s good to know you completed your mission to return to DH’s boyhood home and salvage personal belongings. It always feels good to cross major items off your to-do list. I appreciate how you reframed your needing to see an ENT specialist for your ear infection. It became a blessing in disguise when he discovered a more serious problem in the making and was able to get you started on treatments to prevent it.

    I enjoyed the autumn themed Taylor Swift song parody “Pumpkin Spice.” I was not familiar with most of the songs sung by Shawn Mendes but enjoyed his singing. The Kinks have a sound all their own and I enjoyed their “Autumn Almanac.”

    Thank you very much for the good mews and entertaining mewsic, dear friend Cathy. Have a safe and happy weekend!

    1. Tom,

      Thanks for sharing a cup of coffee with me, my friend. I spoke with DD#2 just yesterday. She was heading out the dog with her doggie companion for a hike. The temperature was 64º which made me slightly envious. I’m trying to patient with waiting for change to come but it gets hard with the humidity making the heat worse feeling than it is.

      The finale of Haven did end weird but I hoped that it might be a springboard should they decide to do a reboot of the show. I seriously doubt that they’ll do that but one can always hope, right?

      I know y’all are more than ready for autumn to arrive and if I lived in Florida I’d be right there with you on that score, not to mention it’s the end of hurricane season.

      I try to find the good in every situation that crosses my path. Sometimes, it’s not easy to figure out what it is and other times I know. God is merciful and kind to me on more than one occasion. I’m awe-struck by His goodness.

      Have a good weekend and here’s to the first day of autumn tomorrow! WOW, I can’t believe it, can you?

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