I’m not asking you, “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy”. Of course, you’re welcome to tell me how every man desires me and every woman wants to be me. I assure you none of that will go to my head! Why are you on the floor…laughing? Did I say something funny? Okay, pick yourself up, it’s time to get serious now. Personally, I do not find Rod Stewart remotely sexy but his classic hit is very sexy! That is one of the best songs to come out in the late 70s but ya know, I got to wondering about female mewsicians covering Da Ya Think I’m Sexy (do not vote on original, please) giving birth to this BoTB. I found only a handful of women performing Rod’s song i.e. Millie Jackson, Sabrina, and Paris Hilton but of the few, I found today’s featured cover artists I like the best. Please listen and decide which vocalist gets your vote.
Contender #1 Cassandra Beck
Contender #2 Denise La Salle
Who gets your vote, Cassandra or Denise?

How do I play BoTB? It’s really super simple!
- You VOTE. Leave your FAVORITE pick in comments. Everyone is welcome to vote. There is no wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote.
- Be interactive. Tell me why you like your favorite pick. (optional)
- Make me happy. Tell a friend, share the below tweet. (optional)
You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below (not everyone is doing the bi-monthly showdowns now) and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.
Angels Bark (Michele), The Doglady’s Den (Debbie), Jingle Jangle Jungle (Mary), Mike’s Ramblings, STMcC Presents BoTB (Stephen, BoTB Manager), The Sound of One Hand Typing (John), & Tossing It Out (Lee).
DID YOU VOTE? No! Okay, but if you leave WITHOUT voting, I won’t be held responsible for what happens to your computer. Just saying is all.
Tomorrow, I go in for day surgery. My ENT doctor decided it necessary to place tubes in both ears, as well as do balloon dilation (stretches the Eustachian tubes) since my eardrums are caving in. My Eustachian tubes aren’t equalizing the pressure properly in my ears so basically the eardrums are being sucked in. This is something that continue to deteoritate over time making the fix much bigger. This is a routine procedure but if you would please say a prayer for me then I’d appreciate it.
Thanks for stopping by to play along. I hope you’ll mark your calendar for August 27th for today’s results in my edition of Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!
, Cathy
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Cassandra Beck transported me to a nightclub where I’m drinking Manhattans and smoking Lucky Strikes. I no longer smoke, drink or hang out in nightclubs, but it’s fun to remember the days when I did. While there’s a lot to be said for Denise LaSalle and her arrangement, I’m going with Ms. Beck and her excellent supporting quartet.
I’m finally getting caught up responding to commenters after such the hectic several days I’ve had here. Cassandra’s cover has that vintage essence to it. Thanks for voting!
Cassandra Beck – 8
Denise LaSalle – 4
Praying all went well yesterday. I didn’t care for the 1st version so Denise it is.
Hi Cathy,
I just said a prayer for you that all is going well with your ear surgery. Not sure what time you’re scheduled for today. Please let us know as soon as you can how it all went. I never heard of what you’re going through. That sounds horrible, your ear drums caving in! But you also mentioned that it’s a routine procedure so hopefully it’s nothing to really fret about. You’re on my mind and in my prayers. We can’t have anything happen to those ears of yours!
Your battle is quite interesting. Both contenders are great but so different. I like the Denise Lasalle version. It sounds very much like Rod’s version, except just female vocals.
On the other hand, Cassandra Beck’s version is very different and unique since it has that real jazz bend to it. I’m not usually into jazz that much, although I do really enjoy smooth jazz. I am really liking Cassandra’s version. Her voice is fabulous and then add to that the tickling of those ivories and a little brass and it’s really grabbing me. It actually grabbed me right away. So, surprising myself, I’m going to cast my vote for Cassandra.
Will look forward to hearing from you. I want to know that all went well for you today.
What do you have to do as far as recovery goes? Hopefully lots of rest and relaxation…
talk soon,
Michele at Angels Bark
CATHY, I’m just checking in to see if you’d posted anything about the operation. (After leaving my last comment / vote, I figured out what it was all about. The trick is reading a blog bit all the way down to the bottom. UHP! I’m an idiot!
Anyway, I did indeed pray for ya, m’dear, and I hope everything went (or is going) well!!
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents ‘Battle Of The Bands’
Thanks, Stephen! All went well other than the doctor didn’t do the balloon dilation procedure while putting in tubes. I thought insurance was covering it but the don’t. The out-of-pocket is too steep with the uncertainty if its success and possibility that tubes might be needed again. So, I decided upon his recommendation to put that part on hold. I’m doing fine with the exception of muffled hearing which is normal because he went with bigger tubes with the hope that they’ll stay in longer. Again thank you for the prayers. It’s wonderful knowing I have good friends talking to the Big Guy upstairs on my behalf.
I hope your procedure went well! I voted for the second version because it has the original fast beat and that great melody swelling in the background.
Cassandra Beck gets my vote
Thanks for voting!
Cassandra Beck – 7
Denise LaSalle – 4
This was never one of my favorite songs, in fact, i didn’t like it much at all. Have to go with LaSalle on the cover.
First off, you will do well tomorrow and I know there will be pain but you will feel much improvement later. I never heard about this medical problem before but it must affect your hearing and I hope you are not in too much pain because of this. I hated this song when it came out and thought it was just egocentric/Herb Tarlek for me but I know Rod Stewart felt a bit weird with this song especially in his leather pants. As for the song choice, I have to give it to Cassandra beck who created a unique way to present this song and I think it works well with the instruments as well. denise la Salle was good but it is too close to the original for me.
Which procedure have you not heard of, the ear tubes or Eustachian Tube Dilation? I suffer some hearing loss due to chronic ear infections as a child. You may recall I had an inner ear infection to set in at the end of 2016 which forced me to the ENT in March 2017. It seems I recall other doctors using the term Eustachian Tube Dysfunction but I don’t know that my eardrums were collapsed or that it could be a problem if tubes were not put in place. Prior to the surgery, I felt like I had something stuck in my ears plus everything was muffled. Now, sounds are just muffled. The doctor used a larger tube than usual with the hopes of keeping them in place longer. He said this accounts for the muffliness but I’m not sure how this will last. I go for a follow up on Monday. I guess I can put up with not being able to understand people very well for a little longer. Thanks for voting!
Cassandra Beck – 6
Denise LaSalle – 4
I didn’t vote! I have far too much difficulty thinking of myself in those terms. Sigh.
I understand you don’t have time to listen to the battling artists in this round. Maybe, you’ll get a chance to throw a vote in the Sept. 1st BoTB.
I appreciate you stopping by for a visit!
Cassandra Beck – 5
Denise LaSalle – 4
Denise La Salle does it for me. Both are good though.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Big hug. ♥
Thanks for playing along! The winner announcement is this coming Monday, August 27th. I hope you ‘ll check back to see who wins!
Cassandra Beck – 5
Denise LaSalle – 4
Hiya Cathy!
I was *ahem* a little too young to know about *ahem* sexiness when this song came out. I really disliked Rod’s look at the time and thought we were all doomed if this look was what I had to look forward to as I got older.
Thankfully, Rod improved his looks as he got older. Sadly, mine didn’t. But guess what – I’ve learned to accept myself and that in itself is sexy if I say so myself.
I was pleasantly surprised by the smooth jazz version and really got into it by the time it was over. The other version reminded me of nails on a chalkboard. In light of this, I’m going to have to vote for Cassandra Beck
I do hope your procedure goes well and I pray for a speedy recovery. Hearing is so very important! Almost as important as music
I almost forgot to ask… what was the outcome of your July battle? I looked everywhere but I can’t seem to find it.
Rod & Tina won July’s battle. I shared the outcome on the last 4M when our theme was ‘sign language songs’.
Well…I didn’t understand ‘sexy’ either when Rod’s song released but I was purrty sure, he was anything other than sexy. In fact, I always thought he looked silly wearing those skinny jeans and moppy top hair. Of course, that was the style in those days. lol Hey if you’re comfortable with who you are and confident then that IS sexy!
My hearing is muffled but this is normal for now they say. I guess I can ride this out if in the end things are far improved. The big thing is I headed this problem off before it becomes a major deal years down the line. Thanks for voting!
Cassandra Beck – 5
Denise LaSalle – 3
I don’t normally vote on this kinda think, but keeping my mind off of things is my goal today, so my vote is…….. I didn’t know you like jazz… I love jazzz I guess if I’m in the mood for it & considering I haven’t listened to jazz in a while that’s my vote. I really like the first one. So, put me down for No. 1… hehehe~ How you doing today? Fine I hope. I’m searching for followers on my Instagram then believe it or not I forgot how to send pictures to instagram so I have to look that one up too, but that’s after I run to Walmart to pick up a prescription. Sooooooooo HEY GIRLFRIEND…. I luv ya lots!!! HAVE A ROCKIN’ DAY!!! BIG HUGS!
Thanks for stoppping by for my latest BoTB showdown. I’m glad you decided to throw in a vote this time.
I’m running behind on comments but I’m slowly catching up. I have you down for Cassandra!
Cassandra Beck – 4
Denise LaSalle – 3
HiYa, CATHY! It’s that me, STMcC.
First of all, I loved the Tweety meme you opened with. That made me laugh. Suddenly, it’s all so clear to me now. My problem in life has always been that I’m just TOO SEXY and I never realized it before. HA!-HA!-HA! (I loves it!)
Secondly, what’s this operation everyone’s mentioning? I didn’t know nuttin’ about it. How come that? (Is it because I’m too sexy?) Well, whatever the operation is about, I’ll pray for ya. I have a great reAlationship with The Big Guy upstairs and I’ll talk Him for ya about this.
As for the Battle: “Personally, I do not find Rod Stewart remotely sexy…”
Are you crazy, girl? Heck, I am a [Link> “CONFIDENT HETEROSEXUAL” and I STILL think Rod Stewart is sexy as all get-out!
I just jest! I mean, I *am* a heterosexual, but like you, I don’t think Rod was EVER even remotely sexy.
You could take most of what Lee wrote and reverse it 180-degrees and get where I’m coming from: 1) I instantly hated this song when it first came out. I still essentially hate it. (The only version I’d ever heard and liked was Tiny Tim’s, but that’s because his video for the song was indeed a parody of it, and who is less sexy than Tiny Tim?! I thought that video was super-funny stuffs!)
2) Lee said, “Denise Lasalle captured the original spirit of the song…” I agree with that, and that’s why I didn’t like it.
On the other hand, CASSANDRA BECK’s version grabbed me right away with those opening piano notes, and it kept me with the trumpet and her slyly seductive vocal approach. Lee’s also right that it’s “schmaltzy”, but sometimes schmaltzy appeals to me (as it did here). And, frankly, this song is just too annoying to be taken seriously. So for it to appeal to me, it needs to be approached in some “not-too-serious” a manner, such as Tiny Tim’s parody or CASSANDRA’s schmaltz.
I actually REALLY LIKED Cassandra’s recording of it a lot. I can honestly say it’s the first time I ever heard this song and genuinely enjoyed it. So, thank you for introducing me to C.B.’s recording. It’s kind of redeemed the song in my view.
~ D-FensDogG
Yep, that’s probably it, Stephen!
I love that video clip! That’s just so funny!! I couldn’t agree any more about Tiny Tim being even less sexy but that reminds me of my two older teenage second cousins who were wild over TT back in the day and even as a littel girl I couldn’t see for the life of me why those two pretty girls had a thing for that homey looking guy. lol
Thanks for making time to vote in my battle showdown!
Cassandra Beck – 3
Denise LaSalle – 3
I love this song by Rod. We’ve seen him a couple of times in concert and he really puts on a good show. I couldn’t listen to the jazzy version. It just didn’t seem right. Give my vote to Denise La Salle.
I’m not a concert goer but seeing him on TV or video clips performing live I can tell he’s a real showman!
Cassandra Beck – 2
Denise LaSalle – 3
I got such a kick out of this song when it first came out. It struck me as something ripe for parody and no matter how it is performed, the nature of the lyrics and concept make it always seem like a song parody of sorts. It’s kind of a silly song, but it is a bit infectious.
To me Cassandra Beck’s version was a bit schmaltzy. Kind of nice, but a bit hokey. On the other hand, the version by Denise Lasalle captured the original spirit of the song and I couldn’t resist bopping along with it. My vote is for Denise Lasalle.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Hmmm, I wonder if any parodies were done to the song, do you know? I always thought Rod looked silly performing it.
Thanks for stopping in to vote!
Cassandra Beck – 2
Denise LaSalle – 2
IMO, Rod Stewart has a great stage presence but I don’t find him sexy. Love the song, though. My vote goes to Cassandra Beck. I find her version pleasing to the ears. Good luck with your surgery. Sending hugs and prayers.
Well…I’m glad to see someone else feels the same about Rod’s non-sexiness.
Thanks for the prayers and for voting!
Cassandra Beck – 2
Denise LaSalle – 1
Hi, Cathy!
I’m a man (news flash), a man who prefers women (news flash), and yet I still think the Rodster is a sexy performer, at least he was in his younger years. In the 60s, 70s and early 80s Rod was like a young colt – spirited, wild and untamed, feeling his oats, and he always wore a boyish, mischievous grin. “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” is one of my favorite Rod Stewart singles and I am surprised you found so many women covering it.
You chose two worthy contenders for your battle, one of them well know and the other obscure. I couldn’t find much info about contestant #1 Cassandra Beck. I see that she also covered Madonna’s “Material Girl” and that her recordings were released on smooth jazz and acid jazz compilations in Italy and other foreign countries in 2008 and 2009. While I enjoyed Cassandra’s jazz interpretation of “Sexy,” it reminded me of the style of singing typically heard in a cabaret setting, which is not my favorite thing.
Contestant #2, Denise LaSalle, was a well known blues and R&B artist with a long list of recordings. (Denise suffered a fall, needed to have her leg amputated and died earlier this year.) In 1971 Denise topped the R&B chart with “Trapped By A Thing Called Love” and scored top 5 hits the following year with “Now Run And Tell That” and “Man Sized Job.” On her 1995 version of “Sexy,” Denise sings over a backing track that sounds almost identical to Rod’s, yet her soulful female interpretation works for me, especially since it includes female backing vocalists and strategically placed purrs and whispers by Denise that remind me of Sylvia Robinson’s sexy, breathy single “Pillow Talk.” Therefore, I cast my vote for Denise LaSalle.
I surely will be thinking about you tomorrow when you undergo your ear procedure. I’m happy to know it is considered routine and applaud you for biting the bullet and getting it done sooner rather than later when it would be a major operation. Mewsic lovers like us can’t have our eardrums caving in, can we? Prayers offered, dear friend Cathy.
In Rod’s younger years, he was such a skinny man and I hated those tight fitting pants & spiky hair. He had no shape, no muscle (to speak of), and generally looked sickly to me. He seemed to have excellent stage presence but I find that as he’s aged, improved wardrobe, hair, and added pounds that he’s better looking.
I appreciate you casting your vote, putting Denise in the race. I hated reading about her poor health leading to her death earlier this year. This seems vaguely familiar. I’m probably read about her on Wikipedia when I composed this post. Wiki didn’t report if she had diabetes but heart problems and amputation sorta suggests it. Being heavy brings so many health complications. I thought it was interesting that she was born the year after my daddy nearly to the day.
Thanks for your good vibes and prayers on my surgery tomorrow. I know things will be okay with God over me! Have a blessed and bandtastic day, my friend!
Cassandra Beck – 1
Denise LaSalle – 1
Hi Cathy! Hope you’re having a grest summer. Well, I have seen a picture of you and think you’re totally sexy.
What a coincidence that we’re both using Rod in a Battle today. Mine was inspired by seeing him in concert again last Friday. The man really knows how to put on a show! ♥ I was surprised to see this song covered by women, but why not? it works both ways. For me, the smooth jazzy tones of Cassandra Beck were more pleasing to the ears. Please give my vote to her. Cheers!
Ahhh, aren’t you such a peach to say somethin’ so sweet! *blush* I’ve come to accept ‘sexy’ as self-confidence in oneself. Life teaches you many lessons, doesn’t it? Oh goody, you used Rod! I can’t see what you put together.
The gloves are off and the first ballot cast. Thanks for playing along, my friend. I’m heading your way right now! 
Cassandra Beck – 1
Denise La Salle – 0
Cathy; I missed the end of your post and didn’t see the part about you have surgery on your ears tomorrow. I hope everything goes well and that you’ll be as good as new before too long. Best wishes!
Have a good weekend!
I often missed things in posts, too. So, don’t worry about. I appreciate you coming back by to say something, though. Everything went well. I’m trying to catch up in Blogosphere as I can. I’m a bit tired is about all. The doctor has me on an antibiotic drop for a week that’s about it.