
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Aww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy-Plus

There’s nothing like a good laugh to start a Monday morning.  Now, you’re feeling better, welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me.  This week’s theme is whatever music moves you!  While cleaning up my online presence, one of my blogspot blogs I closed permanently had a post sitting in drafts that I intended to share but didn’t.  The new to me band had a really neat name which reeled me in to begin with and so I am bringing to you today on the dance floor, Curiosity Killed the Cat!

Curiosity Killed the Cat was a British pop band from the late 80s with a short career.  They had a few top UK hit singles such as “Misfit”,  “Ordinary Day”, and “Down to Earth” from their No. 1 debut album, Keep Your Distance.  I think perhaps the reason I don’t remember them is because the only song to chart in the US was Misfit at #42 in 1987. They have that fun 80s sound I like and perhaps had they survived they would’ve done better in the US.  The cool thing with technology is there’s so much free content on demand to enjoy giving me the opportunity to explore forgotten or lost bands.  The groups debut album playlist isn’t on YT but I did find a Very Best playlist to share with the bands top hits.  

This is a music link up.  Hence, your post must contain music (at least one song) or your URL is marked “No Music”. The party co-hostess are now featured in my right side bar underneath the 4M banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you – your choice. Finally, to access the dance party, just add your music post below, and visit others on the floor. Let the party begin! 


Before you vanish, let me quickly share with you the outcome in last week’s Under the Bridge BOTB. It appeared it was a no contest battle with the votes stacked heavily in favor of First To Eleven. I’ll close with another sample of F211 and mark your calendar for my next Battle of the Bands on June 1st.

One last thing, last Thursday, I shared a new album by Megan Brickwood. I added it to the 4M linky party and I hope if you have time you’ll click over that post to listen to her sophomore EP Fifth Mile! I’ll be back Wednesday with my last chapter in my Maine photo memories series and I hope you’ll join me.  This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic day!  X💋X💋, Cathy

Voting summary….

All Saints – John, Brian, & Stephen

First To Eleven – Tom, Lee, Eugi, Birgit, Sandee, & Mimi



Sparks contribution




















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25 thoughts on “Curiosity Killed the Cat

  1. Another nice find in music. I didn’t know any of the songs, even the one hit. All were pleasant backround listening and a couple reminded me of….some other 80’s band. Not that I can remember which one, alas! Alana ramblinwitham

  2. Great Post my sweet!!! You have such great taste in music. I always look forward to coming here just to see what you posted. Now, I have to ask do you know how I put stuff in my sidebar??? I want to put your button and maybe the other girls too (not to mention my own hehehe), and of course anything else you’d like me to post. I want to put your precious button there too!!! So if ya know use my gmail to send me the info. Thank you so much dearest… and have a great day! HUGS, Marie

    1. Thanks for dancing with me, Marie! Adding stuff to your sidebar isn’t hard. I’ll try to shoot you an email. Have a boogietastic week, dearie!

      1. ooooooooo could ya please? I think Cathy did some stuff, but I would have done it differently, but she got stuff I wanted! She really helps me a lot. Gotta luv her!!!! You have a great weekend!

    1. Brian,

      Luckily the band’s curiosity didn’t result in anything horrific like the death of cats. It’s just a name, so all is good. 🙂 I think it’s a cool band name!

    1. You know, I didn’t know the second line of this old quote. Heck, I thought that was all there was to it. I feel a little smarter now. Thanks for the share, CatLadyMac!

  3. I never heard of this band but it was nice to listen to. Nothing popped out but I like the name(wink:))
    I so enjoyed those animal antics. I love how the one goes up the stairs. Some made me laugh out loud and that is needed along with a good sleep. Have a beautiful day.

  4. Love the video. Our babies are so entertaining. Awww.

    Love your playlist.

    I fixed Marie’s post. She hadn’t published it. All good now.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Ahh, thanks for helping Marie out! 😉 It’s great having you on the dance floor this week, my dear. Have a boogietastic day!

  5. WOW! I remember The Band of the 80ties, CK, but don’t remember a song of them. Must have slipping from my mind in a way😸They had some great songs that we had to search on YouTube, because we couldn’t watch your video. We will watch the video about the funny cats later, as it is time for dinner now here, but we had to come by to link our postie and wanted to see you😺 We had so much to do last week, that we only have three songs for you this week. Thank you for the mewsic, CK and the quote, that is really a first necessity of life💗Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead…now let’s swing the 80ties🐾😽💞

    1. Don’t worry about the quantity of songs of you share, it’s the quality that counts, right? Y’all did a good job and I loved your selections. Thanks for joining us on the dance floor, little furriends!

  6. I actually recognize that song “Misfit,” although it sounds like so many songs from that period, so I’m not sure. Still, great ’80’s sound!

  7. The cat video is hilarious! Pets are funny critters and an endless source of entertainment for their owners. Like you, I really don’t remember this group or much else about the 80’s music. We were raising our daughter and my job required that we move four times between 1984 and ’87 so music was not a priority in my life. I’m glad those days are over. Have a blessed week.

  8. Couldn’t find my link again Cat… but that’s okay as soon as I post I’ll sign in and get the link then!!! Luvin’ your tunes & jokes… I got a huge laugh out of your cats!!! Almost woke up hubby! LOL I’ve been up most of the night I’ve got to get a few hours sleep, so I’ll talk at ya later. I started doing my blog & I lost it. I swear this computer hates me or its possessed!!!!! LOL Luv ya Sweetie! HUGS

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Paw-some 4M Monday, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a nice weekend. Thanks for the e’s. I got them and appreciate them.

    Awww… those kitties, dogs and birds are a hoot as their curiosity runs wild and they get into mischief. Unlike many humans, animals can take a nasty tumble and get back up for more. Those rambunctious big breed dogs do not belong confined in a small house or apartment because they are frisky, hyper and can wreck the furniture. My dearly departed Boots was the least curious cat I ever encountered. He never played with a single toy we bought him, didn’t jump up on counters, didn’t play like other cats. He seemed to be above all that, aloof, content to sit quietly and watch us work and go about our daily lives. I miss him so!

    I enjoyed this song set by the English sophisti-pop group Curiosity Killed The Cat. Right from the start, on “Misfit,” the band sounds a lot like another English act of the 80s named Kajagoogoo, a synth-pop band that hit big with “Too Shy.” On the second song, “Mile High,” they sound like the English new wave band The Fixx doing “One Thing Leads To Another.” “Bullet” has the type of funky up tempo arrangement you hear in recordings by artists on Prince’s roster. I love the funky horns in that instrumental tune. “Down To Earth” is another favorite of mine as I plow through this g.h. compilation.

    “We Just Gotta Do It (For Us),” a song from the album Getahead released around H-ween in 1989, is an evolved sound by the band and I love the brassy, funky pop feel and unknown female backing vocalist. “Name And Number” is another cool song. Great band they were!

    Thanks for reporting the outcome of your latest band battle featuring two of my favorite acts competing against each other. I’m sorry the outcome was lopsided, but for me the decision was a tough one. Both versions are winners in my book. In the end, Audra Miller and F211 prevailed. The Erie band is on a tremendous roll, just back from a tour and cranking out one great cover after another. “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” filmed at some sort of outdoor community event several years ago, is one of the band’s most highly regarded early cover performances. At the time, Audra and the boys were just starting to catch fire and make a name for themselves, with lots of greatness to come as the years went by. On their other YouTube channel, Audra and her band have a different name, Concrete Castles, and introduce their original songs. It’s well worth checking out:

    I really enjoyed the 80s sound of Curiosity Killed The Cat. I have two appointments Wednesday morning followed by another frantic day of packing, but I will make every effort to be here for you and read about your adventure in Maine. Meantime, I have a new post running at Shady’s Place and hope you can visit me. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Good morning, Tom!

      Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for some Monday music. Yeah, big dogs don’t belong in confined spaces. That’s a disaster waiting to happen.

      I’m glad you enjoyed this morning music line up, Curiosity Killed the Cat and appreciate you thoughts on the list of songs. As for my battle, I never see a lopsided showdown coming until it’s too late. In the end, I understood more why everyone preferred F211. I thank you for sharing with me Audra’s band has new name. I will check out that YT channel.

      I’ll be looking forward to your visit mid-week but don’t push yourself to stop by. You have far more important things on your plate to tend to. You’re my friend and I want you to be true to yourself first. Have a boogietastic week!

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