
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep BOTB

Hello, kittens & dawgs! How is life treating you? It’s mid-November and an air of melancholy surrounds me, do you feel the same? Like clock work, I find myself reflecting on my blessings. One of my favorite songs about blessings was written by Irving Berlin for the 1954 classic movie White Christmas.

The Crosby/Clooney duet is a hard act to follow and undoubtedly it’s my favorite. I decided against using it for today’s BATTLE OF THE BANDS (if you’re not familiar with this little meme hop over to STM’s website for the 411). Instead, I have chosen to pit jazz sensation, Diana Krall against POP artist, Barry Manilow.  Who will win?  It’s up to you!

Diana Krall
Barry Manilow

My vote easily goes to Krall! I love the piano and flute lead into her slow smoky cover over Manilow’s lounge piano rendition. Not to say, I dislike Barry’s cover because that’s not the case at all. I do like it. It’s just Diana hits the mood with her orchestra version a little closer to my heart the best.

Okay, here’s what you do to vote. Leave a comment telling me who you like the best and why. It’s that simple. Be sure to come back next Saturday to see how your favorite pick did. The fun isn’t over just yet, why not visit the other BOTB members and see what they have to share!

Far Away Series

STMcC Presents ‘Battle of the Bands’

Tossing It Out

Your Daily Dose


Book Lover

Creative Outlet of Stratplayer

Mike’s Ramblings

Thanks to everyone for voting on the 1st to I Put a Spell on You between Casey Abrams and Queen Latifah. If you read all comments left last time,  then it’s no surprise to learn that Latifah took the crown.  She definitely stupefied me with her performance!

I’ll resume Saturday Song-suasion next week for all those who were expecting my usual post. You got music one way or the other today and I hope you liked it. Until next time, don’t forget to count your blessings not only today, but around the table on Thanksgiving Day. Be safe and may God be with you over the holiday season!

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10 thoughts on “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep BOTB

  1. First, I stopped by your blog yesterday in an attempt to vote on BOTB. Not your fault, but I really have difficulty navigating WordPress sites. I was in the most recent post, and I couldn’t figure out how to move backwards. So frustrating. I just gave up. Then, you commented on my battle, I clicked on your name, and it brought me to the main page (which I tried to get to yesterday, but couldn’t), and I was able to scroll down to it. Uggghhh.

    I liked both of these versions. The Manilow version was jazzier, a bit more up-tempo, which I liked and I didn’t like. I would have liked it better but for the content of the song (which talks about falling asleep). Ergo, I think Krall better captured the mood of the song. It’s slower and dreamier. My vote goes to Krall for the flavor of her song (plus her voice is just delicious on this one:).

  2. CATHY ~
    Oh, a very good selection to use just before Thanksgiving.

    And both of these are pretty nice. Any time I’m forced to listen more than once, that’s the sign that I find it a tough vote, which means a good BOTB match-up.

    I think Barry Manilow sounds a tad flat in a couple places, although I liked the music really well. I guess I’m gonna vote for Diana Krall’s version. The first time through it seemed a wee bit too slow to me, but the second time it sounded just right.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

  3. Diana Krall takes this one for me-not that Barry’s version is bad, but Krall is an example of jazzy music that I do like (own all her stuff), so Mrs. Costello gets my vote.

  4. I think Diana Krall’s has a smoother, jazzier feel, and a soft intimacy that this song needs. The guitar and the flute add to her soft and understated vocals.

    Barry Manilow does a decent version, but this version seems a little slicker. The piano is excellent and the sax is well played, but the song loses a lot of that intimate, gentle approach that makes it effective, I think.

    So Diana Krall for me.

  5. Diana Krall has a gorgeous voice, but Barry Manilow’s choked me up. It fit the song better. And hey, the guy’s a trouper. Barry gets my vote.

  6. Is it Christmas already? This year has flown too quickly.

    Manilow does a very fine job with this song, which by the way I’m not sure i’ve ever heard before. The sax break was short but very cool and complemented the rest of the song nicely. . However I will give this round to Krall for the same reasons you’ve already given. She reminded me of Karen Carpenter singing this song. I wonder if Carpenter ever did a version? It’s well suited for her.

    But anyway this is another vote for Diana Krall in a very close contest.

    Tossing It Out

  7. I’m sorry but Diana Krall made me crawl to bed as she put me to sleep. I go for Manilow-stronger voice and more impact.

  8. I am a Barry Manilow fan for a long time but in this #BOTB, I have to go with…drum roll…Diana Krall!

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