
22-03-2025 Vol 19

Count me in #America #AtoZChallenge #music

I decided this morning to take part in the 5th annual post challenge started by the late and dearly loved Tina Downey at Life is Good and Shannon Lawrence of The Warrior Muse. These days the Road Trip crew consists of Heather Gardner (The Waiting is the Hardest Part), C.Lee McKenzie (The Write Game), and Nicole A. (The Madlab Post*) *broken link removed.

In all honesty last year I attempted to take the A2Z Road Trip but bombed out. What went wrong? scratch head Oh yeah, I know what went wrong! My mind went wrong that’s what. You see, I kept forgetting to revisit the home site regularly. This time, I plan to set aside either a Tuesday or Thursday to commit myself to visit those on the 2015 sign-up list. I’m ready to hit the road, so count me in #America!

Visit VentureAHighway, the official site of America.

My goal is to visit a handful of post-challenge nutballs, like myself, and to share my favorite passions ~ photography, music, and musings A to Z style each week with you. I hope you’ll tag along for the ride. WARNING!!! It might get a little bumpy and I may get lost along the way but hopefully, I will always find my way back. Grab a cup of Joe. It’s time to buckle up and hit the open road!

Oh yeah, today DD#2 is a quarter of a century old. Do you think that will make her feel old? lol

Nikki and her sweet little Copper *photo lifted from her FB wall*
DD#2 and her sweet little Copper *photo lifted from her FB wall* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, baby girl!!



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7 thoughts on “Count me in #America #AtoZChallenge #music

  1. I didn’t find you during the challenge but here I am today. Visiting on the A to Z Road Trip. Good reflections post!

    1. McGuffy, this is the post challenge for those who took part in the AprilA2Z challenge. It gives the participators another opportunity to visit blogs that joined up last month. This little shindig had more than 1500 blog link ups and there is no way on this planet that I can hop to everyone in a month’s time. Actually, I fell quite short on this task and am looking to redeem myself with a second go at it with the Road Trip. 😀

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