
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Confused? Annoyed? Me, too!

Last night’s episode of American Idol left me wildly disappointed.  WHAT’S WRONG AMERICA?  Can’t you tell real talent when it stares you in the face?  Obviously not!  Has our culture become so bombard by mediocre to horrible musical voices that real talent is not recognizable?

The one person I wanted to be in jeopardy of leaving did not even make it to the bottom three.  How could this be?

Paul McDonald is by far the least talented singer remaining.  He continues to butcher classic pieces each week and I keep hoping beyond all hope that this will be his last performance.  Are the voters mistaking stage presence for talent?  He really needs to be thrown off stage for his bad act.


This brings me to the bottom three.  Jacob Lusk can sing.  He has a big singing voice.  I don’t think of Jacob as an American Idol, but someone who belongs on Broadway.  Pia Toscano has a beautiful voice.  She demonstrated on Wednesday night when she stepped out of her comfort zone as a balladeer to perform the up-tempo song of Ike and Tina Turner, River Deep Mountain High.  Stefano Langone has a nice voice.  He could be a wonderful performer if he could only connect better with his audience.  Even as he sang, When a Man Loves a Woman I wasn’t moved like I am when I hear Percy Sledge sing it.


Three talented and different singers in the bottom three.  Two will be safe and one will not.  Of these three, only one truly did not belong and should not have faced elimination.  Paul McDonald should have had been among the bottom three.


Ryan started with Jacob first who was still safe after Wednesday’s performance.  Only two left.  Either Pia or Stefano would go home in the next words off Ryan’s lips.  They held each other’s hands as the tension mounted.  Stefano bobbed his head accepting his fate, as Ryan spoke.  What happened next left me speechless.

My jaw dropped to the living room floor and my eyes must have gotten cartoon big when I heard Ryan said something to the nature of, “American voted, Pia is out and therefore going home.” Poor Pia!   How undeserving is that?  A stunned Stefano couldn’t move for a few seconds.    Confused? Annoyed? Yep, that’s me still today.   What are your thoughts of last night’s shocking elimination?

Good-bye, beautiful Pia with a golden voice! You’re not done yet…I just know it!




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2 thoughts on “Confused? Annoyed? Me, too!

  1. Although Pia got the boot, Jimmie Lovine, Idol’s newest face this season, offered her a record contract. How cool is that? I love it coz she so deserves it!

  2. Never say good-bye because hey remember Jennifer Hudson – she walks away with an Oscar!! What about Clay Aiken, and Constantine who was on that night. There’s so many of them. I remember the very first showing of AI America did it to Tamyra Gray & she was amazing. I don’t know is it fixed? Now everyone is going to watch next week just to see what’s going to happen next. Finally, found someone who loves AI as much as I do. Woo Hoo! Have a good one & thanks for stopping by!

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