Howdy-hi, folks! You’ll find my hodgepodge answers below but first I want to get some tunes spinning for you with WSC #18. I suspect song prompts are inspired picks in honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday. Our hostess, Mary from JingleJangleJungle is asking us to pull together a mini playlist with ‘Mother’, ‘Sister’, and ‘Woman/Women’ in the song titles. Honestly, I’m feeling rather lazy after last month’s A-Z Challenge and everything is escaping my brain today. I asked DuckGo to for help me pick my song choices and this is what I got!
WSC playlist tracks: 1. Mama ~Connie Francis 2. Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves ~Eurythmics 3. Woman ~John Lennon
Hit play to enjoy!
Thankfully, I am not gender confused and love celebrating the many hats of womanhood!

Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.
1. What’s something you ‘may’ do this month? Honestly, I don’t know what I may do this month, other than continue with the A2Z Challenge doing a Road Trip perhaps once a week until I get caught up. I fell terribly behind which includes me going back to get some of your posts that I missed. Nothing else comes to mind and what does come to mind isn’t worth talking about unless you’re interested in house chores. Yeah, I thought not. Me, either but the darn stuff just ain’t gonna away on its own. Where’s that stupid genie with his three wishes when I need him?
2. Last time you literally or figuratively shouted mayday!? I don’t know maybe when I was in grade school and even then I can’t say for sure that I did but I do recall us having ‘May Day’ festivities.
3. Let the chips fall where they may, come what may, maybe, Cape May, mayflies, devil may care, you may now kiss the bride, much to our dismay, mayhem, mayonnaise…choose a ‘may’ word or phrase from the list and tell us how it relates to your life in some way right now. We’re stepping things up a notch in the house hunting, so I’m in the come what may mindset. While the market is doing well for sellers, it’s a difficult time to be a buyer because people are paying over the listing price which makes it harder for us. Our area is seeing an influx of outsiders moving in and gobbling up real estate because they are used to a much higher cost of living. This is horrible for locals. We’ll do our best to compete while leaving it all in God’s hands.
4. If someone were serving you breakfast in bed this weekend, what would you like to see on the menu? Eating in bed doesn’t appeal to me. First it’s not very comfortable. I’d rather be served while relaxing on the sofa. That being said, I think I’d like to see blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and sausage. Let’s not forget a cup of coffee and orange juice on the side. Mmm, that sounds yummy!
5. Tell me one true thing you believe about motherhood. The sad reality is this, no matter how hard you try to be the perfect mother, you never be perfect even when you think you are because kids especially teenagers can’t even see the true value of their mom until they become parents.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Last weekend I made Chile Relleons Bake <—recipe link]. It was easy and super good. I wish I had photographed mine but didn’t. The blogger who I borrowed the recipe from did share a photo of hers. This will definitely be a repeat recipe.

This afternoon, DH has a dental appointment to get his five permanent crowns seated in place. That’s not a lot fun. I recently had a bridge replaced and the dentist had a devil of a time getting the temporary off. Let’s hope DH’s temps come off without any trouble. Feel free to join my Wild Wednesdays, the party where just about anything goes linky party below. Have a wonderful day! XX
, Cathy
I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha, Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!
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what a delicious post- music and tasty bites!
We match with Woman by John Lennon which is a classic. I love the Eurythmics and that song which is so much fun and strong. I may organize my photos some more. Come what May since I had a procedure done and nothing can be done about it(I doubt anything will show). I had to get a polyp removed from my uterus and they scraped a bit to check for cancer which is just a typical thing to do. Maybe too TMI??
I would have toast and honey if I was served breakfast in bed. I love my breakfast. I am not a parent(unless you count fur babes) but my mom would say that no matter what he undying love for her children always came first and she would give her life to us…which she did! I miss my beautiful mom.
I love that song by Connie Francis! Good luck to DH with his dental work and I hope it goes well. Yep, the housing market is nuts in our area too. We just renewed our lease for another year! Rock on!
Excellent answers. You are so right, no parent is perfect. Once we get to where we realize that, life gets easier.
I’m going to check out your recipe link. That is a favorite of my hubs. Thank you for all the kind comments you left on my A-Z posts…I’m also playing catch up in visiting. Hubs sells real estate part time and it’s nuts here too. Definitely a sellers market, but then if you sell you need to buy so it’s hard. Hope you find just the right thing soon.
Okay, now that I’m a blubbering idiot & crying all over the place I love, love, love that song & it’s been a long time since I’ve heard it just for that reason. It reminds me so much of my gramma who was born in Sicily and my mom who I didn’t lose that long ago. What an absolutely beautiful song don’t you think? Well, gotta fly need to stop at the hospital to sign some medical papers & get some records. I’m up and running, but it’s far from perfect, but at least I’m up. Thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. I would’ve never made it. Going to keep pushing. Not sure if I want to stay there, but for now it will be a place I call HOME thanks to you! Love ya girlfriend & thank you again from the bottom of my heart. HUGS HUGS HUGS & HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO YA!
Blueberry pancakes and sausage sounds yummy! Good luck to DH on his dental work.
We always did like Connie Francis. Good luck on the dental to DH and here’s to successful house hunting!
Love Connie Francis. Such a beautiful voice she has.
Love the Chile Relleons Bake. Yummy. You know I ate some of those cookies.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Blueberry pancakes sound good …