Good-morning, kittens & dawgs, come on get happy!
I know what you’re thinking, it’s winter, cold, gray, and yucky. That fat, stubby rodent wearing a plush cozy fur coats poked his head out yesterday announcing, I see my shadow. They’ll be six more weeks of winter! Really? Really!

I’m not gonna let that little black cloud rain on my parade, and I hear you saying, What’s there to be a happy about?. Well…thanks to Les from Time Out For Mom Tuesday Coffee Chat prompt, Random. Got a rant to get off your chest? A recent victory to share? Some cute kids to boast about? It’s your choice!, fits perfectly into place for today’s Come On Get Happy Cat Chat
Why am I so happy? I have some wonderful news!! If you haven’t heard it by now, then allow me to share with you. Remember a couple a weeks ago in Bad things come in threes, I told you DH expected to lose his job on January 30th? Last Friday morning soon after DH got into the office, he called to say, “I got an extension through the end of March!” There were big whoops of happiness. Me doing the whooping mind you, but I could hear the smiles coming across the phone from DH, and lots of thank yous to the Lord above for hearing our prayers. Honestly, I wasn’t worried, really. Concerned? Yes. Worried, no. I turned it all over to God. That’s all I knew to do. The matter was tee-totally out of my hands and He placed a peace within that only can come from Him and I knew He would give us what we needed. Trust can be scary and it’s hard to turn it all over to Him like that, but it’s wonderful when I do. All I can say is this is God’s victory that we share, we certainly do not deserve it, but because of His incredible goodness we are His humble benefactors!
Let me go further to say this isn’t the first time God has given us a miracle in the 9th hour for protection over DH’s job. I remember while on maternity leave with DD#1 we faced the same situation, except I planned to return to work. For three months, I prayed and prayed for God to intervene to allow Robin to keep his job. I wanted SO much to NOT have to work. My place was in the home with my precious new baby. On my last day of maternity leave and DH’s last day at work, a Friday, with only minutes before he was to leave the office; he called with the amazing news that he was given a 6-month extension. Talk about cutting things close. I remember the tension, but more importantly, I recall the sweet relief.
If you talk to the man upstairs, then please mention us. Ask Him to see a way to filter more projects into the office to protect not only DH’s job, but all the other guys’ positions there. I’m feeling pretty darn happy this morning, maybe the coffee has something to do with it, but mostly I’m happy God keeps close watch over us.
Another victory is that of the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. That was an awesome game. The Seahawks did not make it easy for the Patriots to win. If you saw the game, then you know the only reason the Patriots pulled a victorious win is due to a poor call on the Hawks to pass the ball at the half-yard mark, instead of handing it off to rush it into the end zone. A call many are saying was stupid, but like one person pointed out, if it worked then it would be thought of as nothing short of as a sneaky plan of action by the coach and an excellent execution by the quarterback. My heart aches for Russell Wilson. He’s an amazing, energetic, fun athlete to watch on the field. Wilson is young and I’m confident he’ll see repeat visits to the Super Bowl, but Brady isn’t so young and for this reason I’m thrilled that he and the Patriots won.
Let ask y’all to do one thing, if I may. Please say a prayer for my FIL. His health is rapidly declining. He took a tumble over the weekend, we learned yesterday and was taken the hospital via ambulance. The gist of it is he had a heart attack. His kidneys are shutting down. He has an infection and low oxygenation levels. Due to his age and health the hospital can’t do anything for him, except to keep him comfort and help with his breathing. If I’m reading this right, then I think this means he won’t be with us much longer. He’s heaven bound and this gives me peace of mind. Thank you for your thoughts & prayers.
I hate ending things on a sad note, but sometimes it can’t be helped. That’s a wrap for this morning. I’m hopping over to Stacy’s for Random Tuesday Thoughts and you’re welcome to join me, if you want. I hope you’ll hop & link up tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday. Have a terrific Tuesday!
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Great news about DH!!! I was keeping you in my prayers, so there you go: where 2 or more are gathered!! even across bloggy lines.

but so sorry to hear about your FIL — we can always hope for a miracle, but if not, I pray that God’s perfect peace will be with all of you.
I had to get hubby to explain that part of the Super Bowl game to me. I didn’t really understand why everyone was saying it was a stupid play to make. But.. if it had of worked: they would have said he was a brave genius! Still glad the Pats win though!!
Sorry about your FIL; that kind of thing is always awful. I am praying for a lot of people today but speaking of things I’d like God to take over on, I am really hoping we get some good neighbors this time! We saw a family with 3 kids there the other day and I am hoping!
The groundhog may have said 6 more weeks of winter however there is really on 6 more weeks until spring!
I think the groundhog is one big conspiracy.
After all, today is the exact middle of winter, and the calendar shows there’s 6 more weeks of winter anyway – groundhog or no groundhog. 
WooHoo for answered prayers!! That is such great news, Cathy!! I’ll continue to pray that come March there will be yet another extension!
That really truly was a great game – both teams did their best. Well, you know, except that last dumb call at the very end (though that wasn’t the team, it was the coach) – but like you said, had they pulled it off, it would have been touted as the craziest and most awesome play in the history of the Super Bowl…instead, that play will go down as the worst in SB history. *le sigh* But I do like Tom Brady – I had to hold off drooling every time I saw him on the screen.
And you’re right – he’s no spring chicken, so it’s good he had this win before tottering off to the retirement home. >:o)~
Awwww! I’m so sorry about your FIL – I will definitely keep him and your family in my thoughts and prayers. (HUGZ!!))
Oh Cathy, Cathy… The Partridge Family? It’s back to the therapist couch for me. That’s great news about DH… yes, I too believe when we step into a world of Faith… it’s an amazing place. Lots haven’t discovered it but that doesn’t mean they won’t (smile).
I’ll keep your FIL in thoughts & prayers too.
I enjoyed the tune & the toon! (hahahha).
I don’t much care for super bowl, but big YAY for DH getting the extension on the job. Hope there’ll be more of those good news.
great news on DH!
I am sorry about your FIL – will keep you all in my thoughts