Monday's Music Moves Me

Climax Blues Band

A flashback memory from 1991 for Awww Mondays, hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus, of DD#2 strangling…I mean holding Tuffy

Good day, dear friends! How was your weekend? I hope you treated yourself well.  Ours was very nice.  Our son and his wife and the two of us spent Friday through Sunday in Asheville, North Carolina. On Saturday we toured Biltmore Estates.  The last time we were there was 2008. We had a blast.  Watch for a future post filled with photos to spring up soon.  😉

Here it is once again Monday and this week’s music theme is whatever music moves you! I was inspired to share today’s featured band when my link checker pointed to an old post that needed attention.  The set of songs I put up in that 2013 post only two of them I remember, so I thought it would be fun to listen to newer songs.  Turn your volume up and plug into the bluesy vibes of Climax Blues Band


Borrowed playlist from CBB’s YT channel. The album released in 2019.



Hands of Time is a nice collection of songs.  I listened to the mellow tracks while making biscuits one afternoon. In my opinion, it was the perfect music to accompany me in the kitchen.  Their style is so much different from their earlier works. Had I not known this is the band that I shared in that long ago post, I’d swear it two different groups. I definitely am going to go through more Climax Blues Band playlists on YouTube.  I hope you enjoyed the playlist as much as I did!


This is a music link up.  Hence, your post must contain music (at least one song) or your URL is marked “No Music”. The party co-hostess are now featured in my right side bar underneath the 4M banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you – your choice. Finally, to access the dance party, just add your music post below, and visit others on the floor. Let the party begin!



A Song For You Results

It’s time to report the outcome of last week’s BOTB.  If you’re following comments or voted late in the game then it won’t come as a shock to learn Christina Aguilera pretty much pummeled Whitney Houston in this battle in a 7 to 3 victory. Ouch, right? 

This is how the votes fell…

Votes for Christina – Tom, Stephen, Birgit, Lee, Brian, Debbie, and Mimi.  Votes for Whitney – John, Ellen, and Diedre. 

In this battle I learned most of you aren’t huge Whitney fans (me, either) but what many didn’t like was the melody arrangement – too disco-y.  Some noted that Christina was a bit over the top but that’s the way she’s been like… forever but  still preferred her cover.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if female powerhouses just let their beautiful voices do the job without the theatrics? I believe we have a greater chance of seeing a pig fly than to see this change. 

Thanks for making it a fun battle. Watch for my mid-month BOTB on the 15th.  Meanwhile, I invite y’all to come back on Wednesday for another edition from my Maine photo memories series.  I’m closing things with one of my favorite songs by Christina.  This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic day!  X💋X💋, Cathy

 I have no clue who said this but felt it the perfect Sparks to share….

Be a pineapple stand tall wear a crown and be sweet.























  • Alana Mautone

    I never would have guessed this was the Climax Blues Band, either. One of the singers reminded me so much of the man who sang the theme to The Sopranos, for some reason. My favorite songs were #5, #6, #7 and #13. Alana ramblinwitham

    • Cathy Kennedy


      They sound so different from their earlier stuff. Still not convinced that the group from my post years ago was the same, I did a more Internet snooping to make sure that they are and they are. I really like the direction of their newer stuff and I’m glad you enjoyed it, too.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Stippie, Peachy, & Granny,

      Tuffy had a furbling. At the moment, I can’t remember what we called that one but they were very tolerant kitties. DD#2 and her sister loved those little things to death! It was so sweet to watch them interact with the kitties.

  • Michael Todd

    These Bluesy Brits came to light in the 1970’s, and here you have brought them back to life. We shall dub you Cathy The Volunteer Resurrector …

    Now, Dear, about that home made biscuit recipe?

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Cathy The Volunteer Resurrector…I like that! 🙂 For some this is true, I’m resurrecting artists others remember but often for me the oldies are newbies to my ears. I’m still scratching my head wondering if these guys are the same ones I mentioned featuring years ago. I can’t think about these things without my morning coffee. It’s brewing right now. Maybe, I’ll figure this out before the day is done.

      Here’s my homemade buttermilk biscuit recipe! It’s quite simple and produce good biscuits.

  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    CAThy ~

    >>… too disco-y

    Yup! Sounds like sumpin’ I sed.

    And I also thought Christina’s version would have been even better had it been toned down a bit. (Funny, because that’s what I always thought about Whitney’s singing style, too!)

    Anyway, you didn’t have a shutout. And it may have been a blowout, but mine was even worse. So, overall, not bad at all.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Hiya Stephen,

      When I picked Whitney’s cover I don’t remember it being disco-y. Listening to after the battle went live I wanted to smack myself in the head for picking that cover. It didn’t work for me now and I can’t figure out why I went with it for this battle. sigh Oh well…you live and you learn. Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  • Eugi

    I haven’t been to the Biltmore in years and look forward to your photos. I am glad Christina won and I thought I cast my vote for her but perhaps it didn’t go through. Anyway, thanks for the bluesy start to the day with the Climax Blues Band.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I doubled checked last week’s comments and then looked in Pending/Spam folders but didn’t see anything from you. It’s good to know how you would’ve voted in this one as you would’ve been on the winning team. 🙂

  • messymimi's meanderings

    What a precious flashback photo!

    I haven’t heard this music in quite a while.

    Thanks for the Battle report, i’m glad to hear you had fun this weekend and pray you have a wonderful week ahead.

  • Brian

    That is a cute flashback. WOW, The Climax Blues Band, that’s one that never popped in my mind for a good long while.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The magic of Monday’s music is you’ll never know what you’ll find when you go down a rabbit hole. I love a good discovery new and old!

  • John Holton

    I’ll have to give the Climax Blues Band’s album a listen when my headphones charge back up. I hope that, despite losing Pete Haycock and Colin Cooper (the original guitar and sax players, both now sadly deceased), this configuration sounds as good.

    Love the “Candyman” video a lot.Christina Aguilera is a knockout…

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Climax Blues Band is really awesome! “Candyman” is a great retro style song and Christina really hits it out of the park on it, too. I really like her singing that style!

  • Marie

    Wow, southern sista all I can say is WOW! You really woke the place up with CandyMan I’ll tell ya! Great pick! Cat where are you sending the link for me. Comcast or Gmail? For some reason I couldn’t find it, but I got a copy from Stacy’s. It’s gmail I’m using more these days. I was hacked again & I don’t use Comcast that much anymore. so if you would make it to Gmail that would be great and HOLY COW, how did you find out Gibb was still alive??? Man, you cannot believe nothing you read these days and I sure won’t believe nothing I read at You Tube anymore. Luv ya gal! Wish II could come over there & give ya a great big hug! You’re a great friend sweetie… totally luv ya & ask Robin to give you a peck on the cheek for me!!! ~hehehe~ HUGS TOO!!!!! 🙂 Have a great evening!!! Docs tomorrow!!!! Sheesh, I wish these appointments were over!!!! HUGS

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Miss Marie,

      I am using your Gmail account now. Oops, my bad! I doubled check just now and sent it to your Comcast account. I’m sorry about that, my friend. What a goofball! I did send you an email early yesterday to your Gmail account, though. You may want to look, if you haven’t already. 😉

      How did I find out that Barry Gibb is still alive? I just did a search Barry Gibb death and I got several hits. Usually, DH tells me of high profile figures who die or I’m alerted of such news by various online sources, so I haven’t heard of something then I do a little digging. It’s so easy to fall for a hoax not knowing any better, so don’t worry about it. 😉 I hope your appointments are over soon for you with answers help you with your pain. Sending up prayers for you and sending hugs to you, my dear!

  • Arlee Bird

    I’m surprised that here on your site at least Whitney Houston isn’t quite the music queen as she is usually purported to be. I’ve never been a fan of her music, but I don’t particularly like her singing style. I’m glad that my choice was also the preferred choice of most voters.

    Both our outcomes were pretty similar. Good job!


    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, my battle outcome didn’t go like I thought, either. Like you I don’t care for Whitney’s singing style over all, especially after the mid 80s to early 90s. You were on the winning team this time, so hooray!

  • Birgit Bedesky

    That’s a pretty good band you showcased here. They are not quite blues but not rock and not country. They are in their own category.
    Love that Christina Aguilera hit…I have the CD.
    Thst is a cute picture of your girl with the pussy cat. My mom told me that, when I was around 2, she and her friend were having coffee and cake( it must have been 3pm and the Germans love their coffee and cake time) when they heard this mew. They saw me hold up the poor xat by its neck. They had a chuckle before saving the cat the cat was gentle and never scratched me

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I read coffee and cake and I interrupted coffee cake which got me to wanting some but coffee AND cake works, too. 🙂 I love cake!!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m surprised she didn’t do better than she did. I figured it would be a super tight vote. Thanks for playing along, my friend!

  • Sandee

    Your daughter was a most adorable little one. Many hold the kitties that way at that age. A great shot.

    Love your videos.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  • DrillerAA

    Thanks for getting my Monday morning off to a bluesy start. Climax Blues Band is just what the doctor ordered. Have a blessed week.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Paw-some 4M Monday, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a nice weekend.

    Awww… that’s such a cute flashback picture of your younger daughter hugging her kitty. It was a blessing that you were reunited with the grown up version of DD2 on your recent dream trip to Maine. As I told you at the time, Mrs. Shady, her son and I visited Asheville on our trip to the area in the fall of 2020. We loved the town, had a nice lunch there and strolled around the city streets. That one block was crowded and delightfully noisy with music and bustling with activity as hundreds of people spilled out of restaurants and dined outdoors in front of them. I’m sure you know where I mean. It was the last day of our trip to Western NC, and we didn’t have the time or energy to tour Biltmore Estate. I look forward to seeing what we missed in your upcoming post.

    I enjoyed listening to this 2019 album by Climax Blues Band, the British blues rock act not to be confused with Climax, a soft rock group based in LA. It’s fairly easy to mistake one band for the other because they both broke through with hits in the 1970s. In this song set, my favorites are “What’s Your Name,” “Simple Song,” “The Cat” and “Faith.”

    To sum it up, I thoroughly enjoyed this Monday morning musical interlude featuring the evolved sound of the veteran English music group Climax Blues Band. I agree that their style lends itself well as background music while you do things around the house. They cooked on organ and horns while you baked biscuits in the oven. 🙂

    Thanks for reporting the outcome of your band battle. It doesn’t surprise me that Christina Aguilera’s version topped the discofied recording of Whitey Houston. However, I disagree with you and others who complain about Christina’s vocal gymnastics. I enjoyed her performance exactly as it was and didn’t have any problem with it. Christina’s retro styled “Candyman” cover is an all time classic. I featured he video at Shady’s Place a few years ago along with a cool cover version by Victory Vizhanska.

    Thanks for the 4M music fest, dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back Wednesday for more of your Maine photo memories. In the meantime, I have a new post running at Shady’s Place and hope you can swing by and take a look. Have a wonderful week!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I do remember your trip to Asheville. Perhaps on your next visit to the area you and Mrs. Shady will find time to go to Biltmore Estates. To tour the house, it takes about 90 minutes. We had guide booklets but I didn’t look at it this time around. Our tickets include the audio guide but that would be useless for me to listen to since I can’t hear recording at low volumes. They had the Italian Renaissance Art on display in a different building but it costed extra. I wasn’t sure how we’d do on time or if the kids would liked to have seen it. To do every thing, it would take more than a day on the grounds. I now wished we had the time to have seen the exhibit. Maybe, we can view it before they take it away.

      Thanks for checking back on last week’s battle showdown. I was surprised on how lopsided the votes went and was most certain Whitney would do better than she did. Her best years in my opinion were when she was the mid 80s. There might be a few songs afterwards like in the early 90s but something in her life changed and so did her singing. I’m glad to know that you enjoyed the Climax Blues Band. I’ve confused bands with similar names many times. I hate when that happens, too. Now, I’m wondering if I did that again. You know got confused on the bands. The previous share in 2013 and now, are they the same group or not? I need coffee. Why am I trying to make sense of my thoughts without my brain starter fluid? 🙂

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