
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Classic Rock 70s Style on 4M

Wake up sleepy heads! It’s time to start your day. A new week is here and the 4M crew is coming at you with some sounds that will make facing today a little easier. This week XmasDolly has given us two musical themes.

The first choice is your favorite Disney songs per/ Everyday Life’s request. Nope, you’re not experiencing déjà vu. I goofed last week and put my Disney tune selections up during freebie week. smack self on forehead  The second theme possibility is 70s music per/my request. 

Which ever theme you choose, you won’t go wrong and we want to hear your picks right here on Monday’s Music Moves Me!

Our lovely hostesses, XmasDolly, is still recovering from back surgery and is doing her best to dance with us. Be kind and take it easy with her. As for the rest of the 4M crew ~  JAmericanSpice, Stacy Uncorked), & myself are ready to shake our tail feathers with you!

Psst, psst… a little birdie told me, Just the stuff ya know whose helping out is experiencing computer problems and isn’t able to join us on the dance floor until its fixed.

Link up and shake your bootie with the rockin’ bloggers below!

Dance party rules:  Grab XmasDolly 4M button here,  display it on your blog, and then add your your favorite weekly music theme YouTube videos for everyone to enjoy. We aren’t music snobs, if you have tunes to share that don’t fit in with our theme then no problem! As long as you have music to share, then you’re cool coz all we want to do is dance with you! 

The 70s was the decade for classic rock n’ roll. Here are only a few that take me back to the day of my youth. 




Today’s tunes can be found on the list of 100 Best Songs of the 1970s. Did you have a good time on the dance floor? I did. Remember, to be considered for honorary co-host each month, then be sure to add your URL to the link up.  Next stop… your place!  What 70s songs are moving you?

Be sure to come back next week to dance with the 4M crew for freebie pick week, and if you can’t get enough music, then join me for Saturday Song-suasion

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