
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Chit Chat with Patrice

Last night, we attended my DS homeschool graduation meeting. This is the second one of the sort, and you know, I’m having a difficult time wrapping my brain around all of this. I mean, how on earth did we get to this point? Wasn’t it yesterday, he started Kindergarten? Now, he’s finishing high school. Oh! The bitter-sweetest in such milestones! sigh with head hung low Let me see if I can get the spring back in my step, as I visit my good friend, Patrice, for a little chit-chat on her farmhouse porch. Why not join!

Here are this week’s Chit Chat questions for this week:

  1. What’s your favorite type of chair? I like rocker/recliners a lot. Ours is in terrible need of being replaced. It’s over 25 years old and has seen a lot of wear with three kiddos. In my precious children’s infant years, I spent many, many hours in that old rocker/recliner. I hope we can find a suitable replacement for it.
  2. What was the last play you saw? Ah, I dunno. That would have been when I was in high school.
  3. If you could spend an all expenses paid week in a cabin in the mountains, a cottage at the beach, or a townhouse in a city with lots of great attractions, which would you choose? This is tuff. If the cottage is on the Maine coast then I’d definitely pick this kind of beach getaway. Otherwise, I’d have to go with a cabin in the mountains. I’ve often thought how wonderful it would be to have our own cabin in the mountains, but that wouldn’t be practical and by the time retirement gets here then I wouldn’t want to be too far from city living conveniences.
  4. What’s your favorite condiment? I would say mayo, but it mainly depends on what food the condiment is going on.
  5. What’s your favorite breed of dog? Maybe a labrador. Everyone I’ve had the privilege of being around has been friendly but not hyper. I would think these type of dogs would be good around children. I like collies but I’ve heard purebred collies are hyper. Does anyone know if this is true? I think Dalmatians are pretty animals, but I’ve heard something negative about them which changed my opinion on ever wanting one for a pet. I think over a labrador steals the show on my favorite pick, though.

I think the bounce in walk has gone flat today. I’m totally unmotivated to stick with my hump-day hops. So, I’m bailing for the rest of the day to tend to some other less mentally active work. I’ll see you tomorrow hopefully, refreshed and ready to hop!

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3 thoughts on “Chit Chat with Patrice

  1. Hey there…thanks for the visit!

    Loved reading your answers! The kids growing up is so hard. my son turns 14 this year and it kinda makes me sick to my stomach to think about!

    I love a cabin in the mountains. My parents used to have one and we would all go up there several times a year. When it got too much for them to take care of, and none of us kids were rich enough to buy it from them…they had to sell it. I really miss it.

    We have a boxer, and she is the sweetest, gentlest dog. Definitely the best dog I’ve ever had in my life, and she is wonderful with my children.

  2. As we go through all the college choices with my oldest daughter, I constantly think- how did we get here. She can’t be that old! Certainly, I can’t be that old. Put that mirror away now!I like both the beach and mountains.Regarding dogs, I think folks can say good or bad. Some breeds have certain tendencies, but there is always an exception to the rules. I had a really mean breed of dog once and she was one of the sweetest, gentlest dogs imaginable. I now own the psycho shepherd!Her psychiatrist bills would be incredible if she was a person. She was rescued:)

  3. Time flies so fast, doesn’t it?!

    enjoyed your answers to the questions. I like both the beach and the mountains–beach in Winter, mountains in Summer

    Thanks you for visiting my Alphabe-Thursday P post while I was on vacation!

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