
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Check-in Time with Road Trip no. 4 and a WSC Edition

Howdy-hi, folks!  I haven’t vested much time lately in my 4th A2Z Road Trip.  My plan was to report in on the first Wednesday of the month but that got away from me and as you’ll notice I’m not including my normal Wednesday hops.  Since my last report, I spent most of my energies composing 4M posts for the rest of the year.  However, I did get caught up with one fellow A2Zer. 

Let me introduce to you, Jen’s Lexical Creations.  Her theme for the challenge was VS. as in differences and comparison.  Jen has a humorous writing style.  I love how she incorporates her imaginary blog friend into her posts.  I learned in her ‘About’ section that she has a written couple of articles that appeared in two national Christian publications, a community play published, and her blog received the 2016 Liebster Award.  Right now she’s focusing primarily on writing for children but does offer her editing services and relies on others to share the word. I can envision Jen doing well as a children’s author.  She has just the personality to hold a small ones’ attention, maybe even that of the parents.  She really captured mine with her theme this year.  This link will take you to her AZ category which is in reverse order but that doesn’t matter for you to read a few or all.   

Here is another colorized Looney Tunes do-over in my art series from April.

The original Cecil Turtle & Bugs can be seen here.

More A2Z Looney Tune sketches in color:

I’m stretched thin on time, so I’m not going to worry with the linky party this time.  I’m going to leave you with my WSC song picks.  You can catch me next on the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor where you’ll find me boogieing to songs about animals.  Come join the party and happy summering! X💋X💋, Cathy

This week’s song prompts – A song… about a Place, with a Girl’s name in the Title, and that mentions a Type of weather in the Title. This is what I came up with Smoky Mountain Rain (Ronnie Milsap), Jolene (Dolly Parton), and Sunny Afternoon (The Kinks).

Hosted by JingleJangleJungle

A few of my favorite Wednesday blog buds…  Joyce, Sandee, Natasha,  Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

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22 thoughts on “Check-in Time with Road Trip no. 4 and a WSC Edition

  1. Oh, Cathy, I’m blushing!
    You have such a fun blog, too, and I feel like a slacker for not visiting as much. Readers can find my 2021 A to Z list in order from the top menu of my website under the more… button, or they can go backwards from Z – I won’t judge! 😉
    I have linked my name to the list in this comment, if WordPress doesn’t mess it up for me (WordPress and I have a, er, history).

    1. Jen,

      Who’s the slacker? Just look how long it took me to get caught up with you, girl? No worries here. I’m glad you got a ping. I should’ve dropped by to tell you that I mentioned you in this post but got busy doing other things. Excellent! I’m glad you used your direct URL when you left your comment so it’ll make it super duper easy for others to click on your name to hop to the right place on your site. Thanks! PS: I don’t think WP has a problem when you use your sign-in form with links, but sometimes if you leave one in comments it will throw the comment either in spam or pending status for approval. 😉

  2. Hi Cathy! I wanted to visit back… it has been so long and I have been the worst at staying connected. I really appreciate your kind words and hope you are doing well. big hugs!

    1. Hilary,

      No apologizes needed, my friend. Life takes us down different roads sometimes. We may get lost along the way but just a long as friendship paths cross again then the wait is worth it! Best of luck with your latest book release and writing career. I’m really proud of you! 😉

  3. awww Ronnie Milsap! Believe it or not, it was one of the first concerts I went to when I was in college. You can’t go wrong with Jolene, and I enjoyed the Kinks tune! Great selections today!

    1. Mary,

      A good friend from my childhood had a huge crush on Ronnie Milsap. I remember how giddy she got after seeing him in concert. I didn’t get but she was star struck in love with him. lol Thanks for coming over today, my dear!

  4. Love Bugs and the Tortoise who both seem to be past the line 🙂 I am so glad you joined in this week. I enjoyed all 3 and thought you would pick Jolene which is a good song. I forgot about the Smoky Mountain song but it’s a good one and love the last song which works so well. We can’t always have stormy skies and tornadoes.

    1. Birgit,

      My first two picks just seemed like a natural response since Milsap mentions Knoxville in the song, too. 🙂 I love the song! It’s probably my favorite song he does. Did I ever tell you DH works with guy who’s a distant cousin of Ronnie’s?

    1. Brian,

      When I’m able to visit other A2Zers then it’s really nice. I failed so miserably keeping up in April. I sure do appreciate your visits, my furriend.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    I didn’t think you were posting today, dear friend. Gosh, your summer hiatus is busier than my regular weekly schedule! 🙂

    I’m glad you accepted the Weekly Song Challenge, because this week’s prompt is an easy one, and I have plenty of possible picks floating around in my head. I posted three song picks on BB’s Creations and I will select three different ones for your blog.

    First I want to remark how great it is to see your tortoise and the hare fable (featuring Cecil & Bugs Bunny) brought back In Living Color. It pops, and so does your banner showing Porky & Sylvester rolling down the road in a jalopy.

    Good picks for the Mewsic Challenge, Cathy! Milsap’s “Smoky Mountain Rain” is ideal for you because you and DH visit that area so often, and the song also mentions your city Knoxville. “Jolene” is a great one-word girl name choice. I have seen a gazillion different covers of Dolly’s song on YouTube. Believe it or not, “Sunny Afternoon” by The Kinks was a popular play at The Shady Dell. Most records Dell rats played were for dancing. That was one of the few heavily played platters that was mainly for listening and singing along.

    Here are my picks:

    PLACE SONG: “Brazil” by the Philadelphia-based, all-female disco band The Ritchie Family. “Brazil” is one of the most popular of all Brazilian songs. The Ritchie Family’s discofied cover was a big club hit and a top 10 record on the pop charts in the weeks leading up to Halloween in 1975.

    GIRL SONG: “Honolulu Lulu” by Jan And Dean, another top 10 hit and another record that peaked in popularity in the weeks before H-ween. In this case, the
    year was 1963.

    WEATHER SONG: “The Wayward Wind,” a chart-topping hit for another Philadelphia artist, singer Gogi Grant, at the start of summer in 1956.

    I’ll have a new post starting tomorrow morning at Shady’s Place if have time to swing by. Otherwise, I’ll see you when I see you. Thanks for the mewsic and the delightful color illustrations, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I just about didn’t get this post together. I’m happy to know you appreciated the do-over Cecil Turtle and Bugs illustration from my April A2Z Challenge. “Smoky Mountain Rain” could’ve been used for the first and third prompts. I thought it was only fitting to use Dolly’s “Jolene” since she’s from the Smoky Mountains foothills community, Sevierville. I am not familiar with any of your song titles. Let me hop over to YouTube to sample these songs. BRB Okay, I’m back. The only song that sounded familiar is The Wayward Wind but I’m not sure what artist I might have heard over the years. Wikipedia says Sylvia released the song in 1982 which reached #53 on the charts the following year. I’m thinking I recall the song being done by a male vocalist. It could be I heard the song in an old western or something that sounds like it. Thanks for coming up with three different song titles to share with me, my friend. I’ll watch for your post tomorrow. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. I love your sketches. You’re so talented.

    Love the video. Love his voice.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

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