
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Chats with Patrice & Friends

I’m finishing my second cup of coffee this morning and just now getting to my second post of the day.

It’s time to skip over to Patrice’s to join the ladies for a little Chats on a Farmhouse Porch.  This week questions are:

What’s the last thing you baked?

Hmm, I was thinking I haven’t baked anything in a while and then I remembered making an Italian herb bread from a mix by Krusteaz. It was easy and it actually tasted pretty good from a box.


What’s your favorite thing about fall?

I think the thing I love most about fall is the cooler temperatures. Of course, the change in foliage is spectacular, too. After summer’s heat then the fresh nip to the skin is rejuvenating. I like it being just cool enough to where I need to pull on a sweatshirt.

What’s your favorite room in your home?

This isn’t our living room, but I love the way this room feels – totally inviting. Perhaps in our dream house we can do something like this.


It’s nice to unwind at the end of the day with the family gathered in our living room to simply chat like we’re doing here this morning or to just relax in front of the TV. For me, it’s a room of comfort and letting go.

Who handles bill paying in your house?


Our bills are pretty straight up. We both know what’s needed to be done, but I actually make sure to schedule payments. This use to be such a headache until everything got so automated. I love that I can set auto-pay for nearly everything that’s consistent, then the rest I manually pay. Paying bills online is convenient and makes life less complicated. This chore doesn’t bother as much as it once did.

Tell me whatever you’d like to share with our chatting friends.

DS began his college classes this week. Freedom at last! Well, free to finally get some much need house cleaning done without interference. You do remember, I have a family full of pack rats, right? There is no one…I repeat no one here to stop me from throwing this or that away. By the time someone notices said object has gone missing then it’s too late.

Being subjected to the lifetime behavior of my pack rats, I’ve discovered a little pack rat in me or maybe it’s all learned behavior or could it be quilt?  I find it difficult to get rid of thing sometimes and have to place it back until another time.

At this stage of the game any progress I make is better than before. I have two semesters to do major deep cleaning to our little abode before next summer arrives and maybe by that time DS will have a steady job.

That’s  it for today. Y’all have a good day and I hope you come by to see me tomorrow! 😉

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6 thoughts on “Chats with Patrice & Friends

  1. Oh how I love a comfy soft sweatshirt ahhhh. I love your posts you always have cute pics to go with your questions/answers. the smiley face in the coffee or coco is adorable. Have a great week :))

  2. I love how easily automated bill paying is these days. I am like you and just schedule everything. Paper is a real problem for me. I wish you luck in your purging. I do it frequently but my daughter kicks and fights me. I just have this morbid fear of hoarders and being buried alive.

  3. Yay, fall! I can’t wait to pull out my lightweight sweaters. My daughter cleaned so thoroughly before she left for college that I have nothing left to do with her stuff. She even helped me with her sister’s room.I have two pack rats and two that aren’t. Too bad Wendell didn’t enter your costume giveaway. That could have been funny if he won!

  4. Now that I see it, I remember I too bought a box of bread mix, I should make that! I love being able to pay bills online too. The knowledge that I can program something and not think about it anymore is freeing. Another thing to love about fall – cleaning! I’m doing the same thing myself! Have a blessed rest of your week!

  5. Purging was an actual delight when the last of the lovelies moved out to attend college. Except that I put a lot of stuff up in the attic. LOL Birdie taught herself how to quilt so she made Deanie a quilt of all her t-shirts. It is awesome!

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