At dawn’s light, I take the trash to the curb. DH wants to do this job for me, but time doesn’t allow him to do this before work. DS was in charge of it, but now he leaves for his college classes with his dad and can’t do it. This means task falls back to me.
Why don’t we take it down the evening before, you ask. Simple. In the past, we would roll those expensive trash cans to the bottom of our drive to only have them carted off to another street or worse stolen by pranksters. We learned it’s easier all the way around to carry the bags to the road each week. The worse thing that happens on rare occasions is an animal gets into the bags.
However, the job isn’t all that bad. Sometimes, I get a special treat like this beautiful sunrise greeting me just over the tree tops in the eastern sky yesterday. My goodness, what a sweet reward!

1. Have you ever been on a boat? (Motor boat, sailboat, cruise ship, ark, or Good Ship Lollipop) While DH & I were dating, sometimes we would take a paddle boat on a calm little lake, but on our honeymoon, DH & I rented a rowboat and ventured out on the lake. A different scenario from the calm lake and paddle boat with the motor boats creating giant wakes, which rocked our row-boat precariously this way and that way. Terrified, I swore never to get into a contraption like that ever again. In our early years of marriage, we occasionally went water skiing. I didn’t mind that so much. In fact, I enjoyed it for the most part, except when I was in the water then I go all nervous thinking of a jaws-like creature in the depths of the lake waiting to nibble on my toes. At all times, I kept my legs pulled to my chest.
2. Do you need an alarm to wake up in the morning, or do you wake up naturally? If you have an alarm, tell us what type. Yes, an alarm clock is an essential wake-up tool for me. We have a digital clock beside the bed with dual alarm settings to make sure we get up.
3. Have you ever had a yard sale? As a kid, we had many yard sales while I was growing up and I loved going to them, but as an adult, I have not had one. I simply give our unwanted stuff away or at least I did until GoodWill got all fickle about how they wanted items left at their facility. Now, it all gets tossed in the trash unless I know someone to give it to beforehand.
4. Do you like kitchen gadgets? What are some of your favorite? Only if they are really useful gadgets and do not take up a lot of countertop space. At the moment, my favorite is my new KitchenAid 550 mixer, which was a gift from some very special friends. I love it!
5. Do you read labels at the grocery store? Yes, I check out the nutrition labels and product origin of all items I normally do not buy and occasionally will spot check the regular stuff to make sure nothing has changed.
1. In the USA this coming Sunday millions will be watching as the Baltimore Ravens take on the San Francisco 49’s in the Superbowl. What was the last event you attended that could be described as super? The last event I attended that can be described as super…hmm, that’s a toughy. I don’t do much socializing. I’m pretty much a homebody. Ah, wait… I’ve got it! The last event I attended was our DD#2’s wedding on the lawn at the courthouse last January. It was a beautiful day – vivid blue skies above and sunny. Just perfect! So, I count that as pretty super.
2. Share something you’re a fan of these days? Other than professional football? Uh…hmmm…..I don’t know that I’m a fan of anything else. Wait! I am a fan of certain so-called reality shows like DWTS or Celebrity Apprentice or AI. Does that count?
3. How do you feel about wings? In case anyone is confused, I’m talking the edible appetizer kind. What’s your preferred seasoning on a wing-hot, mild, teriyaki, sweet and sour, other? Do you make your own or is there a favorite place you like to go for wings? I only like wings, if they are boneless and hot but only if the sauce has some flavor. I can’t stand wing sauce that’s blazing hot and no real taste to it, you know?
4. As long as we’re talking sports today…have you followed the Lance Armstrong story? Did you watch his interview with Oprah and if so what was your reaction to his confession and subsequent remarks? I did not watch the interview, but I know he confessed to using drugs to enhance his sport’s performance.
5. What’s a question you hate to be asked? What’s 2+2? Nah, I don’t know. My brain is scrambled this morning and nothing really comes to mind.
6. The coaches in this Sunday’s big game happen to be real life brothers. Jim Harbaugh coaches the 49er’s and his older brother John Harbaugh coaches the Baltimore Ravens. Were you and your sibling(s) competitive? In what way? Are you still? If you’re an only child how did you handle competition growing up? My younger brother was almost 5-years younger than me and my baby sister is almost 10-years younger. We didn’t feel the need to compete with the other because of the age difference. That being said, I don’t know if I would have called myself a competitive person with my peers, either. I loved to compete, but to have a die-hard competitive nature then I would have to say no. I do believe being competitive is a good thing and it should not be discouraged in kids. I think kids need to know if you work hard, then there are rewards. It’s okay, f it a kid loses a game. It will teach them to work a little harder if they want to be successful and that’s never a bad thing, in my opinion. Liberals are trying to teach our youth it’s a bad thing and that everyone is equal. Equal in God’s eye, yes. In their ability, no. Some of us just have to prove ourselves a little more than others. I for one consider myself in that class and am not afraid to push myself.
7. What’s your favorite game involving a ball and when did you last play? Tennis. It’s been a very long time – too long! I’m not any good at it but it’s great fun to chase after the ball when it shoots over a very tall fence. I’m the one who sends the ball in all directions. No one else can compete with my degree of awful play.
8. Insert your own random thought here. The wind is really sweeping across the city. Our buoy bell chime has been constantly ringing all morning and it takes some stout wind gusts before you can hear it as well as I am hearing it now. The weather alerts are saying were under a tornado watch till 1 pm. This crazy weather system we’re under is causing the turbulence in our conditions. Yesterday spring like and today windy with strong thunderstorms. Temps are forecast to be below freezing on Friday. So wild!
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