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14-03-2025 Vol 19

Change is on the way

The Thursday before last when we were on vacation and we went to Blowing Rock, North Carolina. It was a gorgeous day to walk around the quaint, quiet town. The terrorists, I mean tourists were minimal making it especially nice. #SkywatchFriday

October vanished just like that! *snap fingers* The month is gone, so is this week.  While most of us aren’t bluesy because it’s Friday, I mean it’s the weekend and that’s always a reason to be happy, right? But… it’s also the weekend of change, as in TIME CHANGE.  *screams of horror*  Let’s get our giggles on to wort away the fallout of emotional distress this change will cause until our internal clocks adjust.  


I couldn’t resist sharing some Halloween laughs. lol
Think about this one as while you go from room to room setting your clocks Saturday night. 🙂

I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins 

1. I never read a lot of books! If you’re a regular here then you know I never developed a great passion for literature. Mainly because of low confidence as a kid for being a slow reader. Those early years in grade school my first grade teacher was witch. She was impatient and unforgiving for those who struggled. What I didn’t know at the time was my hearing loss played a lot of part in why I couldn’t pronounce words clearly because I didn’t hear them right to begin with and we weren’t taught to sound things out it was by sight. Perhaps had we’d been taught how to sound out words then the teacher might have figured out the reason for my trouble was my ears not my intellect.
2. I mainly read blog content and Internet articles of interest.  I don’t know how we survivied for years without the instant knowledge found on various Internet sources.  I do a lot of research ranging from product reviews for purchase, health & diet issues, learning about present or pass famous entertainers, how-tos, DIY, and so much more.  My computer and the Internet are invaluable tools for my daily life and I’d feel rather lost without these things now.
3. The beginning of a new month always causes me to go, ‘WOW, last month really went by fast!’.  Here we are in the 11th month of what once was a new year and I’m left scratching my head in wonderment, not only about October clicking by at lightening speed but the whole of 2019.  The days and weeks to follow will surely zing by equally blinding fast.
4. DH makes me feel silly. Like a school girl silly! It’s so wonderful to have a husband who treats me so tender and special.  I was just telling him if more women were treated like I was then there would be a whole lot of happier women out there and I’d have to say that would mean that there would be a whole lot of happier men, too. 🙂

Do you like mewsic? Earlier this morning, my first BoTB for the month posted, did you vote in that battle yet? If not, then I hope you’ll take a minute to cast your ballet.   Do you like to boogie? If you said yes then considered yourself invited to the best dance party in Cyberville with ‘your choice song picks‘ spinning on the turntable right here on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday.

Disclaimer:  Comics used in herein unless otherwise noted, do not belong to me but are borrowed resources from the world wide web with the expressed purpose to make others some smile or giggle and if both happen great. 

More Friday linky parties…

🎉Celebrate the Small Things Lexa Cain self-titled blog   😸Feline Friday Sandee @Comedy Plus  🤔 Friday Fill-ins hostess #1 Ellen @ 15andMeowing  🤔 Friday Fill-ins hostess #2 Lorraine @FourLeggedFurballs   👭Friendship Friday Ramona @Create with Joy   📷Skywatch Friday Alan @Yogi’s Den

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34 thoughts on “Change is on the way

  1. Your funnies always make my day. I especially enjoyed the Halloween ones. They had me laughing real good. Thank you for that! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I have a cousin who had undiagnosed hearing loss when he was young, and it took quite some time for them to realize that his hearing loss was causing his difficulty in school. Though I know there are some gems of teachers out there, I wish more of them would look at certain children’s learning difficulties from every angle, so that things like hearing loss could be realized sooner than later. I hope your week is going wonderfully!

    1. Lorraine,

      Speaking from personal experience I wished my grade school teachers would’ve taken note of my difficulties but I wonder why my parents didn’t realize or maybe they did and didn’t understand the seriousness of it or how it would affect my learning abilities. We survive and move forward. My week is going well. I can’t complain. I’m blissful, busy, and blessed.

  2. We don’t observe DST here in Japan, but it confuses me and a lot of American expats because we are like “What time is in the US now”. It used to be a 13 hour time difference, now it goes to 14. My mom call stop calling me at 4 am and now call me at 5!

  3. I know it seems like every month is going by faster and faster, but October really did go by super fast! What was that, even? As for DST, I think it’s ridiculous – but I don’t complain about it so much in the fall because I get an extra hour! And while I don’t like having to give it back during the spring, by then I’m all excited about it being spring, so I try not to complain about it then, either. But it’s kind of hard for someone who’s always exhausted to not complain about being exhausted AND having to do everything earlier.

    I didn’t know you were hard of hearing, too. People like to poke a little fun and tell me mine is because of all the loud music and concerts I’ve been to. And while that certainly hasn’t helped, I’ve been hard of hearing since I was a child. I had an allergic reaction to some medication and sprang a high fever. I should probably look into getting a hearing aid, but since mine is inner ear nerve damage, for a long time a hearing aid wasn’t an option. They’ve come a long way, though, so perhaps now it can be an option.

    Are you doing NaBloPoMo this month?


    1. Kim,

      I had a lot of bad ear infections as a kid but by the time I was grown, I didn’t have a problem with it much. I knew there was some hearing loss but over time it’s gradually gotten worse. One of the problems I have is my eustachian tubes are small, so it’s hard to get equalized pressure in my ears. I’m sure having small tubes is one reason why it was easier for me to get ear infections because the bathwater often got trapped in my ears. I think showering resolved this issue after I got married. With the pressure equalization problem, it creates a vacuum sucking my eardrum inward which poses a danger to the small bones of the inner ear. If left unchecked then overtime the small bones basically deteriorate and I could lose my hearing. Last summer, my doctor placed tubes in my ear to prevent further damage with the hope of making the pressure more stable in both ears. He seems to think that as long as I have working tubes in place then this might fix that problem but this means I’ll have to have surgery every few years to have new tubes put in because as you know they aren’t permanent. The one in my left ear already fell out March but he’s watching it to see how the pressure is doing. I go for my next follow up in a couple of weeks. I believe the tube is still in my right ear. The tubes make sounds muffled. It’s hard to understand someone from afar or if I’m in a room with a lot of background noise and I’m trying to hear someone talking to me. It’s very frustrating but at least I can hear. Hearing aids are in my future and that really bothers me. I guess I’m a bit vain. lol Do check on to see if hearing aids might help you, though. Medical technology has changed a lot. No, I’m not participating in the NaBloPoMo challenge. I keep saying that I need to do this but I get too involved with other things. Best of luck to ya if you’re doing it.

  4. Speaking of Funnies – You may remember Gonzales Gonzales from John Wayne movies. He provided comedy in Rio Bravo, Hellfighters, and other Wayne movies.

    Here is where he got his start as an actor when he appeared as a
    contestant on ‘You Bet Your Life’. Groucho takes advantage of the situation based upon the audience laughter.

    John Wayne saw the event and put him in his movies.

    1. Thank you for sharing that clip. That’s chock full of good laughs. I don’t know if I remember Gonzales Gonzales from John Wayne’s movies but he sure did make me giggle this morning. Was he in many of Wayne’s films?

    1. Linda,

      You and me both Sista! I wish they’d leave the time along. It’s not like we need it for the same reasons that we once did. I think this is just another way for the government to control us a little more. lol

  5. I’ve been dragging in the mornings the past couple weeks. It’s so dark. It’ll be nice to get up in daylight again.

    I’m so sorry about your teacher. There are so many great books, and reading is wonderful, but if you’ve been turned off to it…

    1. Liz,

      For a time in my teen years and early BC (before children) adulthood years, I enjoyed reading quite a bit and even after having kiddies I loved reading the short stories edition of Reader’s Digest. I won’t buy Reader’s Digest anymore. They have gone to the dogs with all the ads in it and very little content. It’s just terrible. Now that the kids are gone, I find other interests to fill my days. It would be good to pick up one and find myself completely absorbed by it, though. I’m not ruling it out completely, it just doesn’t call to me.

    1. Peter,

      I’m glad you get some giggles out of me, I mean out of my sillies. Not me, now that’s silly! 🙂 Our Halloween was a quiet one, uneventful with no trick or treaters which is the way we like it. That means more candy for us. lol

  6. I love the extra hour we get and it has never seemed to bother my internal clock. They were talking about doing away with time changes here in California for a while. They said the “old folks” had trouble adjusting and there were more accidents, etc. Just a bunch of baloney I think.

    1. Janet,

      That sounds like a bunch of baloney to me, too. The time change has nothing to do with the ‘old folks’ having trouble adjusting. Could it be there are just more stupid careless drivers on the road? I find that anyone under the age of 40 is the worse offenders on the road. They are impatient and rude and lack the common sense needed to drive their piece of death metal safely from point A to point B. Do you remember how it was young guys and men who did the dumbest things? Well, the table has turned, now it’s the young girls and women, in general, doing the most idiotic stuff. The accidents we’re seeing or hearing about in our area have skyrocketed over the years. Sadly, this is all going to get worse because people aren’t in control of their emotions. Alright, I ranted enough. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by for a visit, dearie!

      1. LOL I agree that women/girls have changed a lot. They think they need to be more assertive or something. I always felt in control without the need to be pushy about it.

  7. Remember the old line, “November? I’m still writing ‘2018’ on my checks!” Now it’s more like, “2018? I’m still writing checks!”

    1. John,

      I do remember that line. In our modern age of paying online for everything then check writing is nearly a thing of the past. I rarely write one anymore. I think the only time I do that is when we go to the dentist and that’s because they offer a 5% discount when you pay upfront. The savings is nice and usually, our insurance reimburses us, which is okay. I can’t believe there are less than two months left in 2018.

  8. I often turn to the internet for information and am thankful for the resources the internet provides us. However as time goes by I also find myself more distrustful of what is on the internet. It’s a blessing and a curse. Most of the divide we see in our country is probably rooted in misinformation and disinformation disseminated by the internet. I’m very careful of absolutely believing anything I read on the internet.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      You’re right about the Internet. It’s both a curse and a blessing. One has to be wise enough to distinguish the difference. It’s easy to get fooled with so much information floating around on the net, too.

  9. Loved the parody song! Oddly enough, I caught myself watching the dancing girls dance with the parody. The two just seemed to go together well. Have a great weekend!

  10. Those were fun comics. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. This year has gone by way too fast, especially my favorite month of October. I think it is sweet that DH still makes you feel that way. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

    1. Ellen,

      The year has evaporated on us. I knew this would happen at the stroke of midnight on January 1 of this year. Why can’t ever be wrong about such things? sob deeply in hands LOL Oh well, we just need to make the most of every day that we’re given because they are truly fleeting moments. Thanks for visiting, dear!

  11. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha. Love all the funnies.

    Love your fill-ins and really like #4. I feel the same too, but it didn’t come to mind.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. Love and hugs.

    1. Sandee,

      I’m running behind as usual. You know how the weekends are for me. It took me a split second to come up with my response for #4. I’m glad you feel the same about your husband. It’s a good feeling, isn’t it?

  12. Awww that’s sweet about your DH, I feel the same about Alex! We’re the lucky ones Cathy 🙂
    I love the funnies, especially the Stonehenge one! The time change, well, I am still jet lagged from springing forward so I’m all messed up lol…

    1. Rain,

      That’s right, we are the lucky ones. I always tell DH how lucky I am to have him and he always tells me that he’s the lucky one. He’s so sweet! Thanks for joining me for some laughs on Friday. I’m playing catch up this morning. Have a good week, my friend!

  13. Hi, again, Cathy!

    I loved your Friday Sillies, dear friend! I can only imagine what “that new monster smell” is like. 🙂 Thanks for reminding us that we “fall back” this weekend. Theoretically we get an extra hour of sleep, but it never feels like it the next morning.

    I enjoyed your fill-ins. I remember feeling so inadequate when “speed reading” became a thing in my younger years. They would show people in demonstrations paging through books at lightning speed, finishing a thick volume in a couple of minutes and supposedly comprehending and remembering everything in it. I am a slow reader, too, because my mind constantly drifts away to memories that are related to practically every sentence. Like you I mainly read blogs and internet content. It is amazing how much we can learn and share every day. Where would we be, what would life be like, without the internet? Sadly my brother never took an interest in the internet and never owned a computer. His life is lived the old school way, the same way ours was in the years before this advanced technology changed communication forever. I couldn’t agree with you more about the relationship between men and women. It has become toxic in many cases, but you and DH are shining examples of a relationship that works. You are lucky to have a man who dotes on you, and he is a very lucky man to have a wife who treats him so special. I envy you guys.

    I enjoyed the “Time Change” – “Uptown Funk” parody, new to my eyes and ears. I can’t get enough of those dancing Brit birds on Top Of The Pops! 🙂

    I wanted to let you know that I am having eye surgery (cataract removal) first thing Monday morning in another city with an immediate follow-up exam the next day, so please excuse my absence from blogland Monday and Tuesday.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Thanks for dropping by early this morning. Computers have been a part of much of my adult life. In college I took programming classes but never used what I learned in the workforce, instead I did data entry to troubleshooting to system maintannce during my last three years as a career gal. In 1990, we bought our first laptop computer. I think it was HP. It had the smallest display about half a page viewing, a floppy drive, and only 20mb of internal storage. I think the only software on it was WordPlus (similar to Word) and of course, we didn’t have the Internet at that point but it was a wonderful tool to have nonetheless. I used it to keep up with penpals and I penned some of my earlier children’s stories on it. I can’t recall what happened to it, but it died and it wasn’t until the late 90s before we bought our first desktop Windows-based computer and we had dial-up Internet service. That was so exciting, too! A lot of things have changed since that time but I love the improvements and can’t hardly fathom life without this wonderful technology.

      Your sentiments are always so kind and thoughtful. DH and I are a fortunate couple. We manage to stay close to one another over the years. I wonder if things would be different had we not become parents. Becoming a mom caused me to want to stay home to care for my baby switching my priorities on so many levels. I question sometimes had we not gone down the parenthood path might things be different. I certainly can see that as a possibility and I’m so glad God took us the way we’re living. Outside friendships are nice but it’s your significant other who you grow old with, hopefully, and will be one of your last companions in this life, shouldn’t we make that friendship the best one ever?

      Oh certainly you need not worry about being absent in Blogosphere. Life happens. We have things of more importance to tend to on occasion and one’s health is the most important. We’ll be saying prayers for you. You might recall, DH needed cataract surgery about a year after his retinal reattachment procedure which went well. Cataract surgery isn’t a big deal like it was decades ago. Like computers, medical technology has made huge advancements. I’m very happy to live in modern times, aren’t you?

      Be well and have a good weekend. I’ll see you (no pun intended) whenever I see you on CAAC but thank you for letting me know what’s taking place in your life so to not be concerned. Blessings and prayers to you, my friend!

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