Another Friday is here again and this is DH’s off day, so I won’t be hanging around in Blogosphere much, maybe not all. I can’t say what I’ll be doing while we’re still in ‘Stay at Home’ but hopefully if the weather permits then we be outdoors doing much need yard work. I won’t leave you empty handed. Today’s A to Z Challenge illustration comes from my imagination and inspired by a word is a retro description for women’s undergarments, unmentionables with my fictitious pinup gal wearing only her bra, panties, and stockings.

Thanks for stopping by today. Don’t forget to leave your footprints (direct URL) in comments so I can find my way back to you easily. I hope you’ll come back again tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girls Art Sketch Series.
, Cathy
[tweetthis]I just visited Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge #art sketch series, and I think you should, too! [/tweetthis]

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Great lines.
An A-Z of Faerie: Werehyena
Beautiful, and my Sweetie and i both thought that last line about it being a brighter day was laugh out loud for quite a while funny!
We bringing sexy back, yeah!
I’m thinking maybe I should color a pin up girl.
Another cute sketch, Cathy.
Lovely and sexy girl
Pretty racy! It’s 99 degrees right now in L.A. and you’ve just turned the heat up.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Whoa girl, the girl is definitely SEXY! Great job you can get a lot of guys fantasizing on that drawing. hahahaha The tune you posted WOW I never heard that song before. I think the guys reading your post today are all going to have to take cold showers! hahahaha Have a great day girlfriend. See ya tomorrow. WOW I can hardly believe our A to Z is almost over. Seems like we just started. It’s been fun don’t you think?
Excellent collection of pin up drawings, CK
Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Furriday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie

Great drawing. Comfortable underwear is so important!
Very nice…. VERY nice…
Your sketches are great and I love the photo with the very clever saying! Hah! Take care and I’ll see ya tomorrow!
Love the sketch. All your sketches remind me of my fathers pinups. I hadn’t thought about them in years.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥
Hi, Cathy!
Happy “U” Day and Friday Sillies Day, dear friend!
Yessum, being confined to quarters as we ride out the corona-crisis affords us the opportunity to get a lot of extra work done both inside and outside the house. Mrs. Shady has planted a good size veggie and herb garden and we have planted flowers in beds around the property in hopes of attracting bees.
I think it is a great idea for you to conceive of at least one pinup in this series instead of drawing inspiration from another artist’s existing pinup or illustration. I like the gal you drew posed in her Undergarments aka Unmentionables wearing only bra, panties, and stockings. Oops – I mentioned them.
Once again you sketched a young woman who is lithe and supple, and she has a long and slender swan/ballerina neck. Her torso, arms and legs are nicely proportioned and her pose is natural. I look forward to seeing her In Living Color when she returns in a future post.
New York based pop/rock/jazz artist Peter Cincotti is new to me. I enjoyed his “Sexy” song and video, I have known and dated treacherous beauties like the one described in his song.
Yessum, your Friday Sillies closing meme did indeed make me smile. I wish you and DH a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!