
22-03-2025 Vol 19

Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series ‘T’

Today’s A to Z Challenge inspiration for my daily illustration comes from a new-to-me artist, Paul Rader. His work appeared on Mark Clement’s 1963 novel, Teacher’s Pet.







My adapted version of a young sexy teacher I call Miss Tiddle

Van Halen’s ‘Hot For Teacher’ is a hoot!  My hot teacher makes me think of my junior high school teacher.  She didn’t wear short dresses but her hair was similar. She was a real beauty!  All the boys had a crush on her and if the truth be told I’d say ever man on staff did, too.  Perhaps, in my subconscious I replicated my pinup girl with her in mind. 

I don’t have a piece of artwork for Thursday Art Date with Rain WHAT A MESS prompt but at the very least I plan to check out some of the artists’ contributions today. That’s it for now. Thanks for stopping by.  Don’t forget to leave your footprints (direct URL) in comments so I can find my way back to you easily. I hope you’ll come back again tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girls Art Sketch Series. X💋X💋, Cathy


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15 thoughts on “Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series ‘T’

  1. I don’t remember any of my teachers that looked like that, except my speech teacher in college. She wanted to look glam because of the way she dressed but was more of a spectacle than glamorous. Great sketch, as usual, Cathy!

  2. Girlfriend, you never stop to amaze me. Great job on the girlfriend here. Woo Hoo What I wouldn’t give to look like her. Have a great day! HUGS!

  3. Love the sketch as always. Short skirts and sweaters rock. Especially if you’re slim.

    Tennessee is the 16th? I think so.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “T” Day and Thursday Art Date day, dear friend! The A to Z finish line is now in sight! Are you huffing and puffing yet? 🙂

    Like you I was not familiar with illustration artist Paul Rader. However when I did a Google image search for his “Teacher’s Pet” I remembered having seen it over the years. I love the caption on that trash novel: “Judy stayed after class for special tutoring… and earned her diploma the easy way!” I notice the same girl was also used on the cover of a 1969 edition of Man’s Magazine:

    I read that Isaac Paul Rader created paperback and magazine covers from 1957 through 1970 and that some of his works were “recycled” in the above manner, reused as the covers of different books or mags. Another example is his illustration on the cover of the 1963 paperback Horizontal Secretary which was also used as the cover of the 1967 book Private Lessons:

    Your Miss Tiddle looks lithe and seductive with a come hither look in her eye and her crossed legs proudly on display. I can’t answer the question on the blackboard “Which state was the 16th to join the union?”… because I am in a “state” of excitation! 🙂

    The Van Halen music video “Hot For Teacher” applies to this theme. It was played often on the hard rock & heavy metal show we broadcast on the MTV station where I worked in the 80s. I remember the hottest teacher at my high school. Miss “S” was a well endowed blonde in her mid 20s. I was lucky enough to have her for one of my classes my sophomore year. With my last name starting with “A” I was also lucky to be seated in the front row just inside the door where I had a good view of her and could see what was going on behind her desk. She had a habit of leaving her blouse unbuttoned at the middle button and she also folded her leg beneath her as she sat in her chair, giving me a good glimpse of her stocking clad legs and thighs. It was very difficult for me to concentrate on the day’s lessons. 🙂

    Have a great day, dear friend Cathy!

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