Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘R’)

My pencil sketch, “Radio Time’

Today’s A2Z illustration inspiration is based on vintage calendar pinup girl listening to the radio from June 1950. I have no clue who the original artist is of the design. Do you know?

How’s everyone doing?  We’re in our  5th week of near total isolation from the rest of the world. The last time we were actually out was on March 30th when I attempted to keep my annual GYN appointment that got canceled without my knowing. The walls are being to close in on me a wee bit. I need to shake this feeling off fast. How about some giggles?






At one point I might have liked the silent treatment especially when the house was fuller but not so much anymore. This is still funny, though.
Stabbing violates the 6′ social distancing recommendation. Might need to rethink this one. Oh wait, it’s still illegal.
Just in case Justin Timberlake doesn’t know.
[tweetthis]I just visited Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge #art sketch series, and I think you should, too! #radiotime #music #humor[/tweetthis]

Spending a little time with my Tuesday hop buds: Stacy Uncorked and Sandee from Comedy Plus.  I hope y’all have an excellent day and please visit tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge Art Sketch Series! X💋X💋, Cathy

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32 thoughts on “Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘R’)”

  1. You presented another great sketch and captured her fun spirit. Do you do all of these from memory? Love it and love the funnies especially the one about stupidity.

    1. Birgit,

      No I don’t do my sketches from memory. I sorta use an image I find online as reference. This has been a fun series for me to work on for the challenge and it seems everyone is enjoying it, too.

  2. Love your stunning pin-up girls, Cathy. Like I always say. 🙂
    Happy week, sweet. You are are nailing A-Z!

  3. Oh my bad! I’m so sorry Cat your drawing is awesome honey! Can I pretend to be her? Dang Girl, what a sexy figure she’s got. Wow, I’d give my left arm to look like her! hehehe GOODNIGHT! HUGS

  4. Oh wow, is it June yet or even July??? I would love to go to the beach again, but with all the things happening I just don’t know if we’ll make it down there this year that’s for sure. Even the quarrey is going to be questionable I’m sure, and now people are going stir crazy & they don’t care they want to get out of the house. These stupid people can get out get in your cars and take a drive people. What’s wrong with that? Take a walk & if you see someone go across the street or wait until they pass as long as your 6 ft away. These people don’t use their heads. I just don”t like the way things are going. I told Dave let’s pack the house with stuff we need for a couple of weeks & just stay home. If we want to go outside we can go in the backyard, right? Oh well, mama is tired. Time for this child to say nighty night! HUGS & GOD BLESS YOU SWEETIE! I thank the Lord every day for letting me meet you! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      I think for the safety of the public, we shouldn’t fall back into congregating with large crowds and if we do then we should keep wear a mask. If you don’t want to wear gloves then it’s imperative that we wash our hands frequently to reduce the spread of all germs. We should do that all the time instead of waiting for another pandemic. Common sense is the key, people! Y’all stay healthy now, you hear! Love you,dearie!!

    1. I’m not a beach goer or a huge fan of the water but I do enjoy seeing the ocean. I do enjoy sunny days spent in the mountains. That’s a nice way to spend my time.

    1. Mimi,

      I’m too level headed to do anything that puts me at risk. Like you said, no one is so awful that it’s worth going to jail over. Nope, I pull in my claws and meow off knowing there are real idiots in the world sometimes they do mean or stupid things but my freedom means more to me than revenge.

    1. John,

      I try to change my illustration a little, not that I can do it exactly to start with especially making the girl look exactly like the original art’s model. That takes real skill! I’m glad you like mine. 🙂

  5. Love your sketch as always. You’ve got these pin-ups down very well.

    Love the Madonna video. I’ve not heard that one in a while.

    Love all the funnies.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. Ha, you found some good ones and went way old school to boot. Sorry about the no music thing, I’ll find a good one for next time. I thought the note to self was Joan Crawford at first but then remembered that was wire hangers. Five weeks of near isolation is a lot of time, it’s all day to day no matter what our circumstances are I suppose. I cancelled all my appointments and only kept one important one for my mother in a non medical Dr. environment at the very beginning of this and a scheduler still asked me, “Why?” about one of the cancellations.
    Keep that sense of humor going and I appreciate your well thought out comment.

    1. Jeanna,

      No worries about no mewsic. It happens. People don’t realize that it’s just a mewsic linky party but I do I like encouraging those who do to include mewsic for the 4Mers to boogie next time. Sometimes, we get new dancers on the floor with the simple invite. Before I forget, your Gravatar profile does not have your blog linked to it. You may wish to update it if you’d like for others to find an easy way back to you. 🙂

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “R” Day, dear friend!

    This Madonna song is new to me and I enjoyed it. The lyrics are indeed appropriate as we all experience cabin fever from being cooped up for weeks on end.

    I’m stuck like a moth to a flame
    I’m so tired of playing this game
    I don’t know how I got to this state
    Let me out of my cage cause I’m dying

    I just wanna get in my car
    I wanna go fast and I gotta go far

    If leaving this place is the last thing I do
    Then I want to escape with a person just like you

    I’m stuck like a moth to a flame
    I’m so sick and tired of playing this game
    We gotta have fun it it’s all that we do
    Gotta shake up the system and break all the rules
    Gotta turn up the radio until the speakers blow

    I enjoyed your quarantine madness memes, dear friend, especially the one related to the 2006 Justin Timberlake hit “SexyBack.” I and countless other men (along with women like you) agree that the women of the past, especially those of the mid 20th century as depicted in that “sexy back” illustration, possessed a look, a style and a demeanor that was truly sexy. That’s why I love to watch old movies and TV shows from the period or new productions set in the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s that accurately portray the styles and attitudes of the period.

    Your pinup girl is a beauty. She has a pretty face, nice hair and her body is well drawn. She has an inviting smile and her pose is exciting. I can’t name the original artist, but you and I both know that music was a common theme in pinup art of the period. Women were often shown listening to music on a radio or a record player. The pinup you used on the left side of your header banner is another example. It makes me smile to see how the young women in pinup illustrations “abused” their records. Invariably the vinyl discs are shown scattered around on the floor, scraping against each other, and the girls are grasping them in their bare hands, touching the delicate grooved surface with their oily fingers. I learned years ago that to adequately care for vinyl records you need to avoid touching the surface and always keep them inside their paper and cardboard sleeves, stored upright (not flat) and kept free of dust, sunlight and heat. I ruined my entire original collection of vinyl records because I didn’t know or follow these rules. I also wrote my initials on the label of every record, instantly rendering them all worthless as collectibles. 🙂

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy. Turn up the radio and have a wonderful day!

    1. Tom,

      Women of the past were amazingly seductive fully clothed. Bearing it all doesn’t always mean sexy. I’m not saying she won’t turn up the heat but I find it far sexier when the imagination is in overdrive. You know I didn’t even know there was a proper way of taking care of vinyl until after we were married. DH’s brother and SIL who lived in the area at the time often had us over for dinner; afterwards we’d often listen to mewsic on their nice stereo. I recall him getting out a brush and cleaning fluid to remove the dust before he put the album on the turntable. After we were able to afford a nice stereo system CDs were the thing but I remember DH took special care to blow off the disc before placing them in the exchange tray. We have a lot of mewsic on CD but these days I stream all my tunes either from the Internet or from my iPad through my receiver to play on my speakers. Technology is super cool!

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