How did Friday get here again so soon? I know many are working from home include DH and every day seems like the next but the last work day of the week, I like to kick the weekend off with a dose of Friday Sillies. You’ll find a few others at the bottom.
Right now, it’s time to share today’s A to Z Challenge illustration with you! I picked another Gil Elvgren painting for inspiration. I think the original might have been title All Caught Up on Wash Day and I named my spin-off, ‘Oops I did it again!”.
In a future post, I’ll share the Procreate redesign of this image.
With ‘Oops’ being on my mind I thought I’d share some mistakes humor for my Friday Sillies followers.
Every other Friday, I link up with Ellen & Lorraine for their Friendly Fill-ins and here are this week’s blank statements personalized by little ole me.
1. I can’t wait for EVERYTHING to reopen after the quarantine. Simply put, I’m ready for normal life to resume. I’m beginning to have mixed feelings about the ‘stay at home’ orders. How does anyone know if the public is being taken advantage of my those in authority? Call me paranoid but you have to wonder, right?
2. I am in no hurry for local public parks and schools to reopen after the quarantine. All public places have the potential of sparking a new surge of the virus but I think places where kids congregate are higher risk and we all know what happens when kids catch something, they pass it on to mom and dad and the whole family.
3. These days, Okay is my default mood. I’m not particular happy or sad with everything that’s going on but I do what it to be over with.
4. Have I ever told you I’m a little paranoid? I probably don’t have to now, you probably figured out after reading my response to fill-in number two.
Thanks for stopping by today. Before you go, let me point out, all previous A2Z posts are listed in my side menu this month, so you won’t miss a thing. Don’t forget to leave your footprints (direct URL) in comments so I can find my way back to you easily. I hope you’ll come back again tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girls Art Sketch Series.
Your humor is great, as is your sketch. I really enjoy seeing your drawings. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I know what you mean with #3. I feel very “okay” these days, too. I’m not feeling extreme on either end of the scale. And, like you, I’m ready for normal life to resume. I still go to work every day, as the company I work for is essential, so I already feel normal in that sense. The type of normal I’m ready for is things like normal shopping, when getting a simple pack of paper towels or toilet paper won’t require going to a gazillion different stores and still coming up empty-handed. Well wishes!
Yeah, my day-to-day life has changed little since Covid-19 forced us to stay home pretty much. It’s nice having DH home is about all I can say. I admit it will be nice to get out again just to knock around in stores again. I’m afraid people will go wild when the order is lifted, though. They need to stay home because I’m sure they still won’t find paper towels or toilet paper on the shelves. lol
I have a (very) vague memory of my Mom using a wringer – they could be dangerous if you weren’t paying attention. “Oops I Did It Again” – that singer is great! I really enjoyed it.
Yep, the wringer will catch your fingers. That’s what happened to me when I was small. I didn’t get hurt or I don’t remember being hurt but I was scared out of my wits. Oh, goodness my grandmother was worked up over trying to free my arm from the jaws of that ole washer.
Great sketch, Cathy, and love your sense of humor. The yoda pants cartoon is hilarious. I take the virus mess seriously but I don’t let it consume me. I’m keepin’ on keepin’ on.
I got a chuckle out of the yoda pants, too. I’m with you on the virus, respecting the situation but am not getting overwhelmed by it. That does me no good to worry. I’ll use that gray mass between my ears the good Lord gave me and I believe I’ll survive this thing okay.
Stay safe !!!!!!!!!!!
The same to you, my friend!
I appreciate that !
Ha, ha, the lady with her dress caught in the wringer reminded me of a scene in the movie Jumpin’ Jack Flash where Whoopi Goldberg gets her dress caught in a shredder. Always makes me laugh.
I’ve seen the movie JUMPIN’ JACK FLASH but the scene you described doesn’t ring a bell. Every time I think of that film, I always remember the scene with her in the phone booth. That’s hilarious!
Yes, that scene is hysterical, too. The shredder scene is when she is sneaking around upstairs during the evening gala at the British Consulate so she can attach something to their computers to allow Jack to gain access to them.
I love his yoda pants
HAHAHAHAHA One big ooops I’d say! Luv your picture it’s not only extremely good, but it’s also funny too! It’s another OOOOPS hahaha Cathy, you’re a hoot today for sure. Have a nice weekend and stay safe my friend, stay healthy and most of all STAY HOME! HUGS
Thank ya, darlin’! I appreciate you stopping in to check out my daily illustration. I’m glad you enjoyed the art work and giggles, my friend!
That’s a great oops! Yes, kids will always catch stuff and pass it on and share, but with most things, by the time you are an adult, you are immune to a lot of it.
Thanks for the funnies!
Too bad we can get an immunity for the stuff that stays in circulation, you know? Cold/flu season is always bad. I never felt the need to get the flu shot since it’s a gamble and I don’t have any underlying health concerns to warrant putting myself at risk for catching the flu with the vaccine which can happen. I’ll just take my chances, plus I’m really cautious when I’m in public. If someone appears or acts sick, I do a 180 to find a different route to where I need to go. Obviously, I’m doing something right because I haven’t been sick *knock on wood * in years.
Loved the funnies and your art was really fun too!
Thanks, Brian!
We used to have a wringer like that when I was a child. We called it the mangle, I don’t know if that was a trade name or what would happen to your fingers if you got them caught!
Love the cartoons, especially the cat in the box.
I’d imagine most of my blog buds are quite familiar with those old wringer style washing machines. I’m so happy for modern washing machines and dryers. Our parents & grandparents had it rough, didn’t they?
That was a fun drawing, good job. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am with you on #2, schools should stay closed until fall and any place with too many people. Have a nice weekend and stay healthy. XO
I love your pinup which is funny and sexy. You did a great job there. I love these funnies.the yoda pants….hahahaaa and the fat cat in the box is so true. You are letting the walls get to you and fear and what if’s never help. When you hear about conspiracies etc…that does not help. What does is the knowledge that people spread the virus from not washing, sneezing etc.. Think about how many colds and flu spreads when we are not on lockdown. These illnesses suck when we get them but we will not, normally, die from them. This virus is a form of the virus that killed millions in 1918. This attacks the lungs and it is severe. My hubby’s niece, a nurse, now has it and has asthma so she is on my mind. Stay strong and think about our parents during the war..They had rations on top of this and my mom had to deal with bombings so we are doing ok
I’m not really scared nor do I buy in the conspiracies but I do believe nasty germs and virus are spread from one surface to another via touch. I think sneezes and coughs should be contained regardless even if there isn’t harmful. Who wants someone spit on them? Not me! That’s just icky!! During the cold/flu season people in the public – workforce, school, shopping, social gatherings,… are swamping nasties all the time. Some will get sick and others just carry it to another person. The thing with this virus before we started the social distancing I believe those we didn’t know at the time who had it because they weren’t in the hospital went out for groceries, gas, whatever passing the virus to others. Maybe they got sick and may not. The so-called lockdown while it has slowed the masses being out at one time, it’s not stopping the spread of the virus which in turn is slowing down the number of newly infected people. I’m really sorry to hear about your husband’s niece. We’ll certainly keep her in prayer. The front-line who we all depend on constantly are at high risk and it’s doubly so for those with underlying health issues. My niece is a nurse and she has asthma and recently she came in contact with someone who tested positive. Speaking of which I need to check in with my parents to see what’s going on. I think about the older generation with the many hardships they endured. We’ll come through this stronger and wiser for it. You’re right, about we are truly doing okay considering what the previous generations lived through. God bless you, darlin’!
Ah, the old wringer washers… my mother-in-law had one; it was the only kind she ever used…
Really? That’s amazing. My MIL had one, too. But, she also had an electric water.
Oh my that sketch is priceless! Love all your cartoons also! Cheers and I’ll see you tomorrow on your A to Z!
So happy you liked!
Oh the sketch. My dad loved pin-ups girls. He had them in the barn. Beautiful women like your sketches.
Love all the funnies and your fill-ins. I had a lot of trouble answering a couple of them this week.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥
I remember you telling me your dad had vintage pinup girls hanging in the barn. That’s sort of funny.
Mom didn’t allow them in the house. The barn was it.
I figured as much! LOL
I figured as much. lol
Cathy, stop wondering. We are mitigating the virus, our efforts are working. Trust in science, not in the talking heads on tv. We go back too soon and we will get a resurgence.
I do believe we’re on the rise course. Staying at home is the best way to squash this thing but the problem for is what I know or should say what I’m told. We have not left the house other than going outside to get our mail but there’s still a lot of people in public doing non-essential shopping. To the best of my knowledge there hasn’t been a sharp rise if any in the number of new cases in our area. I feel like no matter when we go back, there’s always the chance for the virus to resurface to some degree. Let’s hope it will be a lot easier to deal with especially for more populated areas like NYC. Stay well, dearheart!
I’m glad that you enjoyed the cartoons, Frederique!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy “O” Day and Friday Sillies Day, dear friend! The week, the month and the year are whizzing by. Time flies when you’re having fun. When I read your meme at the top of the post it reminded me that Mrs. Shady baked a chocolate cake yesterday for no reason other than to provide comfort food during the crisis. I don’t usually eat sweets, but after dinner I broke down and had a slice. It was delicious and now I wanna eat the whole thing!
I am familiar with this Elvgren pinup classic depicting a woman getting her dress caught in the wringer. I remember my mother having a wringer washing machine in the 50s. She was very happy when she was able to buy a modern style machine with spin cycles. I love how vintage pinup girls are usually gussied up to do household chores like the laundry, cooking and vacuuming. They wear revealing low cut dresses, high heels and appear in full makeup with their hair done just right. Your pinup girl in peril uses the correct body language to convey a sense that she is being pulled backward off balance by the hungry wringer. In a second or two her basket of laundry is going to get dumped all over the floor. You did a great job drawing her arms, in my opinion, and I admire her flip hairdo.
I loved the old-timey syncopated rendition of the early Britney Spears hit “Oops!… I Did It Again” performed by Haley Reinhart fronting Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox.
I enjoyed your Sillies. The Yoda pants cartoon is a funny one. Your Fill-ins make me wonder where we’ll be a year from now. Will we be back to what we knew as our normal lives, or will there be a new normal, a masked and very cautious normal? Either way we need to stick together and share fun and laughter.
Have a safe and happy day, dear friend Cathy!
You’re not going to believe this but I baked a chocolate cake last night, not from scratch, though. I had a dark chocolate Duncan Hines mix set to expire the middle of next month, but I didn’t have any frosting, so I made some hot fudge sauce and we had hot fudge cake with vanilla ice cream for dessert. I had totally forgotten that I had created this meme. lol
My grandmother had one of those old-fashion wringer style machines. I was fascinated and terrified of that thing, especially after I got my hand stuck in it and it began to pull my little arm into it. I don’t think I got hurt but it scared the life out of me and I never wanted to try put anything in that thing again. My late MIL had one for many years into our early marriage and even though she had an electric machine she would use it for some things.
I always marveled at vintage pinup girls being all dolled up doing housework but that’s the way the old movies were, too. I know women of that era wore dresses to do housework but did they really look that nice? I’m sure they looked better than most do today who grocery shop in spandex pants and tank tops. While I don’t look like a 50s housewife grocery shopping, I at least wear blue jeans and my cute pink tennis shoes which is a ton looking IMO. It’s a shame women don’t take more pride in their appearance.
I’m glad you enjoyed the giggles and fill-in responses. I have no clue what the new normal will be. Only time will tell the tale. In the coming months it’ll be wise to wear a face mask when possible. We have some dust masks that we can wear and I suppose as long as our nose and mouth are covered then these will better than nothing. Thanks for dropping by. Have a good weekend and be well.
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Whoops! Fun image.
An A-Z of Faerie: Occult
Your humor is great, as is your sketch. I really enjoy seeing your drawings. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I know what you mean with #3. I feel very “okay” these days, too. I’m not feeling extreme on either end of the scale. And, like you, I’m ready for normal life to resume. I still go to work every day, as the company I work for is essential, so I already feel normal in that sense. The type of normal I’m ready for is things like normal shopping, when getting a simple pack of paper towels or toilet paper won’t require going to a gazillion different stores and still coming up empty-handed. Well wishes!
Yeah, my day-to-day life has changed little since Covid-19 forced us to stay home pretty much. It’s nice having DH home is about all I can say. I admit it will be nice to get out again just to knock around in stores again. I’m afraid people will go wild when the order is lifted, though. They need to stay home because I’m sure they still won’t find paper towels or toilet paper on the shelves. lol
I have a (very) vague memory of my Mom using a wringer – they could be dangerous if you weren’t paying attention. “Oops I Did It Again” – that singer is great! I really enjoyed it.
Yep, the wringer will catch your fingers. That’s what happened to me when I was small. I didn’t get hurt or I don’t remember being hurt but I was scared out of my wits. Oh, goodness my grandmother was worked up over trying to free my arm from the jaws of that ole washer.
Great sketch, Cathy, and love your sense of humor. The yoda pants cartoon is hilarious. I take the virus mess seriously but I don’t let it consume me. I’m keepin’ on keepin’ on.

I got a chuckle out of the yoda pants, too. I’m with you on the virus, respecting the situation but am not getting overwhelmed by it. That does me no good to worry. I’ll use that gray mass between my ears the good Lord gave me and I believe I’ll survive this thing okay.
Stay safe !!!!!!!!!!!
The same to you, my friend!
Ha, ha, the lady with her dress caught in the wringer reminded me of a scene in the movie Jumpin’ Jack Flash where Whoopi Goldberg gets her dress caught in a shredder. Always makes me laugh.
I’ve seen the movie JUMPIN’ JACK FLASH but the scene you described doesn’t ring a bell. Every time I think of that film, I always remember the scene with her in the phone booth. That’s hilarious!
Yes, that scene is hysterical, too. The shredder scene is when she is sneaking around upstairs during the evening gala at the British Consulate so she can attach something to their computers to allow Jack to gain access to them.
I love his yoda pants
HAHAHAHAHA One big ooops I’d say! Luv your picture it’s not only extremely good, but it’s also funny too! It’s another OOOOPS hahaha Cathy, you’re a hoot today for sure. Have a nice weekend and stay safe my friend, stay healthy and most of all STAY HOME! HUGS
Thank ya, darlin’! I appreciate you stopping in to check out my daily illustration. I’m glad you enjoyed the art work and giggles, my friend!
That’s a great oops! Yes, kids will always catch stuff and pass it on and share, but with most things, by the time you are an adult, you are immune to a lot of it.
Thanks for the funnies!
Too bad we can get an immunity for the stuff that stays in circulation, you know? Cold/flu season is always bad. I never felt the need to get the flu shot since it’s a gamble and I don’t have any underlying health concerns to warrant putting myself at risk for catching the flu with the vaccine which can happen. I’ll just take my chances, plus I’m really cautious when I’m in public. If someone appears or acts sick, I do a 180 to find a different route to where I need to go. Obviously, I’m doing something right because I haven’t been sick *knock on wood * in years.
Loved the funnies and your art was really fun too!
Thanks, Brian!
We used to have a wringer like that when I was a child. We called it the mangle, I don’t know if that was a trade name or what would happen to your fingers if you got them caught!
Love the cartoons, especially the cat in the box.
I’d imagine most of my blog buds are quite familiar with those old wringer style washing machines. I’m so happy for modern washing machines and dryers. Our parents & grandparents had it rough, didn’t they?
That was a fun drawing, good job. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am with you on #2, schools should stay closed until fall and any place with too many people. Have a nice weekend and stay healthy. XO
I love your pinup which is funny and sexy. You did a great job there. I love these funnies.the yoda pants….hahahaaa and the fat cat in the box is so true. You are letting the walls get to you and fear and what if’s never help. When you hear about conspiracies etc…that does not help. What does is the knowledge that people spread the virus from not washing, sneezing etc.. Think about how many colds and flu spreads when we are not on lockdown. These illnesses suck when we get them but we will not, normally, die from them. This virus is a form of the virus that killed millions in 1918. This attacks the lungs and it is severe. My hubby’s niece, a nurse, now has it and has asthma so she is on my mind. Stay strong and think about our parents during the war..They had rations on top of this and my mom had to deal with bombings so we are doing ok
I’m not really scared nor do I buy in the conspiracies but I do believe nasty germs and virus are spread from one surface to another via touch. I think sneezes and coughs should be contained regardless even if there isn’t harmful. Who wants someone spit on them? Not me! That’s just icky!! During the cold/flu season people in the public – workforce, school, shopping, social gatherings,… are swamping nasties all the time. Some will get sick and others just carry it to another person. The thing with this virus before we started the social distancing I believe those we didn’t know at the time who had it because they weren’t in the hospital went out for groceries, gas, whatever passing the virus to others. Maybe they got sick and may not. The so-called lockdown while it has slowed the masses being out at one time, it’s not stopping the spread of the virus which in turn is slowing down the number of newly infected people. I’m really sorry to hear about your husband’s niece. We’ll certainly keep her in prayer. The front-line who we all depend on constantly are at high risk and it’s doubly so for those with underlying health issues. My niece is a nurse and she has asthma and recently she came in contact with someone who tested positive. Speaking of which I need to check in with my parents to see what’s going on. I think about the older generation with the many hardships they endured. We’ll come through this stronger and wiser for it. You’re right, about we are truly doing okay considering what the previous generations lived through. God bless you, darlin’!
Ah, the old wringer washers… my mother-in-law had one; it was the only kind she ever used…
Really? That’s amazing. My MIL had one, too. But, she also had an electric water.
Oh my that sketch is priceless! Love all your cartoons also! Cheers and I’ll see you tomorrow on your A to Z!
So happy you liked!
Oh the sketch. My dad loved pin-ups girls. He had them in the barn. Beautiful women like your sketches.
Love all the funnies and your fill-ins. I had a lot of trouble answering a couple of them this week.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥
I remember you telling me your dad had vintage pinup girls hanging in the barn. That’s sort of funny.
Mom didn’t allow them in the house. The barn was it.
I figured as much! LOL
I figured as much. lol
Cathy, stop wondering. We are mitigating the virus, our efforts are working. Trust in science, not in the talking heads on tv. We go back too soon and we will get a resurgence.
I do believe we’re on the rise course. Staying at home is the best way to squash this thing but the problem for is what I know or should say what I’m told. We have not left the house other than going outside to get our mail but there’s still a lot of people in public doing non-essential shopping. To the best of my knowledge there hasn’t been a sharp rise if any in the number of new cases in our area. I feel like no matter when we go back, there’s always the chance for the virus to resurface to some degree. Let’s hope it will be a lot easier to deal with especially for more populated areas like NYC. Stay well, dearheart!
Haha, fun drawing, and fun cartoons!
O is for Oya
I’m glad that you enjoyed the cartoons, Frederique!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy “O” Day and Friday Sillies Day, dear friend! The week, the month and the year are whizzing by. Time flies when you’re having fun.
When I read your meme at the top of the post it reminded me that Mrs. Shady baked a chocolate cake yesterday for no reason other than to provide comfort food during the crisis. I don’t usually eat sweets, but after dinner I broke down and had a slice. It was delicious and now I wanna eat the whole thing! 
I am familiar with this Elvgren pinup classic depicting a woman getting her dress caught in the wringer. I remember my mother having a wringer washing machine in the 50s. She was very happy when she was able to buy a modern style machine with spin cycles. I love how vintage pinup girls are usually gussied up to do household chores like the laundry, cooking and vacuuming. They wear revealing low cut dresses, high heels and appear in full makeup with their hair done just right. Your pinup girl in peril uses the correct body language to convey a sense that she is being pulled backward off balance by the hungry wringer. In a second or two her basket of laundry is going to get dumped all over the floor. You did a great job drawing her arms, in my opinion, and I admire her flip hairdo.
I loved the old-timey syncopated rendition of the early Britney Spears hit “Oops!… I Did It Again” performed by Haley Reinhart fronting Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox.
I enjoyed your Sillies. The Yoda pants cartoon is a funny one. Your Fill-ins make me wonder where we’ll be a year from now. Will we be back to what we knew as our normal lives, or will there be a new normal, a masked and very cautious normal? Either way we need to stick together and share fun and laughter.
Have a safe and happy day, dear friend Cathy!
You’re not going to believe this but I baked a chocolate cake last night, not from scratch, though. I had a dark chocolate Duncan Hines mix set to expire the middle of next month, but I didn’t have any frosting, so I made some hot fudge sauce and we had hot fudge cake with vanilla ice cream for dessert. I had totally forgotten that I had created this meme. lol
My grandmother had one of those old-fashion wringer style machines. I was fascinated and terrified of that thing, especially after I got my hand stuck in it and it began to pull my little arm into it. I don’t think I got hurt but it scared the life out of me and I never wanted to try put anything in that thing again.
My late MIL had one for many years into our early marriage and even though she had an electric machine she would use it for some things.
I always marveled at vintage pinup girls being all dolled up doing housework but that’s the way the old movies were, too. I know women of that era wore dresses to do housework but did they really look that nice? I’m sure they looked better than most do today who grocery shop in spandex pants and tank tops. While I don’t look like a 50s housewife grocery shopping, I at least wear blue jeans and my cute pink tennis shoes which is a ton looking IMO. It’s a shame women don’t take more pride in their appearance.
I’m glad you enjoyed the giggles and fill-in responses. I have no clue what the new normal will be. Only time will tell the tale. In the coming months it’ll be wise to wear a face mask when possible. We have some dust masks that we can wear and I suppose as long as our nose and mouth are covered then these will better than nothing. Thanks for dropping by. Have a good weekend and be well.