
22-03-2025 Vol 19

Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘N’)

Good morning fellow A2Zers and first time visitors! For newcomers, let me say this is my 7th year to participate in the annual A to Z Challenge blog fest and if you don’t know what my theme is then my post title pretty much says it all. Be advised there could be sensitive material in today’s post and not suitable for a younger audience. I’m using another Gil Elvgren illustration for inspiration titled No Swimming. Proceed with caution. 😉Save





This artist and song is a new discovery but I really like the sound and just like Micheal Learns to Rock (MLTR)) says, ‘Take Off Your Clothes’, that’s what my pinup gal is doing taking ’em off for a skinny dip in broad daylight instead of at night. What a brave girl!

My original pencil drawing of ‘No Swimming’. This piece needs reworking and thankfully Procreate is the purrfect way to fine tune sketches over and over until I’m satisfied with the outcome.

Have you ever violated a ‘no swimming’ allowed post? How about gone skinny dipping ever? I can say yes to the first but not the second question unless hot tubes count then I can yes to the later one. 🙂

Unfortunately, I won’t be participating in Thursday Art Date with Rain. I was too crunched for time this week but I think my ‘Bubble Bath Babe‘ pinup girl from earlier in the month is excellent for her ‘Bubbles & Bubbly’ art prompt. 

Thanks for stopping by today.   Don’t forget to leave your footprints (direct URL) in comments so I can find my way back to you easily. I hope you’ll come back again tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girls Art Sketch Series.

X💋X💋, Cathy


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32 thoughts on “Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘N’)

  1. Another great sketch, Cathy. I used to swim a lot when living in Florida. In fact, I learned to swim at a very young age. Swimming classes were a requirement when I was in elementary school. I never went skinny dipping probably because I was too chicken. 😬

    1. Eugenia,

      I am a self-taught swimmer. I can do enough probably to I wouldn’t drown in a pool. I always wanted to take swimming lessons as I feel I can learn a few things and it’s excellent exercise. Perhaps one day I can still take the lessons. My mother did when she was in her 50s as she didn’t know how to swim. 🙂

  2. Woo hoo Cathy I’m here to say hello at your A-Z posts and find you skinny dipping in a no swimming lake – I need to get back here more often I feel a tad out of touch of what you have been up to haha!
    Looks a fun series, I am waaaaay behind with my A-Z, actually with my whole life but we won’t go there!
    Take care
    Wren x

    1. Wren,

      I’m delighted you found me playing alone this year. I need to high tail it over to your place in a sec. I’ve lost touch with you over the months, too. I guess we need to do better about visiting each other again, huh?

  3. Skinny dip??? WHO MEEEEEEEEEEE? NAHHHH Well, maybe when I was a baby! hahaha Nah, I never went in for that stuff or jumping off the pier either. When I was a teen that’s what they were doing & many got hurt & many got arrested. Nope that was not for me. Love your pics though. That was a brave girll. hehehe I think what shied me away was the mud & bugs. I HATE BUGS. They totally creep me out. I agree she is a brave girl & a cutie. Sorry I never heard your song before, but it’s cute. Not slow… not fast. Yep, it’s one of those good listening songs I’d say. Have a great day sweetie. Who luvs ya babes? 🙂

    1. Marie,

      I did a lot of swimming in the creek as a kid but I never jumped off rocks. That’s just scary cause you don’t know what you’ll hit when you land in the water. These days you won’t dare catch me swimming in a water hole or lake or ocean – too nasty! Heck, I don’t even want to swim in a public pool! Just because they chlorinate the water doesn’t mean foreign stuff isn’t floating around in it. Gross, right?

  4. I like her face and legs. you are getting better with each drawing and I know hoe much effort it takes to draw them but also to figure out what to draw and how to pose them. I did neither unfortunately

    1. Birgit,

      Thanks! I think my art skills are developing more and more with each year. I wasn’t sure how well I’d do on my pinup girls but overall I’m happy with how they turned out considering I’m strictly drawing from sight, no tutorials or education behind what I attempt which is probably well apparent to someone who’s a professional and that’s ok. I’m alright with my progression and know there is room to grow. Thanks for showing your support, my dear!

  5. Love the pin-up. Beautiful.

    I don’t swim so I’ve not done any of those things. Hot tub is another story.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I don’t swim anymore and unless we get a pool then I probably won’t ever. A hot tub sounds nice but I don’t think I’d like to own one. It’s nice to use one when staying at hotels or a friends house, though. What a wonderful way to relax!

    1. Brian,

      Well, I don’t know I’d say if someone spied a half-naked gal then forget social distancing. That would go right out the door fast! lol

  6. I have never gone skinny dipping or disregarded a no swimming sign. I lived on a lake for 20 years and don’t know why I never took a late night skinny dip. Now all I have in front of my house is a street. Oh well. I think the song sounds a bit ominous.

    Finding Eliza

    1. Kristin,

      That’s interesting, you lived on a lake for 20 years but never too a late night skinny dip. Well, I don’t think I’d like go into an open body of water at night. That’s just creepy, but maybe during the day if neighbors weren’t a concern. 🙂

  7. Never saw a no swimming sighn, and in my earlier years I used to go to a Nude Beach on Sauvie Island Oregon.
    I did wear sun screen! hahah.

    1. Kathe,

      You’re way braver than me to sunbathe on a public nude beach. I’m glad you were being responsible in wearing sunscreen, though. 😀

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “N” Day, dear friend!

    I appreciate the introduction to the mewsic of the Danish soft rock band Michael Learns to Rock. I agree with you that “Take Off Your Clothes,” a song on MLTR’s 1995 album Played On Pepper, is a big, bold exciting pop-rock sound. Four singles were released from that album and I don’t understand why this wasn’t one of them. It would have been a hit. Recorded in 1994, “Take Off Your Clothes,” has a retro 80s feel. When I read about the band, I learned that they indeed formed in the late 80s and are named after Michael Jackson. They were influenced by artists and bands that write songs with strong lyrics including The Beatles, Stones, Elton John, the Bee Gees and ABBA.

    I admire your Elvgren inspired ‘No Swimming’ pinup girl. Peeling her clothes off in broad daylight is risky, and she appears to be nervously glancing around to make sure she’s not being watched. I’m sure the lovely lass would turn me into a “peeping Tom.” 🙂 I look forward to you “fleshing her out” In Living Color when you get the chance.

    I remember Mrs Shady #1 and I disregarding a “No Swimming After Hours” sign and jumping into a hotel pool one night while we were vacationing on “The Grand Strand” in Myrtle Beach, SC. We were not skinny dipping however. We had gone for a late night beach stroll in our bathing suits.

    Thanks for the mewsical treat and the eye candy, dear friend Cathy. Take care of yourself sheltering in place and I’ll see you tomorrow!

    1. Tom,

      I’ve fallen way behind keeping up replying to comments. I apologize. It’s been an odd month, hasn’t it? Thanks for offering the tidbits of your mewsical findings on MLTR. I like the sound of my song choice and am happy that I found it. In our early years of marriage while visiting an classmate, we took a dip in the apartment complex community pool after hours in our swim suits. I was nervous in an exhilarating way. I guess because I was doing something I knew I wasn’t supposed to do which was out of character for me. 🙂

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