
22-03-2025 Vol 19

Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘H’)

It’s Thursday already. WOW, this week is nearly up! Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday, so I’ll be MIA in Blogosphere for this holiday weekend but not to worry, I have all of my A to Z Challenge posts scheduled for the next several days. Today’s illustration is inspired by Greg Hildebrandt Candy and Ice Cream painting pinup gal. I call mine, “Head Turner”. 😉SaveSave


My original pencil sketch of “Head Turner”. I find it difficult to correct the small details without messing up my paper, so I just get it where I’m comfort with the overall image before moving on to my digital work.
Here’s my Procreate design of “Head Turner”. I made quite a few changes. The human form is tricky to get spot on and I admire artists like Hildebrandt who nail every feminine feature purrfectly.

I thought it interesting how today’s alpha prompt also coincidentally is the the first letter of the pinup artist’s last name. I love it when the universe lines up like this, don’t you? 🙂


You’re gonna get another sample of artwork. At Rain’s Garden or weekly art date theme is ‘Easter’. I didn’t think I’d have to do anything but then I realized that I need to sketch something for our lil’ angel baby who’s now 18 months old and then I remember a drawing I did last year that I can share with our children. Things are coming together after all, so here’s what I have going.

I found inspiration last week for this design. Someone shared a paper crafted card similar to my Procreate creation. Unfortunately I didn’t save a link to that blogger’s site. I meant to but something went wrong.
I plan to transfer this illustration to Procreate so I can fill it in with color. This year, I will need to send our Easter greetings by text messaging which works beautifully.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Before you go, let me point out, all previous A2Z posts are listed in my side menu this month, so you won’t miss a thing.  Don’t forget to leave your footprints (direct URL) in comments so I can find my way back to you easily. I hope you’ll come back again tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girls Art Sketch Series.

X💋X💋, Cathy

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19 thoughts on “Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘H’)

  1. Hi Cathy 🙂 🙂 HAP-PEEP Easter to you too! Lovely pieces today! I LOVE your pinup…she’s got quite the rump going on lol…wish mine were that firm ha ha! 😉 You’re really improving with your art work, and I agree, getting the human form right and realistic is very challenging, but you’re doing it so well!!! 🙂

  2. This girl looks like she is not wearing underwear, the dirty girl…heeeeeheeeee. The construction worker has a very good spot to look up her kilt:). Hey, if a construction worker whistled at me now, I’d say thank you, after looking around to make sure he wasn’t whistling at some 25 year old. She is a flirty gal

  3. Wishing you a lovely Easter. Let us see how your sketches develop


  4. With the first drawing it looks like Roy Orbison is looking up “Ginger’s” (she looks like Ginger from Gilligan’s Island to me) skirt. The one of Jesus is awesome.

  5. Beautiful. Your sketches are so wonderful.

    LOVE Pretty Woman. A classic.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

  6. And I did it again … I meant Cathy, not Christine. My only excuse is that I am an old Poop! So sorry 🙁

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  7. Wow you nailed your Head Turner and you even nailed the “gentleman” whistling at her. That is awesome. I am also impressed with your picture of Jesus. I think more of us would have drawn from the true meaning of Easter if we could have … you are really awesome and quite talented. So Happy Easter to your 18 month old who will not remember that you couldn’t be there for Easter … we will hope that by the time she is old enough to remember, all of these problems will be behind us. Happy Easter, Christine … I know you will celebrate in your heart.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Well, today we’re getting Dave ready for his Colonoscopy! His first on I might add. You see Dave was raised as a Christian Scientist and their motto is “God don’t make no junk”! They don’t believe in doctors, medicine, testing etc., but phooey on that! I DO! So, with Dave’s problem it’s a must we find out why. I believe I told you already. So, tomorrow is the day they do it, but preparation today. Love your photos. I believe you do a tad better with the pencil drawing, but sometimes the color ones are better aughhhhhhh go figure; You just amaze me is what it is! Girlfriend, you aggravate me for letting such talent go to waste. Hugs and have a great day! Stay healthy, stay safe, but most of all STAY HOME!!!

  9. Wonderful and fun creations!
    I wish you a nice Easter and take care of yourself and stay healthy!
    Greetings Elke

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy “H” Day, and Rain Art Date, dear friend! Greg Hildebrandt is another pinup artist with whom I am familiar, having studied his work in recent years as I assembled my collection of giclees. The pinups in Greg’s American Beauties series, including “Candy and Cream,” the 2018 illustration that inspired you, hark back to noir comics, novels and films of the mid 20th century. In Greg’s own words: “”Once I decided to place this series in the 1940s and 1950s, which is when I grew up, my choices for scenes came like lightning … good girls in bad situations and bad girls in good situations.” One of my top favorites by Greg is Midnight Lace unveiled in the year 2000:

    Your “Head Turner” is very alluring in her short dress. That wolf whistling construction worker has a great view of her legs from down there in his manhole. As you and I agree, there are women who like to dress in a feminine manner and show off their attributes. Most of them don’t mind this type of male attention as long as it isn’t vulgar, but there are many others today who will no longer tolerate it. The game of attraction, courtship and love isn’t what it used to be. The rules have changed on us. I am sure there are some who would like to see Roy Orbison’s song “Oh, Pretty Woman” banned on the grounds that its lyrics are offensive. That’s how far we’ve come.

    I admire the drawing of the colorful basket of Easter eggs and the peep, and I also like your “He is risen” sketch. Nice work today, dear friend Cathy. Stay safe and well and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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