Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! This is the last Tuesday in January and if you have had your morning coffee, then you’ll see that I’ve changed things a bit this morning. Did you notice? If you haven’t, then you might want to grab another cup of coffee, but if you have then you know that I’ve gone from Tuesday Talk Time to Cat Chat. What do you think? Clever or not-so clever? Okay, I know it’s not original, but I new Tuesday morning platform fits closer to my over-all blog theme.
Some of my visitors think my blog is about cats and it’s not. It has nothing to do with cats, except it’s part of my name. lol I like cats, but you know I can’t have indoor cats because of my allergies and I can’t have them outdoors because I am responsible for their well being when it gets too cold in the winter months. So….will I like cats a lot, Curious as a Cathy is just a catchy, memorable play on words and hopefully Cat Chat will serve to add a touch of playfulness to my blog.
Speaking of cold weather, I hope all of my northern buds remembered to bring in your pets. How much snow did Juno drop in your neck of the woods? You know, I didn’t know winter storms were given names until now. Last night before bed, the snow was falling heavily in town and when I got up there was very little evidence left until DH opened the front door. The snow was coming down all fluffy and thick. I don’t see it amounting to to much. The forecast calls for only a dusting. The mountains on the other hand are expected to get more accumulation. The ski resorts will like this a lot.

We got our taxes done over the weekend. Oh sweet relief! Turbo Tax makes the job 10x easier. I was sure we would owe Uncle Sam money this year, since we have no dependents to claim. Thankfully, we do not owe a cent and will be getting a little of our hard earned dollars back. I believe our decision to up DH’s 401K contribution saved our bacon. Yippee!! It’s not a lot, but it will help with DH’s job ending on Friday. Any thing back is better than nothing, but the worse thing is having to pay back money. That’s outrageous considering the government takes more than 50% of every person’s income through different means anyhow. We the people are taxed to death!
The economy would revitalize, if taxes were slashed. Just saying is all. I mean, do you remember when Reagan did that in the 80s? It boosted the economy. If you put more money back into the hands of the consumer, then they are going to spend it. Very cool plan, if you ask me. Unfortunately, liberal politicians are greedy and short-sighted. *sigh* Enough politics talk. It’s depressing, right?
What does Juno and taxes have in common? They both blow the cold down your back and make you shiver!
I’m joining Les from Time Out For Mom for Tuesday Coffee Chat this with this morning’s prompt: Would you feel ill at ease going to a movie alone? Or to eat at a restaurant? A concert?
One is the loneliest number, so yeah, I would not like to see a movie or dine out or go to concert all by myself. Where’s the fun in that? Isn’t part of the enjoyment in this sharing the experience of…. screaming in the theater together, sneaking bites off your friend’s plate, or acting like a band groupie with a bud? But…if I were single and I didn’t have a friend to go with and this was something I really, really wanted to do then I would make the most of it. I’m sure I’d find some pleasure in doing these things alone, instead of not doing them at all. I hear all too often how people sink into a depressive state of mind because they don’t have someone else to do things with and while that’s certainly my preference, I am a firm believer we have to make ourselves happy first before anyone else can add to our happiness.
That’s it for this morning. I’m hopping over to Stacy Uncorked for Random Tuesday Thoughts and you’re welcome to come with, if you want. Come back tomorrow to join my Wordless Wednesday linky party. Until then, have a terrific Tuesday!
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I love how easy to use Turbo Tax is – I used to do our taxes until my FIL passed away and there were a lot of funky things to deal with for his estate and all the annoying taxations on monies already taxed (I know, right?!) so we started using an accountant – 2014 taxes will be the last time we use “Shady Lady” for, I think – I’ll probably go back to doing it myself now that all the craziness and dust has settled after the big move and house sale and purchases have been sorted out. It’s been a crazy few years, that’s for sure!
I keep saying whatever happened to the original reason all our ancestors came over here – to get away from paying taxes. Or at least get away from taxation without representation. It’s crazy how things have gotten out of control from the original reason this country used to be so great. Princess Nagger even keeps asking if we can at least move to Canada – crazy when even a 12 year old is disenchanted with how the country seems to be.
I’m with you on wanting to share the experience of a movie or dining out or going to a concert with at least one friend – I do like my alone time and have no problem being by myself (in fact, when the kids are at school and the hubby is at work, I cherish my alone time – and peace and quiet and no interruptions! heh!!) but while I’m fine with being solo – on a social scale I’d much rather have the option to call a friend.
Keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers as Friday looms ahead with your hubby’s job situation. ((HUGZ!!))
I love this Cat Chat idea. Great post. I hope to get back into a routine over the next couple of weeks. Rough lately. Hug.
Hi Cathy. Your friend, Rorybone has a point, leaving England to escape taxes, Lol.
“Cat Chat” is so cute and whimsical… but down to earth. I mean, hoe much more down to earth can you be without turbo-liberals, which I think is what we have now.
Three Dog Night is always on the list. But I never thought one to be the loneliest number. As a teen I hated hanging out with a friend who always had to have “the boyfriend,” come too. Then I got married many years later and there was that “woman on the side.” LOL. Sh*t, Cathy! I really have no problem going anywhere on my own. My Grandfather used to say, “I’m in good company, even if no one else is.” That’s kinda been a guide. I’m okay… you’re okay. Wanna see Sam Smith in concert? No? Bye!
Great post Cathy, and thanks for visiting me.
We haven’t seen anything of this snow storm in my area — I think it’s more likely to hit our eastern provinces and we will probably just get the tail end. since I’ve already got lots of snow on the ground and minus 20 temperatures; that’s fine by me.
Kinda odd that one of the reason y’all left England was to escape taxes…. and here you are again! Although, I think you do have more of the representation part now than when back in the jolly old country. But seriously… it’s too much even here in Canada too.
I think you’ve said it exactly right: you have to know how to make yourself happy, before you can expect anyone else to do it. And really, it’s not someone else’s job to do that — it’s just nice if you meet someone who does.
I like your connection between Juno and taxes. We, too, use TurboTax, but haven’t done them yet – sigh – they are still waiting to be done. As for Juno, thankfully here in NJ we got spared the blizzard they warned about yesterday. But it is still a winter storm and I am currently in white winter wonder land
And it is cold.
p.s. I like Cat Chat – it fits you and your blog!
I agree you have to make yourself happy before anyone else. I am so glad we’re not getting snow.
TurboTax was such a great find for us. Taking our taxes to a bookkeeper had become so expensive that I decided no more! I can run my figures through software as well as they can.
I used to go see movies and concerts by myself quite a bit. But I have unique tastes for some films and music and sometimes I couldn’t find anyone to go with me to see what I wanted to see so I had to go it alone.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
We use to do our taxes the old-fashion way paper and pencil, but since Turbo Tax came along it has made our life immensely easier doing this pain-staking job. I wish the IRS would shut down, but that’s just not gonna happen as long as liberals rule public office.
Love your new look! You have to love yourself first before you can be alone. It comes with time.
Judy, you’re so right about loving oneself. The sad thing is there are too many people out there who don’t know how to do just this and if the truth be told they often never learn how to love themselves.
M here: No, I would not want to go alone to any of the things you mentioned. It’s way more fun when you go with someone else.