
25-03-2025 Vol 19

Cathy Chats 2018 Week #2

Good-morning, Kittens & Dawgs! I don’t know about you but I’m really tired of winter. Last week was so frigid I wished I were a polar bear or at least had a furry coat like one or maybe I could snuggle in front of a fire on one sipping a hot cup of cocoa. Oh well…the point being I didn’t have one but wished I had a fur coat that is.  I would’ve cried but afraid my tears would turn into ice cubes.

See it happens! What was the coldest day/night last week in your area?

Nearly every day since mid-December, I’ve done some doodling with my birthday present (Apple Pencil). I’m having such fun playing with it. DH is the bestest! The first thing I sketched was a realistic apple. Would you like to see? Of course, you would! That was a silly question.

Sketched design in the Procreate app and I followed the basics from this YouTube step-by-by illustration, then taking what I learned expanded on my drawing. Click to enlarge.

As it turned out after looking through my digital sketches this wasn’t my first but close to my first. I actually drew a wintry scene which wasn’t too bad but I want to give it a second try. Also, I drew the picture for my Christmas greetings. I’m just busy, busy, busy sketching!

This is fun but twisted realistic art illustration. It’s really good but kinda gives me the heebee-geebees. That being said, I hope to be this good some day. 🙂

I think it’s time for another energy boost…

I was never one for energy drinks. In my children’s teen years they used to drink them. I sampled what they had and I didn’t like the taste. I will stick to regular coffee.  It’s not fancy but tastes good and is cheap comparatively speaking. I guess I’ll get my energy boost with a second cup of coffee instead this morning.

New Year’s Eve we watched some of the big bash in New York when they cut away to the festivities in Hollywood. There was a song that caught my ear but now I can’t remember the artist and I didn’t get the name of the tune, so I decided to go in search for it on YouTube when I came across Camila Cabello. Someone in Blogosphere (I’m thinking I heard about Camila from my pal, Tom from SDMM ) introduced me to this young lady with this mewsic video. It has a funny opening but if you don’t want to watch all the fluff then fast-forward to 2:38 and begin the song.

I loved the soap opra beginning; totally over acted and ridiculous making it purrfect! lol If you like Camila’s voice, then you may want to give a listen to a newer YouTube upload Real Friends. I kinda like her style but I do have a thing for Latin mewsic.

How’s the new year going, any wonderful things happening with you?

I’m linking up taking a HOT coffee break with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew this morning and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.






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20 thoughts on “Cathy Chats 2018 Week #2

  1. Love the cartoons! The cat one (awake for 2 hours) especially. I love the drawing where the cartoon character is holding the person’s arm. Very cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Diana,

      The drawing of the cook grabbing what you think is the artist’s arm is quite realistic. I loved to be able to do that but I know that takes years of experience and more talent than I have. I won’t stop, though. I want to push myself to see what I can and can’t do while having fun at it. I don’t take myself too seriously so that helps a lot. Thanks for the revisit and please feel free to stop in anytime!

  2. I am loving the cols weather and the snow even though it will be raining for the next couple of days but then freezing and a snow storm is supposed to be coming. I don’t ski or skate but I still like winter. It was bitter last week and the bad part is, when it warmed up, our pipes burst in the bathroom and now the bathroom is gutted. Thankfully we have an upstairs bathroom which is small but doable. I really like this song but the video made me laugh from the over the top soap to her granny with a full beard. I also love your apples-so tasty and coloured really well.

    1. Birgit,

      Yikes, burst pipes! That happened to us once but it was under the house. I remember it was so cold outside and we had to call a plumber. It was an emergency fix and I’m sure it cost us a pretty penny. That was in our early years of marriage. I was in college. After that, we began leaving our water on a bit to keep the pipes from breaking. I’m glad you liked the overacting in the video. It really is funny. I’m glad you liked my realistic apple sketch. I’m happy how it turned out for my first try. 🙂

  3. Ha, these are awesome. I love the doodles, you have a natural talent.I do apologize but we have had unusally “nice” weather so I am ready for a little snow in these parts. I don’t want to say it too loud because I also don’t want sub zero temps.

    Stay warm my friend!

    1. Kisma,

      I can’t recall where you live now but maybe you’ll get your wish. A little snow, a little cold is okay but when it stays frigid for days then I hate it! Luckily, it’s rare that we see sub-zero conditions here but we do get into the single digits. We got about three nights last week that dipped below 10º. It felt really nice today and it’s forecast to be nicer tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by! OH yeah, thanks for the sweet compliment on my artwork!

  4. My cats barely stay awake for two whole minutes, unless they are eating, of course.

    Your drawings are beautiful, i remember last April and hope you will do something like that again.

    1. Mimi,

      Yeah, I know what you mean about cats staying awake. They seem to sleep all the time unless their eating or bathing. lol Thanks for kind words on my art. I’m thinking about doing a continuation of my sketches except using my iPad and Apple Pencil. 🙂

    1. John,

      Maybe, he did. Someone introduced this song to me. I know I heard about her on Tom’s blog when she was in a group. I’ll have to check on Lee’s site to see if it was he who shared this vid. Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

  5. Bwahahahahahahaha on that poor cat that stayed awake for two whole hours.

    I’m having my first cup of coffee right now. I love my morning coffee.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥

  6. Good morning, dear Cathy!

    What an enjoyable post this was! I am guzzling black coffee and happily replaying “Havana” in my mind. It’s a catchy song that stays with you. I watched the entire video from start to finish and enjoyed the telenovela theme and funny characters. The song itself is a real winner, refreshingly different, not your standard cookie-cutter dance-pop. Thank you for mentioning me and SDMM, Cathy. At first I thought you were mistaken that I introduced you to Camila Cabello on my blog.. However, upon Googling the artist, I realized that indeed I did present her on SDMM in 2016 as part of the X Factor-created girl group Fifth Harmony. I have their EP and one of their albums in my collection. Camila’s got what it takes to make it big as a solo artist. If you discovered Camila by accident while searching for another artist that appeared on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve this year, it might have been Ciara:


    Cathy, you are an artist – period – end of sentence. Those apples look so real, so ripe, so delicious, they make my mouth water. Well done! I also enjoyed your cold weather memes. Florida has warmed up quite a bit in the last day or two after a string of very cold nights and chilly, windy days. I believe the temp dipped as low as the mid 30s here a couple of those nights.

    Thanks for the great mewsic, the sillies and the plug, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Thanks for the suggestion of Ciara but I don’t believe it was her. I think it was group performing and they were in Hollywood. I can’t remember the what the members looked like or any of the lyrics but the tune was really catchy. I will check out Ciara, though. I’m always on the look, as you know, for new mewsical talent. Ahh, I really appreciated your kind words about my realistic apple sketch. I figured y’all got some cooler temps when we did last week but honestly, that single digits stuff is totally for the birds (not the bird that lives in this house)! It’s been nice this past couple of days but I know it’ll cool off again. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

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