Thanks for joining me for a cup of coffee and giggles this morning, Kittens & Dawgs! Well, the holidays are behind us for another year. It’s time to put away the tree but frankly I don’t wanna and don’t have-tah, so I probably won’t just yet. It makes me so sad to see it all go away but I’ll probably begin taking stuff down next week beginning with the tree….maybe. However, not my village. That can stay all winter!
Do you still have your tree up? If so, when do you plan to put away your Christmas decorations?
Did you make a list of resolutions or goals for the new year? I did not but I do have one definite goal borrowing no complications I want VERY much for us to be in a new house before the year ends. That’s a tall, tall order to fill especially considering how picky we are in what we want but after nearly 40 years of marriage and oddles of baggage as in stuff that’s accumulated then we need a place that can hold everything that we have plus room to spare. We certainly know better what to look for this time around than we did when we bought this little starter house. I count our blessings for this place. God is so good to us. Hopefully, He’ll lead us in our decision for a next home. Any and everything else that I manage this year will be like icing a cake – sweet!
A few weeks ago, John from The Sound of One Hand Typing introduced me to the team of Callie & Colette members of mewsical group, The Croft family. Anyhow, I loved their retro sound (you can sample a bit of it in selection #2 of playlist) and beautiful harmonies so much that I decided to look for more YouTube videos to share.
Were you introduced to any new artists/bands or songs recently? You know I love mewsic, so share with me in comments!
There are days when I can relate to this, how about you? lol
How’s the weather where you are? This about sums it for me….
I’m linking up taking a HOT coffee break with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew this morning and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.
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The only resolution I’ve made for 2018 is to be a better bloggy friend and pay more visits!
Loved all the funnies – you crack me up! Thanks for being random with me each and every week, even though I’ve been lacking in the ‘good hostess’ mode! I promise to do better this year! Happy New Year my friend! 
Being a better bloggy friend is something I can stand to improve upon, too.
Lol, what a fabulous post my friend. Happy New Year!
Thanks for joining me in the New Year. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Have an incredible day!
You always make me smile. If you really want a new house, i hope you get one, but wouldn’t it be easier to get rid of a lot of stuff than to move it all? Of course, only you can decide that, but i do not want a bigger house, i want less stuff!
No, i was not built for winter, either.
Yes, I really would like another house. We have thought and thought over the years about revamping this place but honestly, the only way to do that is to move out. It would be next to impossible to habitat here with everything under constant renovation for the next forever. At best we could make some serious improvements but in the end we’d still be short on what we need extra space. I know if this is the direction we’re supposed to go then God will reveal every step that we need to take. I definitely do want less stuff and I know whenever we do move that the sorting process will be easier. Right now, we truly do not have the room.
It’s funny, DH & I were never winter lovers. We tolerated it better when we were younger but to say we liked the cold? Nope, I wouldn’t go that far. However, two of our three kids love everything winter. DD#2 is in hog heaven living in Maine now! I know if we can get through this week then things will be better. We usually get a couple of nasty weeks during our winter season then the rest of the time it’s tolerable. That may be a stretch but if we stay out of the teens and 20s at night then I’m a happy camper. Starting Sunday, our forecast is for calling for a bit warmer conditions. We’ll see. I’m sure I’ll still be complaining, though. lol
I was born in September so my parents started out the year with a bang.
Coffee, yes I’m going to get some coffee right now.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
LOL, that’s good!
Hi Cathy! Fun post, as usual. Yes, my tree is still up and will be for another week or so.
Hi, Cathy!
I am getting a very late start making my rounds this week because we have a house guest, a family member from California staying with us. He is a retarded man with special needs and his comfort and care come first.
It is very cold down here now and I am appreciating my hot coffee more than usual. The overnight lows are reaching the low 40s along the coast this week, and that means low to mid 30s inland – cold by Central Florida standards but not uncommon in winter. I have seen snow flakes down here a couple of times over the years and remember one night in particular when the temp dipped to a frigid 19 degrees in Tampa.
I hope your new year wish comes true and that you and DH find yourselves in the house of your dreams by the end of the year. Mrs. Shady and I will be finding ourselves in a new house by the time this MONTH ends, a move we were not anticipating nor prepared to make, but that’s how it goes.
I enjoyed your funny memes and the pin-up at the end, and also enjoyed the pure, clear voices of those singing sisters of the Crofts, a mewsical LDS family from Idaho.
Have a wonderful day, week and year, dear friend Cathy!
I appreciate you taking time to visit with your coffee. It’s just so darn cold here this morning. When I got up at 4:15 it was almost 8º. It’s now 12º. If we can get through this week then Sunday shows signs of things warming up a bit. At least our lows will be in the mid-20s to freezing. That’s a big improvement over the single digits and teens.
We actually saw a few flurries yesterday but any precipitation that fell would be frozen and will be for the next 2-weeks. I know y’all enjoy the winter and we were thinking we need to play the lottery so we can win a fortune. We decided we’d like to have a winter home in Miami and a summer home in Maine. lol
That’s right! I forgot that your daughter lives in Maine now. I can’t imagine how cold it is way up there!
My brain freezes just thinking about the sub-zero temps they are getting. I just checked their conditions and it’s currently -5º. The coldest I ever saw it in Knoxville was -24 in January 1985. If my memory serves me, we got about a foot of snow with the cold, too. Thankfully this occurred over a weekend so we didn’t have to be out in the cold and mess. I know I complain about the weather but in truth I know we are blessed to live here. It’s not bad compared to many other parts of the country which I have to remind myself of constantly during the coldest times.
Oh, I don’t drink coffee so I’m ok with that but if you take away my orange juice and Soda water ( I put the 2 together-half and half), I would have an issue:). I still have everything up at least until little Christmas which is January 6th or 3 King’s Day. Actually the 12 day’s of Christmas song is between Christmas Day and January 6th. This day is when the Ukrainians celebrate Christmas. I laughed and did everything that 1 to 10 jokefest stated…hahahaaaa. I am back to work today…oh well it is the start of a new year and I hope you find the home you wish for and I believe you will.
I don’t think I can do without my coffee. I love orange juice! Thanks for stopping in for a few random mewsings and mewsic. I hope this year is a fabulous one for us all!