Through Madisonville going to the Smoky’s and then home again

Although, summer isn’t over officially many of now consider it a thing of the past. Of course, here in east Tennessee, we’re experiencing cooler mornings and evenings but our day time highs are still rather warm.  

It’s also now time for me to kick-start my regular blog routine and honestly, I’m not sure if I’m ready to get going.  That all being said, I won’t sweat it and do what I can.  Blogging is meant to be a fun activity. If it’s not that then why do it, right? I’m taking on a new approach. I’ll do what I can each day and if I’m blessed to see a new morning then do a little more of the same ole stuff. 

Did you do anything special over the summer? We didn’t do a whole lot.  In fact, when I look back it seems like we did very little. We didn’t go to the mountains very much like we usually do but on the few occasions that we did, I tried snapping a few pictures. I wasn’t nearly as motivated as I’ve been in the past. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  Anywho, here’s glimpse from a little town in Madisonville, TN on July 5th.

To our backs is a King Donuts. This is a chain and we’ve tried them before but DH being the donut enthusiast that he is decided to give this one a try. It was about like the others nothing extraordinary.  

We went across the Cherohala Skyway toward to check out the Tapoco Lodge northwest of Robbinsville, North Carolina. The holiday weekend made it difficult for us to find a good parking spot to venture the grounds of the old historic lodge but we vowed to return sometime after school starts again.  Now that’s happened, maybe we can find a Friday to go back. 

While in Robbinsville, we explored the small town and came across the tribute and burial site of Chef Junaluska of the eastern Cherokee band who saved General Andrew Jackson’s life.  

It was a bright sunny day and I had no clue what I was getting when I took the above photo.  That’s a big draw back to  using a smartphone. It’s impossible to see the screen when the sun is out. However, I was able to snap the below picture just fine because I was in the shade. 😉

Not being pressed for time, we decided to return home by way of the Smoky Mountains.  It was a huge gamble with it being a holiday weekend but as I said, we weren’t pressed on time and enjoyed being in God’s country. 

We were rewarded in Cherokee, as we spotted a few elk in the field near the visitors’ center.  The parking lot was packed and although there were just these two elk I wasn’t going to get outside the car to photograph them.  I don’t trust wild animals. You never know when one will get spooked and do something stupid like charge you.  You’d not believe the dumb things terrorist (aka tourists) visiting our area do. 🙄

We proceeded across the mountains. At the top, we took a detour to Clingmans Dome but couldn’t get into the parking lot because it was not only jammed pack but the road was flooded near the beginning of the trail.  Traffic was quite heavy coming off the mountain and all the way through the foothill communities.  We knew it might be like this but decided to take the chance but despite the craziness, we enjoyed ourselves.  It was just what we needed minus the traffic chaos. 

That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution with Thursday Art Date with Rain

Thanks for joining me today and may you have a blessed day!

X💋X💋, Cathy

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself.  This linky party spans 14-days, so next week be sure to link up again. 😉  Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… spammers will be deleted without prejudice.

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