January skyviews and one snowy day

Nikon D7000 capture from our driveway

Almost three years to the day, I shared the image above of this gorgeous January afternoon sky with the Skywatch Friday community.  I find it hard to comprehend the end of the first month of the new year so soon.   I took the liberty to play with my photograph in Pixelmator Pro to remove the power lines and to brighten the exposure.  When you shoot straight into the sun the digital sensors go a bit bonkers trying to tone the light down and often making the picture too dark.

I doubt if we’ll see the sun today with a clouds in our forecast this Wednesday but we’ll see how it develops.  At least temperature-wise it isn’t supposed to be horrible. Again, I’m waiting to see how things shape up.  By the end of January, we tend to have more cold, unpredictable conditions. 

A week ago this past Monday, Eugi’s Causerie used COMPLICATED as her weekly word prompt. Like usual, I’m running late for the party as I continue to find my way back into creative writing. I’m not poet but I’m putting my best foot forward. 😉

A photo capture from a January night in 2018 never made its presence on CAAC. I guess I was less than excited about the image quality but looking at it now I sorta like it and am going to display it for you.

Nikon D7000 capture from our porch

Last year at January’s end, we had a bit of snowy precipitation bringing to our part of the city a couple of inches.  For some reason, I failed to share it with you. Again, I think it’s because I didn’t like the picture. 

What’s the weather like where you are?

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

Last week, I asked about the annual April A2Z blog fest. Some of  y’all said you were doing it while others are declining.  I get it, it’s really a busy thing to keep up with but I’m often compelled to get onboard since it pushes me to create, so with the discussion fresh in my head I started working on my pencil sketches. This year, I hope to share both pencil and Procreate illustrations but we’ll see how I do on time.  I just wanna have fun with it. I’m still waiting for the sign-up announcement to go live on the official A to Z Challenge blog but I’ll keep you posted on how my progression is coming as well as any mews updates I learn about the blog fest.

That’s it for now but I hope you’ll join me tomorrow for my latest Procreate art sketch creation for Rain’s Thursday Art Date!


X💋X💋, Cathy

I participate in these Wordless Wednesday Communities:

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