Waiting for the sunrise

Often times I’ll snap photographs with my iPhone with the intention of sharing later but then later never happens. Last week I mentioned since I’m not using my big girl camera much that I’d pull photos from my archives, so why not include my smartphone, too?

mid-November 2019

I love the silhouette trees and shrubs facing the south with the Smoky mountains barely visible just below the cloud line! We hope with our next home purchase we’re able to get a place with a similar view. Sometimes, while waiting on the sunrise…

it never comes just like this a few days later. Well…the sun did rise but the thick early morning fog shrouded the sky. All I could see was the glow behind the veil. It’s still a stunning sight!

Frequently, I like monkeying around with my images using my photo-editing software Pixelmator Pro to add a filter. The program calls this a Rosy effect.

The weather brings interesting changes within days apart as seen above, even as little as 24 hours as I pointed out in my mid-month BoTB last November.   

That wraps things. I’ll be back tomorrow with another art contribution for Thursday Art Date with Rain weekly prompt, leaps and bounds.  Thanks for joining me.  I’m gonna “Wait for the Sunrise” (Richard Marx) to see how this day shapes up but the forecast isn’t the greatest.

X💋X💋, Cathy

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

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