Snowy Days recent and long ago past

Last Thursday morning ole man winter sprinkled some snow across Knoxville. There was enough laying on the car windshield to warrant the need for DH to have to push, then scrape the glass off. 

screen shot from security camera

By the time it got bright enough outside there was only a scant of its presence resting on housetops and vegetation. Not hardly worthy  for a Kodak or in my case an iPhone moment. 🙂 I got to thinking about my archived photos and began digging through them to see what snowy scenes I captured over the years. Nothing I’ve seen in years compare with the Storm of the century which happened this month 27 years ago, most commonly called the Blizzard of ’93.  Anyway, I found two past Christmas morning pictures I took at DH’s parents. Each time, we were heading out the door and on our way back home. 

I did a little photo play using the vibrant filter effect in Pixelmator Pro. It was quite early on this morning and I vaguely remember it was probably before 8am. As we step outside, the rush of cold air took our breathe away and we were met with a Christmas morning snow fall.

A year later we got a repeater with snow on Christmas morning, except this time there was more of it. The clouds aren’t nearly as dramatic as above but I recall how the chilly temps and driving winds forced us to get into the car fast. I wanted to spend longer outside taking pictures before we left but it was too cold to leave my fingers exposed to the elements.

Christmas morning 2010
One more view of Christmas morning 2010

We sure had some good days in southern West Virginia filled with warm memories of those we love in this home.  Gone are those days until we see them again in heaven.

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That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution with Thursday Art Date with Rain

Thanks for joining me today and may you have a blessed day!


X💋X💋, Cathy


Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

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