Thursday Art Date with Rain on #WildWednesdays Abstract #art prompt

#WildWednesday photo reinvented using Brushstrokes. I shared a slightly modified version of this image on Sunday. I added scripture from Lamentation 5:22-23 to my picture hopefully to inspire others in the spiritual walk.
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I’m plugging in Sandee’s (Comedy Plus) Wordless Wednesday linky party below for y’all to join. I’ll be back next month hosting once again the mid-week linky party where just about anything goes with #WildWednesdays! 😉

I’m mixing things up during the last of my semi-hiatus days in Blogosphere.  I think I’d rather work my way up to full steam before my planned in September now instead of grappling to get back into the groove of blogging again.  

Today I’m doing two posts for the price of one. The best part is you don’t have to pay a thing to read the content. Next month I hope to be in full blogging mode but that always takes time so I’m doing something different and that’s the reason why I’ve rolled two into one.  This gives me the flexibility I need to share and keep my hand in both pots so-to-speak. 

I’m not one for abstract art. My brain isn’t wired to think that way and it’s been like that for the most part.  Although I’m trying I believe this is why I struggle to write poetry.  It takes a different mindset.  Anyhow, when I was in high school art class, one of our projects was wood carving.  They brought in a local who did it for a living and we got hands on exposure to using various chisels for shaping a piece of board into something artsy.  I chose to do a fruit bowl design but something went awry with my work forcing me to reinvent it into something more abstract. Somehow I came up with the idea of having the bowl full of fruit sailing on a sea of chocolate with mountains of ice cream in the background.  My art teacher entered the piece in the art fair that fall and it took honorable mention totally surprising me.  The same year I gave it to DH for a Christmas present. We still have it, too.

Received Honorable Mentions in the 1978 Art Fair
[Thursday Art Date with Rain] I drew this before I found my wood carving buried under a pile of papers on a bookshelf. I had forgotten exactly how it looked but I managed to get it close enough. I actually tried to put grapes in my original wood carving but I couldn’t manipulate the tools well enough without destroying the grapes. I believe my art teacher assisted with the cherries on top of the mounds of ice cream. 🙂 Visit Rain’s Garden to check out the gallery of talented artists’ on display!

What I need to do is teach my brain to think more outside the box instead of staying in a realistic realm from time to time to unlock a whole new creative side.

Thanks for making me apart of your day!  X💋X💋, Cathy


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