1999 picture memories of Perseid Meteor Shower & sunrise hike to Clingmans Dome summit with this week’s ‘Night Scene’ #art sketch

A good portion of my summer spent tucked indoors because of the pandemic I put to good use. I took on a huge chore and a long over due project to scan all photographs in albums. I haven’t completed the job yet but I’ve bad a huge dent in the stack.  Today I’m sharing a couple of those old photos.

The below picture was taken August 1999. We went to the Smoky’s to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower.  You can’t really see the shooting stars in the photo. DH used my little point n’ shoot 35mm camera which can only handle things close up under low light.  You can tell DH used the flash for this shot, otherwise he would’ve gotten practically nothing. This is me far left as you might have guessed with our three kiddos. DD1 & DD2 are to my right and DS is standing in front of me and his big sis.  We all wore shorts, not DH, but the cool night air required sweatshirts. My legs nearly froze off. 

Original print film scanned to computer, then photo enhanced using Pixelmator Pro-Click image for a pAwwwesome view!

We’re standing in the parking lot at Newfound Gap in the wee hours to see the heavenly night display.  After we got done, rather after we got too tired, we decided to hang around for the sun to break so we could take advantage of the timing to hike the Clingmans Dome trail to the tower.  We managed to get a short nap in the car without a park ranger disturbing us.  It was a chilly morning which motivated us to walk briskly up the steep half-mile trail. We counted ourselves blessed to have children who didn’t complain about being subjected to the horrors of exercise. It was a thrill for the whole family and the view breath-taking.  Below, I enhanced the only image that I captured early that morning with the sun’s glow visible to the right of the weather tower.  The old photo really needed the help.


Original print film scanned to computer, then photo enhanced using Pixelmator Pro – Click image for a pAwwwesome view!

After the trek up to the summit tower and back to the car, we were ready to head home after a very long night.

I’m plugging in Sandee’s (Comedy Plus) as well as Marie’s (XmasDolly) Wordless Wednesday linky parties, in that order, below for y’all to join. I’ll be back next month hosting once again the mid-week linky party where just about anything goes with #WildWednesdays! 😉

I’m going to step you through my process for  my ‘Night Scenes’ art prompt sketches.  The first illustration is my original pencil sketch but while resizing my image I decided to do a little photo-editing with Pixelmator Pro in my second image.  I added a dark layer, then used a flare brush to  add the points of the constellation. I knew straight off I wanted to draw Pegasus using my Procreate app more so after my photo play design. I wanted a truly dark backdrop but before I adjust the color to the background I sketched out Pegasus in a light grey, then added a black background color.  Digital art allows me to jazz up things with the luminance brushes. I added star flares (yellow), lightbrush strokes (red), and constellation labels (light blue) using this tool but for my signature, I switched to a gel pen brush. 

original #pencil sketch-Click image for a pAwwwesome view!
original #pencil sketch with Pixelmator Pro editing-Click image for a pAwwwesome view!
Procreate recreation of original pencil sketch-Click image for a pAwwwesome view!
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That’s it for today. I’ll be joining Rain’s Garden tomorrow and I invite you to check out the gallery of talented artists’ on display! Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Have a wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy


For more mid-week fun you may want to visit these communties: Wordless Wednesday &Wordless Wednesdays(Natasha).


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