Letters For Santa Pixelmator Pro photo edit to a Procreate Radio Time vintage pinup girl art sketch

Taken last December in Pigeon Forge at The Island. Would you like to Santa to send a letter to your child or grandchild? Follow these Instructions (broken link removed) to add a little extra Christmas magic into your child’s holiday.

I’m on vacation this week so there won’t be a WildWednesdays linky party but please feel free to add your link in comments for others to find you. 😉

Did you catch my first edition of BoTB for December? I’d love it if you have time to cast your vote in Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) showdown.



Movin’ right along, it’s the first Wednesday of the last month of the year. How. Did. That. Happen?  Christmas season 2020 is underway and while the festivities are obviously on my mind with the photo contribution above, my mind is still on colorizing my April A to Z vintage pinup girls.  We certainly do not have warm enough weather to enjoy it in a bikini but some where in the world someone is doing just this, lying on a sandy beach listening to some tunes.

The Procreate illustration is a near duplicate with the exception of adding the surf and sun backdrop to the original pencil sketch Radio Time. For a better view, click to enlarge.

That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow joining Thursday Art Date with Rain. Thanks for joining me today and may you have a blessed day!  X💋X💋, Cathy

I participate in these Wordless Wednesday Communities:

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